
Coffee date

Jesse's POV

I close the door after they left and slowly went back to my room. I pick up my drawings and stared at the drawing of I and Benson. I felt tears threatening to fall down from my eyes, but I held them back.

I stared at the drawing and memories of both of us together kept flashing in my head. I  released an heavy sign in pain and closed back the book, these are memories that were still fresh in my head. I kept back the book and decided to take a little walk, so I could clear my head. I changed my clothes and left my apartment. I walk around the town and found a comfortable spot to sit.

I took in a deep breath and sat down. I noticed my phone ringing and picked it up 

“Hello”.came the voice 

“I'm calling from the royal academy, we will be expecting you by next week”.the voice spoke up 

“Expecting me “. I asked confused.

“Yeah, you sent your acceptance form to us few days ago “. I hissed when I realized Jennifer must have sent the acceptance form without my consent.

“Can I call you back “. I spoke slowly.

“That won't be a problem “. The line was cut off.

I murmured in anger and dialed Jennifer's number, it rang a few times before it was picked.

“You finally remember you have a sister “. Jennifer spoke in a bit of anger. I roll my eyes before speaking up, 

“Why did you accept the Royal dance invitation without my consent “. I asked.

“I did what was best for you “.

“And you think that would be best for me “. I spoke in anger.

“Don't raise your voice at me “. She shouted in anger. I murmured softly and took in a deep breath. I knew Jennifer gets angry easily, and I wasn't ready to exchange words with her.

“Listen”. I spoke slowly

“Call them and tell them I can't except their offer “. I said those words and ended the call. I hissed in relief and kept back my phone .the royal academy was a good offer, but I have to complete what I have been doing here.

I stood up and made my way back to the apartment. I got back to my apartment and lay and on my bed waiting for tomorrow to come.

The next morning, I was awoken up by my alarm. I put it off and stood up from the bed, I took my bath and put on my clothes before leaving for practice.

I got to the practice hall and met some kids already there.

“Good morning, Miss Jesse”. They all greeted with a smile. I smiled back at them and started arranging my things.

“Good morning Miss”. A familiar voice caught my attention. I look around and saw Lilly smiling happily at me.

“My dear Lilly, how are you”. I caress her cheek softly.

“I'm doing well”. She giggled happily and ran off to meet the other kids. I stood up and met eyes with Benson. The moment I met eyes with him, I felt my body shiver and I became uncomfortable.

“Hey “. He greeted, 

“Hey “. I smiled at him and look away, trying to avoid him, so he could leave, but he didn't.

“I wanted to thank you for having us yesterday”. He spoke softly.

I nod my head and kept on unpacking my things.

“I wanted to ask if you will be chanced to have a cup of coffee with me “. He spoke almost in a whisper.

I froze the moment I heard those words from him .was Benson asking me out for a date, or was something else involved.

“It's okay if you are busy, " he spoke up when he noticed my hesitation.

“No, I have a lot of chance “. I spoke up quickly.

He stared at me for a while before speaking up.

“I'll come pick you up by 5pm”.he said those words and walked away. I stared at him in shock until he left .what is wrong with Benson and why was he acting this way. I will only find out during the coffee date. I hissed and took in a deep breath.

“Alright, girls, let's get to practice”.