

Jesse's POV 

“Jesse, what are you doing here? ". Jennifer stood beside me, 

"Benson was here, ".  I whisper in pain

"And?". She asked, confused.

"He saw me dancing with one of your friends and thinks I'm cheating on him". I murmured in tears, 

"That's bullshit, we should go talk to him ". she gently taps my shoulder, and we left the club.

We got into her car and drove to Benson's house.

We knocked on the door and Benson's aunt was the one who opened the door for us.

"Good evening, aunt ". I greeted 

"How are you Jesse and Jennie". she asked with a smile on her face.

"Fine, is Benson in? ". I asked, 

She hissed softly before speaking 

"Did you guys have a fight? ".she asked 

"Something like that ". I murmured 

"He came back angry and has refused talking to me ".she expressed in a sad tune 

"Can I go in? "

"No dear, he has made it specifically clear that he doesn't want to see you, so I think you should give him some time, maybe you should come back tomorrow".she spoke up 

I wanted to object and begged her to let me in,, but then Jennifer asked me to listen to her.

"Okay aunt, I'll come back tomorrow'

"Okay dear, good night". she said those words and closed the door at us.

"Why is Benson acting like a jerk? ". Jennifer spoke in annoyance.

"He saw you dancing with a guy, not that you were even kissing him, ".she spoke angrily.

I hissed and closed my eyes 

"That's not the issues Jennie, you know I lied to him when he called, I didn't tell him we were going to a party that what why he thought I was cheating on him when he saw me dancing romantically with that guy ". I hissed in pain and brought out my phone.

I dialed Benson's number for several times, but he did not pick any. I was about calling again when I noticed he has already switched off his phone.

I hissed in annoyance and kept back the phone in my pocket.

"Don't think about it too much, he will come around like he always does ". Jennie assured me,, but I knew this time it was going to be different, something in me tells me something would go wrong.

We got home and luckily for us, mom wasn't back yet.

"Thank God ". Jennifer murmured in relief before sitting on the couch.

I hissed softly and went to the fridge. I took out a bottle of water and drank all in frustration.

"Calm down, you know how much Benson loves you, he won't break up with up at least not yet ". Jennie said those words nonchalantly before standing up from the couch.

"Goodnight, I'm so tired ".she murmured tiredly.

"I hate you, you are the reason am in this mess ". I spoke angrily.

Jennifer rolls her eyes at me before climbing upstairs to her room.

"I hate you ".  I screamed in anger before sitting on the couch.

I lay on the couch and my thought was full of Benson and what he might be thinking right now.

"Why are seated like this? ". I heard mom's voice.

I did not know when mom walk in, 

"Welcome Mom".  I stood up and tried going to my room when mom's voice held me back.

"Jesse". she called out in a worried tune.

I hissed softly and turn around and faced her.

"Yes Mom"

She walks over to me and stood before me 

"Is everything okay? ". she asked with a worried tune 

"Yes Mom".  I replied while avoiding her gaze.

She stared at me curiously,, and I knew she did not believe what I said.

"You can go ".  I did not let those words finish from her mouth when I rush and climbed the stairs to my room.

I wasn't ready for mom's interrogation.

I went to my room and lazily lay on my bed, I brought out my phone from my pocket and dialed Benson's number,, but it was still switched off.

I hissed in frustration and dialed Jacob's line., it rang few times because it was picked.

“Hey Jesse”.

“Hey jazz, what's up “.

“I'm good, you don't sound okay, is something wrong? ".he asked 

"No really ".  I murmured

"What is it? ".he asked 

"I and Benson are having issues, and I can't get through to him, ". I whispered slowly.

"It's okay, I'm already at home. I will just go over to his place right now ".he assured me 

"Alright, thanks ".  I ended the call and released a soft sign

At least Jacob can help talk to Benson on my behalf.

I removed my clothes and was about going to the bathroom when my phone started rigging, I rush to my phone and saw that the caller was Jacob. Quickly I pick up the call.

"Hey "

"Hey Jesse"

"What did he say? “.  I asked in fear 

"No one is at home, his aunt's car isn't parked in font of their apartment, I think he went out with his aunt ".

"Oh".  I whisper

"Don't worry, I will check on him first thing tomorrow morning and talk to him on your behalf"

I hissed softly and closed my eyes in relief

"Thanks Jacob, I really appreciate"

"It's nothing". he replied.

"Goodnight Jesse"

"Night Jacob". 

I ended the call and threw the phone on the bed.

I hissed softly and went to take a bath.

I step in the shower and felt all my nerves became calm.

I was restless and I was thinking too much., this wasn't the first time I and Benson were having a fight. why was I disturbed this time.

This was strange, really strange .