
Still haven't changed

Jesse's POV 

" I swear you and Benson are wrong, I Never cheated on Benson, it was all a misunderstanding ". I tried explaining, but she wasn't buying it.

"Stop all this drama".she muttered out in anger, 

"Just accept your mistake and Apologize to Benson, and he might forgive you and stop denying it ".

I shake my head before speaking up, 

"I did not do, I swear I did not ". I said those words as a plead.

She stared at me in disbelief and hatred before speaking up, 

"I have nothing to do with you, I leave it for Benson ".she muttered out those words and left.

I hissed in pain and stood up from the couch, I left the house and walked around the street of Australia with pain in my heart.

The weather was snowing, and I didn't put on anything suitable.

I spotted a coffee shop and decided to calm my nerves there.

I got in, brought my coffee and took an available seat.

I took a sip of the coffee and closed my eyes to relieve myself from the pain and torment I was going through, 

So many things went through my head as I drank the coffee.

I should end this marriage and leave the house, I thought to myself.

But then again that means I'm guilty of all the allegations on me, that's why I ran away.

I hissed in frustration and took another sip of my drink when I noticed someone standing before me with a cup of coffee in his hand.

I raised my head and stared at him, but he doesn't look familiar to me.

"Excuse me can I sit here ".he asked politely 

"Yeah sure ".

He smiled at me and took the seat opposite me.

"The weather is freezing ".he spoke up, 

“Yeah and I didn't come out with a jacket". I responded.

He smiled at me and I could notice he was staring at me with curiosity and I find it really strange.

"I'm Julius ,Benson's friend" he brought forth his hand to me, 

"Benson's friend ?" I asked shocked 

"Yes, can you please, my hand is on the air".he said those words while smiling at me.

I took his hand and we shake.

"I'm Jesse, nice meeting you".

The pleasure is mine ".he smiled at me and kept back his hand.

"You are even more beautiful in person".he muttered out those words while staring at me.

"Thanks". I blushed at his word.

He took a sip of his drink before he spoke up 

"Did Benson told you about this place ?".he asked 

"No, I was walking by and decided to check it out "

"That's nice, this is Benson's favorite coffee shop, he should be here any Moment from now ".

Hearing those words, I became tense and uncomfortable, I don't want Benson seeing me here.

"Are you okay ?" He asked while staring at me with curiosity.

"Yes". I was about telling him my goodbyes when I noticed Benson at the door staring at me with anger and hatred.

I swallowed nervously and look away, 

"He is here ". I murmured, 

Julius stared at me for a while before he turns around and saw Benson.

"Hey man, come join us, "

Benson stood at the door for a while before walking toward our table.

He took the available seat and stared at me coldly before moving his gaze to Julius.

"What are you doing here ".he asked in a calm voice, but I knew Benson, he was angry, and he was hiding it. 

"I'm here to take some coffee ". Julius raised his cup of coffee to Benson, who hissed and look away.

We both sat in silence and none of us said a word until Julius spoke up 

"So I heard that you are dancing with the royal dance academy ".he asked 

"Yeah". I replied

"That makes you an incredible dance ".he muttered out those words while smiling at me.

"Thank you ". I smiled back at him and took a sip of my coffee.

I could feel Benson's angry gaze on me, and it made me uncomfortable.

"I think I should leave". I muttered of those words and stood up from the chair.

"I'm also going home to pick up a file I'll drop you off, see you later man ". Benson stood up from the chair and shake Julius before leaving.

"Bye ". I smiled at Julius, who did the same.

Meeting Julius, I realized he was a very nice guy.

I left the coffee shop and sported Benson's car parked outside.

I went to the car, opened the door and went in.

"Seat belt". Benson demanded coldly

I stared at him and wondered if he gets worse day by day.

Benson put on the car and drove off in high speed, I stared at him and wondered why he was this anger. 

His eyes was fixed on the road and did not even turn his neck sideways.

In less than five minutes we were at home.

He parked the car at the garage and angrily got out of the car, not minding I was still inside.

I came out of the car and walk into the house where I saw Lilly playing with Benson, but he wasn't in the mood, but he was trying his best, so she wouldn't notice his mood. 

"Miss Lilly you are back ". Lilly giggled happily.

"Hey princess, I have to pick up something upstairs in my room ". Benson spoke up and started climbing upstairs.

"I'll be back okay". I smiled at Lilly and gently stroke her hair before climbing the stairs after Benson.

I went inside the room and noticed Benson was in the bathroom.

I hissed softy and went to the closet to change my clothes, so I go to practice and see Daniel later by the day.

I heard the bathroom door open and Benson walk into the sitting room and stared at me with anger and hatred before speaking up 

"You still haven't changed after all these years " he yelled in anger, 

I stared at him shocked and confused.