

Jesse's POV

“You must have seen wrong “. I told her, 

“Really “.she uttered in disbelief and kept on staring around, 

“That guy looks a lot like Benson”. She chuckled softly, 

“Maybe it's because you haven't seen him for a long time “. I told gift 

“That's right, have you guys found each other “.she asked 

I chuckled softly and look away, I need to find a way and discharge her before Benson comes walking in.

“I've always been in a particular place, so I don't think he is looking for me”

She hissed softly and stared at me with pity and concern.

“You are still not over him right “.she asked, 

I smiled Before speaking up 

“One can't forget their first love “. I spoke firmly.

“That's true”.she nods her head and look around.

“Are you looking for someone “. I asked nervously.

“Yeah my husband”

“Here he is "

I turn around and met a dark handsome young man staring at me 

“Hello”. He brought forth his hand and shake me, 

“Hi am Jesse, nice meeting you “.

“Nice meeting you Jesse, I'm John”.he smiled at me 

“So you are gift's high school classmates “.he asked 

“Yeah, basically the same seat “. I replied, "That's nice “.

“Jesse I hope we can meet again, here is my card “.she brought a card from her bag and handed it over to me.

“Alright, I will give you a call”. I smiled at both of them and hurriedly walk away.

I got to where my car was parked and saw Benson already seated in the front seat of the car.

I hissed in relief and open the car, 

“Sorry for keeping you waiting ". I said those words the moment I entered the car 

“It okay I see you were having a conversation with your friend, so I decided not to disturb you “.

I hissed in relief and turn on the car.

“Where to “.he asked, 

“Market”. I replied

He nods his head and look away.

We drove to the market in an awkward silence until we got there.

“We are here “.

“This place is crowded”.he spoke in surprise 

“Yeah, so many people in different town buys things from here “. I replied 

“Oh”.he exclaims and came out of the car.

We walk side to side until I got to a stall that sells ear rings, 

“This will look beautiful on Lilly”. I turn around but couldn't find Benson by myself.

“Are you looking for someone”. The ear ring seller asked 

“Yes, the guy that walk in with me “. I replied while searching around, 

“A guy?, you didn't come with anyone”. She spoke firmly

“Really “. I asked, 

“Yeah, you came alone “.she spoke firmly.

“Here, have this, I'll come back for it “. I hand over the ear ring to her and left the stall.

I search around the market but couldn't find Benson anywhere.

I brought out my phone from my pocket and dialed his number,, but it wasn't going through.

“Shit “. I murmured and walk into the crowd of people to search for him.

I walk back to the car but couldn't see any trance of him.

I left the car and search around and around but still couldn't find him.

I gave up and decided to wait for him in the car when I turn around and saw Benson sitting on a bench lost in thought.