

Benson's POV

I stood by the door and couldn't move an inch as I watch her leave the house 

My head was spinning by her words, and it felt like I have made the biggest mistake of my Life. 

I left the door and sat back on the couch with all what Jesse said ringing in my head. 

She was right I have nothing against her, I did not catch her kissing the guy neither did I see her in bed with the guy, all what I saw was she dancing with a guy at a party 

I roughly ran my fingers through my hair in frustration as I realized I might be wrong all this while. 

I felt my heart pounding in fear as the thought of that came to my mind, what if I was actually wrong. 

I shake my head and stood up from the couch while I walk aimlessly 

"That can't be possible". I murmured to myself

I walk around the sitting room with Jess's words ringing in my head.

I stared at the divorce papers in my hand and threw it with anger 

I can't divorce her I knew I just can't divorce her, whether she cheated on me or not I just can't lose her 

I left the sitting room and went back to my room, I changed my clothes pick up my keys before leaving the house.

I went to the car garage, took one of my cars and drove out.

I drove for a while until I stopped in front of Julius house

I came out of the car and saw him already standing by the door staring at me with curiosity

"Hey man". I whisper and went in.

We walk into the sitting room, while I noticed Julius staring at me with curiosity.

"Can I get a drink ". I murmured while sitting on the couch.

He stared at me for a while before walking up to the bar, he brought of a bottle of drink and two glasses and kept them on the table beside us.

I hissed softly and poured out some drink in the glass and took a sip of it 

"What's wrong ?".he asked while staring at me, 

I ignored him and took another sip of the drink.

We drank in silence and none of us said a word until I spoke up, 

"Jesse gave me some divorce papers to sign". I murmured in regret 

Julius hissed softly and took another sip of his drink before speaking up 

"You should be happy, wasn't that what you wanted ".he asked while staring at me,

I shake my head and took a sip of my drink 

"It feels like I have made a mistake". I spoke up, 

"Yes you have ". Julius responded quickly, 

"I told you to calm down with things, but you refused ". Julius spoke angrily 

"Nobody is perfect even if she cheated on you that doesn't mean she stopped loving you ".he spoke firmly 

I hissed in regret and took another sip of my drink.

"She gave two days to sign the paper ". I murmured in pain 

"That serves you right ".he muttered out in annoyance

"You are not helping matters". I spoke angrily, 

"What do you want me to say ?".he asked in anger 

"At least say something that will be helpful to me ". I murmured

He laughed loudly and stared at me with a mockery look before speaking up 

"So you now need my help ?".he asked with mockery 

"When you first told me everything I begged you to let it go, but you refused, all you wanted was nothing but revenge, and now you are here asking for my help"

"What do you need my help for ?". He continued 

"Do you believe now that she didn't cheat on you, or you just want to let everything go ".he asked, 

I hissed and roughly ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

I was about to say something when suddenly my phone started ringing.

I checked the caller and saw that it was a call from a strange number, I picked up the call and a voice came up 

"Hello ".he spoke up 

"Hello ". I replied 

"Who is this ?". I asked 

"My name is Jay ".he muttered out 

"Jay?". I asked confused

"Sorry I think you won't remember me, but I need to have a few words with you"

I brought out the phone and stared at the number one more time before placing it back on my ear 

"What do you have to say to me ?" I asked in curiosity, 

"Can we meet somewhere, I can't talk about it over the phone ".

"Who are you ?". I asked, 

"You will know when we see, just come to the location I will send to you ".he muttered out firmly.

"Who are you ?" I asked again, 

He hissed softly over the phone before speaking up 

"When you come then you will know who I am ".

I stared at Julius, who stared back at me with curiosity.

"Okay, fine, send the location ".

"Alright".he muttered out those words and ended the call, 

"Who was that ?" Julius asked.

"I don't know,, but he said he had something important to say to me ".

The beeping of my phone got my attention, I checked the phone and noticed it was an address to an eatery.

"What is that ?" Julius asked while staring at my phone, 

"He wants us to meet at the eatery". I spoke up, 

"This is strange, and you don't know this guy".

"I don't know him". I murmured while staring at my phone, 

Julius thought for a while before speaking up 

"I think we should go together".he muttered out those words and pick up his jacket 

"Are you sure about this ". I asked, 

"Don't act like a girl and let's go".he softly taps my shoulder, and we left his house to the address the guy gave me.

I drove for a while until we got to the venue of the eatery.

I parked the car and walked into the eatery looking around when suddenly I noticed a young man my age waving his hand to me with a small smile on his face, 

"Who the hell are you ". I murmured to myself and made my way to him.