
Not just a dream

Benson's POV

Jesse was dressed exactly like the kids, but she was wearing a leotard and looked incredible hot.

"Hello everyone".she took the microphone from the host.

"I want to say some few words before my performance ". She flashed a big smile that made my heart flutter.

"As you all know, I've been in this town for few years now, and I must say it's the best experience of my life ". She expressed those words like she meant it.

"It was mum's wish that I and my sis comes down here someday and live and know the town she came from, because of the bad impression we had towards this town".

"I came here feeling scared and lonely, but within a week, I had families, friends and even kids ".she chuckled softly.

"It was indeed a great experience for me and I want to thank everyone for it." 

"It's time to go back home ".she whispered

I heard whispers and murmuring among the people and children.

"My plan was to stay another year here,, but something came up that needs my attention". 

"She is also leaving". I murmured to myself, 

I met eyes with her, and she quickly look away.

"I will be celebrating Christmas with you guys and after that, I will be gone ".she murmured with tears in her eyes.

I stared at her and realized she must have really loved this town and the people in it.

"Thank you and I really appreciate “.she bows and gave the host the microphone.

The lights were switch off and a familiar Christmas music started playing.

The hall was dark until a light flashed in the middle of the stage.

I look up and saw Jesse coming down slowly with a rope ,just then a memory flash in my head.

I groaned in pains and look back at the stage.

Jesse was already dancing to the music, but I couldn't concentrate. Memories and scenes I couldn't place or understand keeps flashing in my head.

"See, dad, I told you she was an amazing dancer". Lilly tap brought me back from my trance.

I stared back on the stage and saw Jesse dancing so well and comfortably to the music 

Everyone was marvelled at her performance and everyone was either taking a video or taking pictures.

She spins around and around for almost sixteen seconds before she fell on the floor and the music came to an end.

Everyone stood up and applauded her,, but that wasn't the case for me.

Memories and scenes were flashing in my head, and it was causing me a serious headache and I couldn't breathe properly

"Hold Lilly". I handed Lilly to Derick and stood up from the chair and walk out of the hall.

I went outside and took in a soft breath,but the pains were still there.

I found a pavement and sat down with my eyes closed, and then a memory flash in my head.

I was in a hall just like the one in this town, but this hall was bigger.

I walked in laughing loudly with strange guys I couldn't recognize, but one of the guys looks familiar.

"Your girlfriend is performing, so you should be in front “.one of the guys pushed me to the front row. I chuckled softly and sat down.

Just then the lights in the hall were switch off just like it was few minutes ago.

A girl who I couldn't see her face clearly was descending through a rope like Jesse did few minutes ago. 

She stood on the stage, bow her head before a Westlife music started playing.

Her steps her moves were just like Jesse, but the only difference was that Jesse danced with experience perfectly well than her, but it was the same dance step.

I hissed softly and open my eyes.

"Another strange memory". I murmured to myself in frustration.

Who is this girl and why does she keep tormenting my life, only one person has the answer to this, 

I brought out my phone from my pocket and dialed Aunt's number, it rang few times before it was picked.

"Hello Benson".aunt spoke up, 

"Hey Aunt ". I whisper

"Are you okay ".she asked, 

I hissed softly and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I got that strange memory again ". I murmured

The line was silent for a while before aunt spoke up 

"Just come back home son, and I will tell you everything".she spoke softly 

I hissed in frustration because speaking

"Why can't you tell me now and over the phone". I pleaded.

She hissed softly over the phone and kept quiet for a while before speaking up 

"It's a long story, I can't tell you over the phone ". 

I groaned in frustration before speaking up 

"I don't care if it is a long story, all I care about is you telling me what I need to know". I yelled 

I was getting angry and frustrated, what does aunt know that she is keeping from me and had refused to tell me until I get home.

"Stay cam and come home, then I will tell you everything ".she assured me.

Hearing aunt speak like this, I knew there was nothing I could say to her that will make her change her decision.

I hissed softly and thought for a while before speaking up, 

"I just have a question to ask you, and please answer me sincerely". I pleaded 

Aunt kept quiet for a while before answering.

"Speak "

I took in a deep breath before speaking up, 

"Was there a girl in my life before charity". I asked while seizing my breath.

"Son, you should come back home, then we can talk about it ".

I clenched my fist in anger and grits my teeth in frustration, before speaking up.

"I need answers now ". I yelled.

Aunt kept quiet for a while before she spoke up.

"Yes, there is a girl ".aunt replied firmly.

Hearing her reply I felt my heart pounding in fear, so all what I saw was not just a dream, all the memories that keeps flashing in my head were all real and not my imagination. But it was part of my memory I couldn't remember for a strange reason.

"Aunt ". I called out 

"I'm here ".she replied 

"What's her name". I asked while seizing my breath.