
A Man Called Benoit


I woke up rubbing my eyes to an unfamiliar voice greeting me a good morning. I looked around to find a good-looking man, a middle-aged man. Not too tall or too short, not too buffed or too thin, just a regular normal man with pure elegance and etiquette. Somehow he didn't fit in this hellish mansion, he was kind and I knew it. I gave him the warmest smile and asked who is he

"I'm the butler here, 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘦 " replied the man in a very Authentic French accent

" you are French, sir? " I asked

" yes 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘦 " the man replied politely with his head slightly bowed to the ground.

"What is your name, sir? " I asked the man leaving the bed and standing in a completely chaotic mess I made of myself.

" it's Benoit Moreau, 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘦 " the man replied unaffected by my appearance " 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘦, it's already 8 O'clock. I believe you want to take a relaxing bath. The bathroom is this way " the guy added pointing out to a lavish large door on the left side of a gigantic T.V, coming to think about it I was so caught up to all the sudden drama on going that I did not realize how big this place was. There was a chandelier of my size hanging above the bed, the walls were painted with a slightly gray color with a slap brush texture of gold paint making it look dreamy, the vases were simple and had a neutral color, the bed was a queen size with a white princess canopy tangled with fairy lights. I think the waiter noticed me judging the room like a hawk which I guess troubled him and he asked

" ahem! 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘦, is the decor not to your liking? " he asked bringing my attention back to the conversation

" No! No! It's beautiful " I replied a bit embarrassed for suddenly zoning out during a conversation.

" thank you 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘦, young master Val selected the decor by himself before heading out," he said placing a few sets of clothes on the table "

" oh okay " I replied

" please be downstairs as soon as you can 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘦," he said before leaving.

" Um..sir! Please call me serenity. " I said stopping him on his way to close the door

" 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘦, I cannot call you that," he replied

" Please! I insist " I plead

" 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮e, I am afraid I cannot do that " he replied troubled.

" you can call me serenity when your young master is not around, in that way, you won't be breaking any rules " I suggested

" but 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘦..." he got puzzled

" I insist " I plead again

"Okay serenity " he agreed before shutting the door gently after leaving the room.

I picked up the set of clothes and they did not belong to me, It was a brown bodycon dress accompanied with stockings and an oversized dark brown coat. I wanted to refuse the hospitality but I needed to shower badly, so I lowered my pride and went to shower.


The bathwater was lukewarm and the bathtub had a lavender-scented fragrance, my favorite. I slide inside the bathwater with a numb heavy mind. After about 10 minutes I went to shower and clean the mess I was.


I wore the dress which fitted me perfectly as if the fabric melted on my body giving it a nice curvey look, I hated my reflection but for the first time I didn't, I didn't hate it or love it, my feelings were neutral. I didn't see any accessories to go with my hair so I just kept it open, a little lipgloss and I was ready to be on my way.

I walked down the never-ending hallway and I was pretty much breathless, the heels were a bonus to my misery and just when things couldn't get worse I found Val looking at me.

" what? " I asked looking him right in the eyes

" You don't look bad " he replied

" Thanks," I said politely

"Please," he said pointing out to the couch and asking me to sit, I took off the coat and placed it on my lap after sitting down as he asked.

" So," I asked looking at him awkwardly

" Well? " he asked curiously looking at me

"What are my tasks? " I asked

"Tasks? " he leaned back on his seat

" you bought me, so what do I have to do to repay you, " I asked boldly. I think I said something funny according to him but all I know is a smirk carved on his handsome face made my heart skip a beat. After a minute of silence and being judged by his odd and rare smirk he put some papers on the desk and slide them toward me

" what are these, " I asked picking them up

" a contract " he replied

" a contract? " I asked curiously going through every page of those papers carefully

" You will work as my P. A from tomorrow onwards " he said

"Why someone as inexperienced as me? " I asked

" I did not ask your opinion. You want to pay off the debt or not? " he replied while the smirk on his face disappeared

" Sure " I replied

" sign it," he said

" wait a minute..." I said reading every line of the paper "What is this " I asked

" What? " he asked

" I will have to pay off 1 million if I quit? " I asked shocked to my spine

" yes " he replied

" this is outrageous " I slammed the papers on the table

" find a way to return 20 million to me and then give me that attitude," he said calm as ever. I was lost for words and couldn't do anything about it. He was right, I owed him money and I hold no position to nag about the given conditions. I quietly signed the papers and handed them to him.

" very well," he said handing them to the guy standing next to him "Well, your parents dropped off your luggage, you can go and check if you need anything more " he added

"Sure," I said before leaving him standing there.


Well, at least I have a few memories with me, I opened my luggage and placed all my belongings in the large wardrobe, I took off the clothes Val arranged for me and got dressed in the ones I owned. After 30 minutes I was laying down on the large bed facing the fancy chandelier hanging above me and suddenly I got reminded of my bff Alisha, she must've been worried sick since I don't take the day off even if I'm sick. I pulled out my phone and updated my best friend Alisha about everything, she told me to be careful and to take care of myself. After about 10 minutes of conversation, we said bye and I played down there alone in silence. I never imagined my life to work out like this

" at least he didn't make me his entertainment " I mumbled to myself. A soft knock appeared on the door and I jumped out of bed, maybe I was too lost in my thoughts. I rushed to open the gate to find Mr. Moreau there with a tray of food. I allowed him in and he placed the tray on the bedside table

" Bon appétit, serenity," he said bowing a little before closing the door. I looked at the white breakfast in front of me which looked delicious!

"Well, I guess, life is not so bad," I said to myself while digging in the food.

Serenity wakes up to a middle aged stranger's voice and just by one look at him serenity knew he was different than the ones she have met earlier. she had a decent conversation with him before starting her day to another contact proposed by Val. out of the pressure of debt and will to be free she goes for it and agrees to the terms and conditions. after a peaceful conversation she calls Alisha to update her about everything and then she gets to have a heartful english breakfast.

Rosemary_Xicreators' thoughts