

Jesse's POV

"For goodness’s sake Jesse what are you dancing".he shouted in anger.

I was supposed to twist my hand to the right, but then I twisted it to the left, making me hit a dance mate of mine

"I'm sorry ". I murmured

"I don't fucking need your apologizes, I need perfection ".he yelled at the top of his voice.

This was going to end in a bad way and I could feel it in my bones 

"One two three ".he shouted in anger 

I spined to the right instead of the left 

"Are you fucking kidding me ".he yelled in anger 

I could notice everyone curious gaze on me.

"If I knew you danced this way, I will never have allowed you into this academy ".he spoke angrily, 

"Are you even a ballet dancer?" He asked in anger 

I could hear whispering and stares at me and I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Please excuse me ". I did not let those words finish from my mouth when I left the line and started walking toward my bag

"Come back here " I heard our dance Instructor voice, but I care less 

I would have talk back at him, but then he was older than me with more than ten years.

I pick up my bag and did not bother to change my clothes

I brought out my phone and texted Daniel telling him I couldn't make it because something came up.

In a few minutes he texted back and asked if I was okay.

I replied him and switched off my phone.

I walked around the street of Australia in pain.

"Do you dance with the royal academy ?"someone asked those questions while staring at me, 

I did not know what to say, rather I just smiled at her.

"Can I please take a picture?" She pleaded

"Yeah sure "

"Thanks ".

She stood beside me and we both took a selfie.

"Thanks, I really appreciate ".

"You are welcome ". I spoke up and started walking away before someone will notice me.

I walk for a while until I found a suitable spot to sit.

I thought for a while and brought out my phone to call Jennie.

I need to talk to someone and Jennie was the one.

The phone rang a few times before she spoke up, 

"You are supposed to be practicing by now". Jennie spoke in a sleepy voice.

I took in a deep breath before speaking up, 

"I'm just not in the mood to dance". I murmured 

I could hear movement, indicating she was getting up from the bed.

"What's wrong ".she asked, but I couldn't say a thing, rather I hissed and closed my eyes. 

"It's Benson right?" She asked in anger.

I closed my eyes and did not know what to say to her.

"What's going on".she asked in fear and concern.

"He remembers" I murmured

"Remember what ?" She asked confused.

I took in a deep breath and open my eyes before speaking up.

"Benson has gotten his memory back ".

"Really ?, this is good news ".she spoke happily 

"You should explain everything to him ".she spoke up 

I hissed and ran my fingers through my hair 

"It's not as easy as you think". I spoke up, 

"What do you mean ?" She asked confused, 

"He still doesn't believe me in fact, he hates me so much". I whispered in pain, 

"He had already gotten his memory before he asked me to marry him". I spoke in pain, 

"My goodness". Jennie exclaims in shock, 

"Benson went into drugs the day he saw me dancing with your friend and lost his memory in the process ". I murmured 

"He holds me responsible for destroying his life and that of his aunt ".

"That's ridiculous ".she shouted in anger.

I took in a deep breath and couldn't say a thing.

"Jesse, you have to leave him and leave that marriage". Jennie warned, 

"I can't, I fucking can't". I murmured in regrets

"If I leave now it will seem he was right all along and I can't take it, I need to clear off my name ". I spoke firmly.

Jeannie hissed angrily over the phone before she speaks up 

"You don't have to prove anything to him or anyone, leave that marriage and walk away ".she muttered out angrily

"I will, but that will be after four months then I can file for a divorce ". I murmured

Jennie groaned angrily over the phone before speaking up 

"If only you have listed to mom and I, you wouldn't be going through this pain. You would have been happily married to one of the men who asked for your hand in marriage".

I hissed in regrets and didn't know what to say.

"You are so blinded with childish love that you can't let him go when you realize he doesn't want to hear you out " 

I closed my eyes and didn't know what to say to her 

"Jesse" she called out to me 

"Leave if you can't take it anymore".she spoke almost like a plead

"I will ". I murmured

"Please take care of yourself ".she begged 

"I will ". I whispered

"I'll call you later ".

"Alright ". I said those words and ended the call .

I stood up and took a taxi home. 

I got to Benson's house and realized Lilly was already sleeping in her room

I checked the time and noticed we still have three hours to new year.

I walk upstairs, pull off my clothes and changed my clothes to something casual

I switch on my laptop and started watching dances of me, and all that the dance Instructor said to me rang in my head, but I didn't take it to heart because I knew I'm a talented dancer, and I was just distracted by my anger and pains

I stared at myself dancing and got lost in thought when I didn't know when Benson walked in and stood beside me.

"What are you thinking?".he asked in a tune the Benson I fell in love with will always use on me when he noticed I was troubled or sad.

Author's note 

Merry Christmas to all my amazing readers 💙