

Jesse's POV

"Thanks for dropping me ". I smiled at Daniel, who pulled me to himself and gave me a tight hug.

"Stop saying those things ".he muttered out and smiled at me, a smile that flutters my heart. 

"I'll go now". I smiled at him before getting out of the car. 

"Bye ". I waved my hands at him and watch him drive out.

I took in a deep breath before entering the house.

"Miss Jesse, we've been waiting for you". Lilly spoke up when she noticed me entering the house.

I smiled at her before kissing her cheek, 

"I'm so sorry, dear, but I'm here now ".

"I'll go in and change, and then we can go out, okay ?".

She nods her head and smiled at me.

I raffle her hair and smiled at her before climbing the stairs. 

I went upstairs and open the door only to see the room in total darkness

"Benson ". I called out but got no response from him.

I went for the light and switch it on, only to see Benson sited on the bed, staring at me with so much anger and hate.

I felt fear run through my blood as I lock eyes with him, I have never seen him this angry, it feels like it was a different Benson staring at me.

He stood up from the bed with a paper in his hands.

"What is this ?" He asked in anger.

I took a better look at the paper and realized it was the divorce papers.

"Are you in such a hurry to divorce me, so you can be with him ".he muttered out in anger 

I stared at him shocked and confused and was about saying a word when we heard a soft knock on the door 

"It's getting late ".we heard Lilly's voice at the door.

Benson hissed softly Before going for the door, he opens the door and led Lilly downstairs leaving me alone in the room

I sat on the bed and stared at the divorce paper on the floor.

I felt tears threatening to fall down my eyes, but I wipe them off, I won't allow myself pour more tears for him.

I stood up from the bed and went to the closet.

I open the closet and brought out a simple dress and changed into it.

I combed my hair and did a light makeup before going downstairs.

I got downstairs and met Benson and Lilly waiting for me in the sitting room.

"You look amazing ". Lilly giggled happily and stood up from the chair and walk up to me.

"Where is Linda ?" I asked while staring around.

"She went out". Lilly replied

"Okay, let's go ". I took Lilly in my hands, and we left the house.

I opened the back seat for Lilly before seating on the front seat, and Benson drove off.

Few minutes we were in a beach.

Benson parked the car and we all came out.

"Yah”. Lilly exclaims happily, 

I smiled at her behavior before taking hold of her hand because the place was crowded with people.

"Hold on to me, okay ?" I told Lilly

"Yes miss Jesse".she smiled at me, and we followed Benson in.

We brought our drink and Benson spread the blanket on the floor, and we sat down with our food and drinks.

"Let's take some pictures ".

"Alright ". I stood up from the floor and pick up the camera.

I took a picture of Benson and Lilly before taking a picture of I and Lilly, 

"Let's take a family picture ". Lilly spoke up 

I sat on the floor while Lilly was in the middle and Benson at the other side .

"Cheese". Lilly exclaims happily before we took the picture.

I smiled at her before keeping back the camera.

We eat with Lilly talking about everything.

I stared at her and was happy that she was this lively despite losing her mother at such a tender age.

I wish I could stay and be a good mother to her,but fate has another thing install for me. 

"I want that ". Lilly pointed at a ice cream stand, 

"Let's go get it". I stood up and took Lilly in my hand, 

We squeeze ourselves among the crowd and brought three cups of ice cream.

I held the ice cream in my left hand and was about bringing the money out from my pocket when I let go of Lilly's hand and paid for the ice cream.

I went for Lilly's have but couldn't find it 

I turn but couldn't find her, I felt shivers and fear run through my body.

"Lilly ". I call out her name.

I stared around but still no trace of her.

I walked around screaming her name with people staring at me with pity.

I felt scared, really scared as I walk back to Benson.

He saw me from afar and quickly stood up from the ground.

"Where is Lilly".he asked while holding my two arms in anger, 

"I don't know how she left my side". I murmured in tears, 

"Tell me you are joking". Benson pleaded in anger

I shake my head in tears and couldn't say anything.

He pushed me away and ran to the direction of the ice cream stand, while I ran after him with my heart pounding in fear.

We got to the ice cream stand but did not see Lilly, Benson yelled her name but still no response from her.

"Lilly ". I called out in a weak voice full of tears.

Benson moved closer to me and grab my two arms in anger 

"Don't you dare call out her name".he yelled in anger 

"If she was your daughter you will ever lose her  because she isn't yours that's why you were too careless with her ".he spoke in anger 

Hearing those words from him, I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheek.

How can he even say such a thing to me, to me Lilly was like a daughter of Benson and me, and here he was saying such hurtful words to me.