
Seems right and familiar

Benson's POV

“Can you sleep now “. I asked while caressing her hair, 

“Yes Dad “.she smiled at me and closed her eyes to sleep. I released a soft sigh in relief when I watch her sleep peacefully. these nightmares have been occurring since we lost charity. Although Lilly doesn't talk about what she sees in her dream, but I knew it always involves charity.

I sat on the bed and watch her sleep. She was just the exact copy of charity. Her deep brown hair, long pointed nose and white skin. Whenever I look at Lilly, I always see the attributes of charity in her .she is just five years old, and yet, she behaves like charity in so many ways.

I put the blanket properly on her before leaving her room. I got to my room and memory of what happened few minutes ago flashed in my head

I signed in frustration and sat on my bed. How could I be so stupid to fall for her seduction. I just lost my wife two years ago and here I am falling for a whore seducing me.

I hissed and stood up from the bed. I went to the bathroom and pulled off my clothes to take a bath.

The minute the hot water fell on me, I felt my body shiver and all I could think of was her body, her erect round breast and her perfect thighs. I hissed and turn off the shower and left the bathroom. I went back to my room and put on only my underwear. I hissed and lay on the bed. I tried getting some sleep, but my memory was full of her. I kept on recalling her perfect body and thought of what it would be if she had pulled off her pant.

“Fuck”. I groan when I noticed I was already hard. I hissed in frustration and stood up from the bed. I need something to distract Me from her.

I put on a short and left the apartment. I check the time and saw that it was few minutes pass 10 pm. the weather outside was cold and much snow were falling down today.

I hissed and started walking around the town. The people in the town were all indoor due to the much snow. I walked around the town for sometime until I noticed loud music coming from a corner. I walk towards the direction and noticed it was a small nightclub. I never knew such a town would have a club. Maybe a distraction like this could help.

I released an heavy sign and went inside the club. I brought a beer and sat at the edge of a table. I looked around the bar and noticed it was already decorated with Christmas lights and trees, and Christmas is still one month away. I rubbed my hands on my face and took a sip of my beer. I scanned the people in the room and noticed almost everyone knew each other, and they were all in a friendly conversation except from me who look like an outcast. I should be home sleeping by now if not for that bitch messing up with my head. Christmas has to come really fast, so I can get out of this town.

I groaned in frustration and took a sip of my beer when I noticed her seating with some group of people.

“Shit”. I shouted in anger .what in God's name is she doing here .who is the girl and why is she bent on destroying my life. I stared at her and realized she has seen me already. She flashed a big smile at me and waved at me, but I pretended I did not see her.

I murmured in anger and hurriedly drank my drink, so I could leave the club. I scan around the room and noticed she was gone already.I hissed in relief and stood up from the chair and made my way out.

I hissed in satisfaction when the cold snow hit my skin. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath before walking home. I was almost home when I heard voices from a corner.

The voice were that of a man and a lady, and the lady's voice sound so familiar.

“Shit”. I whispered when I realized who the voice belongs to.

I hissed in irritation and was about walking away when I heard I yell in pain

“Let go of me”.she shouted

Without thinking about a thing I rushed to the corner and saw Jesse struggling with a guy who was trying to pull off her dress.

“What's going on here “. I shouted in anger. Seeing her like that with another brought a familiar feeling to me, like I have seen her in such position before, and it was weird.

“Who the hell are you, “.the man spoke in anger.

“It doesn't matter, just let her go “. I spoke in anger .he chuckled softly and let go of her before walking to me and stood before me.

“It seems you are new in this town, and you don't know what I can do “.his voice was full of threats, but it didn't bother me at all.

“I don't care who the fuck you are and what you can do, all I am saying is that you should let her go “.he did not let those words finish from my mouth before he roughly took the collar of my Jacket and tried to Punched me, but I was fast to move away. I took hold of him and without stress I pin in to the wall. I raised my hand and wanted to punch him, but I heard her voice from behind.

“Please Benson, don't do it”.she begs. I groaned in anger and tightened my grip on him .why does this scenario look familiar. Its seems like I've heard her said those words before. I closed my eyes and shake my head, but her voice keeps ringing in my head.

I opened my eyes and let go of the man .he stares at me with fear before running away.

“Are you okay “.she asked while gently touching me to check if they were any bruises on me.

“Why does this look familiar”? I did not know when those words left my mouth.

She stares at me and I could notice tears pilling up in her eyes. Seeing her tears made me weak, and I couldn't explain it. Before I knew what was going on, she pulled herself to me and hugged me tightly.

I was supposed to feel disgusted and angry at her touch, but rather I felt at ease and a family feeling ran through my blood.

She pulled away from the hug and hit her lips with mine.my brain was telling me to push her away and tell her I feel disgusted by her kiss .but then I did not know when I pulled her closer to me and kissed her gently. She moans in between the kiss and took hold of my hair.

I pin her to the wall and raised her up a bit so that her legs were crossed at my back.

I left her lips and roughly kiss her neck.

“Benson”.she moans and took hold of my hair. Hearing her moan my name felt so familiar, and it triggers a familiar feeling in me. I left her neck and pulled her jacket off, only reveling her pink bra she was wearing. I groan at the sight of it and roughly took hold of her breast and started squeezing it roughly.

“Fuck”. I moan and kept squeezing her breast. I move my hand from her bra and ran my fingers in her thighs. The moment my fingers touched her thighs, she shivers and closed her eyes in bliss .the sight of this turns me on, and I was about reaching for her panties when my phone started ringing.

“Shit”. I roughly let go of her and went for my phone. I checked the caller and saw that it was from Sonia.

“Are you still outside, it's snowing really bad “.

“Am on my way “. I ended the call and stared at Jesse.

“Shit”. I spoke in anger.

What the hell was I trying to do. I was about having sex with her in a corner of the road, and she seems less concern.

I hissed and took in a deep breath

“Sorry, I was just sex starved” I murmured and quickly left her there without allowing her to say a word.

Since charity left, I have never been attracted to a lady or even thought of having sex with anyone. But with Jesse, he seems so right and familiar.