
Live your life

Jesse's POV

"What else did he say". I asked over the phone 

"He asked for your name"

"What did you tell him ".

" I told him the name he usually calls you.

I hissed in relief and spoke up, 

"What else". I asked, 

"He asked for your pictures, but I took them away before I gave him the photo book ".

"Thank you ". I whispered

"Why don't you want me to tell him Jesse, I would have just told him everything".he demanded.

"I don't know, I just don't want him to remember anymore". I murmured

"Why " he asked in shock.

I hissed softly and sat in the couch.

"I don't know, something in me tells me if he finds out about everything, something will go wrong ". I murmured.

"What could possibly go wrong ".he asked confused.

I hissed softly before speaking up, 

"I don't just know, my guts just don't fail me". I responded.

He hissed over the phone before speaking up.

"I think he is getting back his memory ". Jacob whispered over the phone.

"Really ?". I asked, 

"Yeah, he saw the school canteen in a picture and recognized it ".

"Wow". I exclaim.

"That's good, I'm just not ready to explain things to him right now ". I murmured in frustration.

"I understand, but there is a problem".

"What is it ". I ask

"He is going back to Australia to get answers from his aunt ".he spoke firmly.

"Really". I asked in shock, 

"Yeah, he told me he has been having series of dreams he doesn't remember having memory of, so he is going to get answers from his aunt ".

I hissed in frustration the moment I heard those words from it.

This was a big risk  because I knew the last encounter I had with his aunt wasn't pleasant, and I wonder what she might tell him.

"This is bad "I murmured, 

"Indeed". Jacob responded.

I ran my hand on my face, I thought for a while.

"I still don't know why he would forget us, it's so strange ". Jacob spoke in disbelief.

"Did Benson ever make mention of any health problem to you ".he asked, 

"No, Benson was fine and healthy". I replied.

Jacob took a deep breath before speaking up.

"This is strange, really strange ". He murmured.

"Let's wait and see what the aunt have to say about this  because he will be coming to the school reunion".he spoke up, 

"School reunion?". I asked

"Yeah he is also coming, hope you would be there ".

"I will be in Australia, but I will come, so I could hear what he has to say".

"Very well, let's wait and see what his aunt has to say because I'm so curious why Benson will totally forget us ". Jacob, expressed those words in disbelief.

I hissed before speaking up 

"Thanks for your help, I really appreciate"

"It was nothing, I just hope things work out fine ".he replied firmly

"Me too". I murmured

"Later Jesse

"Bye Jacob". I ended the call.

I kept back the phone and hissed in relief.

Hearing all these for Jacob, I was glad he is trying to know his past and can't wait for that day when it will happen.

I was happy and also restless because of what my guts tells me.

What if Benson gets his memory back and still thinks I cheated on him ,how will I explain things to him.

I hissed softly and stood up from the couch, I walk into my bathroom and changed my clothes before walking out of the apartment.

I step out of the apartment and shiver the moment the cold breeze fell on me.

I sign in relief and started walking in the street of the town.

I walked for a little while until I got to the cemetery.

“Good day”. I greeted the security.

He flash me a big smile before standing up.

"Good day my dear Victoria, I heard you would be gone after Christmas".he asked 

"Yes sir "

"Oh, that's a shame, we all will miss you,, especially the kids"

"I'll miss you guys too, but I promise to come visit from time to time ".

"Really? That would be nice "

"Thank you"

I smiled at him before walking into the cemetery.

I walk to mom's grave, but then Charity's grave caught my attention.

I stood in front of it and stared at it,

I wondered if she knew he lost his memory or was she also ignorant like he did.

I stared at her grave one more time before walking away.

I got to mom's grave and squat in font if it.

"Hey Mom ". I greeted with a smile, 

"You miss me ?, 

I miss you too ". I chuckled sadly.

I hissed and ran my fingers through her grave.

"I'm leaving mom". I whispered, 

"I'm going to pursue my dream like you always wanted me to. I'm going to live my life like you always asked me to mom, I'm going to do all that ". I whispered in half tears.

I closed my eyes and a memory flash in memory.

"What do you mean you won't take the offer"? Mom asked in annoyance.

I hissed softly and sat on the couch.

"Jesse, I'm talking to you ".she demanded in anger.

"Mom, I told you I don't want to go to any audition". I murmured angrily.

"And why is that ".she asked in anger, 

"Because I don't have the zeal to dance or be on any stage for now ". I murmured.

Young woman, you must be joking".mom yelled angrily.

"You've put your life on hold for the past two years since Benson left".mom shouted angrily

I roll my eyes in frustration and look away.

"You no longer draw, neither do you even practice anymore ".she spoke angrily.

"I will draw and practice, mom, but not now".

"If not now, then when ". She asked in anger, 

"I don't know ". I murmured.

Mom scoffed angrily and sat on the couch, 

"Listen Jesse, I'm your mother and I want the best for you ".she expressed those words like she meant it.

"You need to live your life, you can't keep your life on hold just because you are waiting for Benson to return to you ".she spoke firmly.

"What if he doesn't come?, will you grow old waiting for him ?" She asked those questions while staring at me with a pity look.

"I know it hurts, everyone knows you are hurt, but you need to get up and live your life live your dreams and accomplish what you what to accomplish in life, then when he comes he will see you as a successful young woman and not a girl who sat all day wasted her life while waiting for him ".she spoke firmly.

She brought forth her hand and place it on my shoulder.

"I believe you will think about it ".she muttered out to words and left me in the sitting room.