
New friends

Benson's POV

I heard laughter and voices from a Conner in the school.

The voices were voices of girls, and I knew they were just girls having fun. I was about to walk away when I overheard someone sobbing. I stopped and walk to their direction.

I got to the direction and saw a group of five girls laughing and mocking a girl who was soaked in tears and sitting on the floor.

"What's going on here ". I demanded in anger.

"Benson". one of the girls called out my name in fear.

"What's going on here ". I asked in anger.

"We were just playing around ". one responded in a shaking voice.

"Playing around ?".  I demanded in anger, 

They are kept quiet and remove their gaze from me.

"I'm asking a question ".

"We were just having fun, ". one answered in a shaking voice.

"Really?, having fun while a girl like you is on the floor crying? ". I demanded in anger.

"We didn't touch her, I swear".

I stared at the girl on the floor and felt pity and anger for her., she looks so fragile and looks like someone who needed a help.

I closed my eyes to calm myself down before speaking up.

"If I ever see you an inch close to this girl, I'll make sure you regret ever coming to this school ". I expressed those words not as a threat but as a promise.

They all flee away without saying a word.

I hissed and stared at the girl on the floor.

"Are you okay? ". I asked 

She nods her head but did not say a word.

"Come on ".  I brought forth my hand to her.

She stares at it for a while before taking it.

She stood up from the floor and look away, I stare at her and realized she must be going through a lot, and I felt an urge to be a protector and a big brother to her.

"Are you hungry?, I am going to have lunch with my girlfriend, will you join "? I asked, almost like a pled. 

She stares at me like she was trying to read through me before she nods her head in approval.

"Alright, let's go ".

We walk side by side with each other until we got to the school canteen.

I search around the hall until I noticed her waving her hand at me, still her face wasn't clear.

"Let go ".  I told the girl besides me.

I walk up to the table, and I asked her to sit, which she did.

"Hey babe".  I greeted.

Jeez stares at her not with anger but pity.

"Are you okay? ". she asked the girl besides me.

"Yes ". she murmured 

Jeez stared at me for a while before staring at the girl.

"I'm going to take our orders, what would you have? ".she asked the girl besides me.

"Anything you are having".she replied.

"Okay, I'll be right back ". she smiled at her before leaving the table.

"Don't worry, my girlfriend is a nice girl, both of you will get along". I beamed at her.

She nods her head and looks away.

In a few minutes, jeez came with our food in a tray, 

"This is for you ". she placed a plate in front of the girl.

"Thank you ". she murmured

Jeez smiled at her and kept my food in font of me before taking her seat.

"Let's eat ". I told her, 

She nods her head and pick up the spoon and started eating slowly.

We all ate in silence until we were through.

"Thanks for everything ". she said those words while staring at me.

"It's okay, but what happened there? ". I asked in curiosity.

She hissed before she started talking.

"I failed again ".she murmured 

"How? ". jeez asked 

"I failed the test, and those girls happened to see my result and mock me for it, ".she whispered in pain.

"Am so sorry ". jeez whispered to her.

"It's okay, it's not the first time ".she chuckled in pain, 

I stared at her and noticed she must be really going through a lot.

"What class are you?".  I asked 

"Class four ". she murmured

"We are in class five, you can come to us whenever you want ". Jeez spoke up.

"Thanks ". she murmured.

"Let me see your results". I demanded.

"You won't like it.". she shakes her head and look away.

"Please just let me see, I can help ". I pleaded.

She stares at jeez for a while before staring at me.

"Okay ". she murmured and went for her bag.

She opens her bag and brought out the results, I took it from her and stared at it.  indeed her results were bad, but I also noticed something.

"You do well in all subjects that don't involve calculation ". I spoke up 

"Yes". she replied 

I took a better look at the result and noticed she failed wholly on the five subjects that have calculation while she did well in the remaining five that don't have calculations.

"Math is your problem".

"Yes, and the funny thing is that I want to work in a bank ".she laughed, but not of joy but pain.

I hissed softly and gave her the results.

"When are your free days?".  I asked, 

She stared at me, confused.

"Why do you ask?".

"Because he wants to lecture you, he is really good at math, the best in our set ".jeez spoke up 

"Really ?". She asked in excitement

"Yeah "

"Thanks you so much ". she murmured in half tears.

"It's okay, I have basketball practice on Wednesday and Fridays after school, apart from that I'm always free, so choose a day ".

She smiled at both of us and took a sip of her drink.

"Thanks guys, ". she whispered with a big smile on her face.

"What's your name? ".jeez asked, 

"Victoria". she happily replied.

"Nice name., you can call me jeez and this is Benson".

"Thanks jeez, thanks Big Ben".she giggled happily.

"What did you call me "? I asked in laughter

"Big Ben, the name suits you, ".she responded happily.

I stared at her and noticed how happy she was ,within an hour of just staying with us, and I was so proud of myself.

"Big Ben it is ". Jeez said those words with laughter, and we all join her.