
Falling in love with a strange lady.

Benson's POV

She stares at me with astonished eyes.

I took a better glimpse at her and realized I must have been the one waking her up from sleep.

I watch her stare at me and gulped before speaking 

"Good morning Benson, is everything alright".she asked 

“Yeah”.  I replied firmly.

"Please come in. ". she stood aside and allowed me walk in.

I walked into the sitting and sat on the couch.

"Sorry for waking you up ". I murmured 

"It's okay ". she sat on the couch opposite me.

I stared at her and noticed she was putting on a short nightgown that exposed most of her thighs, and I couldn't just look away.

I stared at her until my gaze fell on her well erect breast and I could virtually see the shape of her nipples.

I felt my dick jump in anticipation, and quickly I glance away.

"Excuse me, I will be back ".

Quickly, she stood up from the couch and rushed to her room.

I stared at my down below and noticed I was already hard, this was the effect of not having sex for two years.

I groaned angrily and tried to take the picture of her in that night gown off my head, but I couldn't.

"Do you need tea or coffee? ". Jesse spoke from behind.

"No, thanks ".

She walks over and sat on the same couch opposite me.

I stared at her and noticed she has changed the night wear to a big Shirt and a sweat pant.

I hissed silently in disappointment.

"Is there anything I could do for you? ".she asked, while staring at me with curiosity.

I hissed softly and ran my fingers through my hair.

"It's Lilly ". I murmured

"Lilly?, is everything okay with her? ".she asked in a worried tune .

I stared at her and could notice how her mood suddenly changed the moment I mentioned Lilly's name, and, for strange reasons, I was happy.

"Yeah, she's fine ".

"Oh, I see". she replied

"What's the matter then? ".she asked 

"Lilly asked if you could join us for Christmas lunch".

"Christmas lunch?". she asked 

"Yeah "

She thought for a while before speaking up 

"I have a Christmas dinner to catch up with a friend and his family, but I think I can make it to your Christmas lunch., after all I don't have anyone to spend Christmas with "

She spoke firmly.

All she said did not matter to me, all I was concerned about was who was that friend she was going to have Christmas dinner with.

"Will you have the dinner in this town?".  I asked in curiosity.

"Yeah, not very far from here, so I think I could make it, ".she spoke confidently.

Not very far from here, I murmured to myself 

Who could be that friend of hers that she was going to have dinner with his family.

"Benson". her voice brought me out of my thought.

"Yes, I will let Lilly know, she will be so happy". I spoke up, 

"I bet she will, am just doing this for her, ".she smiled 

"Thanks, I appreciate". I replied

We sat there in an awkward silence and none of us said a word.

"I should go ".  I stood up from the couch and walk to the door, 

"Thanks for accepting our invitation on such a short notice". I said those words and went for the door.

"It's nothing". she replied and smiled at me.

I felt my heart flutter, and I knew I need to leave immediately before I do something stupid.

I open the door and quickly left the apartment.

I hissed in relief the moment I left her apartment.

I walk back to the apartment and met Lilly's curious eyes on me.

"She accepted". I murmured

"Yeah, dad is the best ". she stood up from the couch and gave me a tight hug, 

"Love you Papa". She giggled happily and ran away.

I hissed in relief and made my way to my room, I pull off my jacket and took away my shoes.

I sat on my bed and put on my computer to work on some designs when the picture of Jesse putting on that night gown flashed in my head.

"Not again, " I murmured in frustration.

I went back to the design, but I wasn't concentrating, I tried several times, but I keep seeing her in my head.

Angrily, I stood up from my bed and put on my jacket and shoes before leaving my room.

I got to the sitting room and met Jesse asleep on derricks leg.

I kissed her on the forehead and left the apartment.

I hissed in relief when the cold Breeze fell on me.

I walked for few minutes before I got to the cemetery. I passed few graves before I got to Charity's.

I hissed bitterly and took in a deep breath.

"Hey baby, ".  I greeted with a smile.

"I came to see you since it a week to Christmas and I know how much you love Christmas," I chuckled softly 

"I think Lilly has gotten this from you because she so much adores Christmas and looks forward to it every passing day ". I smiled 

I ran my fingers on her tomb where her name was printed on 

Beloved mother, wife and sister 

Charity Benson Whitwell


I hissed softly and drew in a deep breath.

"If only you were here, things would have been more easier ". I murmured in tears 

I ran my fingers in my hair roughly and felt tears threatening to fall down my cheek, but I held them back.

"I miss you baby, everyone does ". I spoke in pain.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath for what I was about to say

"Strange things are happening to me baby, I feel strange affection towards a stranger, and it scares the shit out of me ". I expressed bitterly.

"Am sorry if I might have wronged you with the things I have been saying and doing for the past few days, but believe me I have no control over them".

"Each time I try to get her off my head,, but she keeps invading my head and I can't do anything about it ". I spoke in pain, 

"It's hard for me to say this, but I think I might be in love with this woman". I murmured bitterly.