
Flashback series:Broken trust

He staring at Anna as he watched her as she was dressed up and parking up as if she was leaving that day.

"Doc, I thought she's suppose to stay in the hospital for more than a month?" Andrew prepped to the doctor who was just staring and standing at the exit of the room.

"Yes sir, but if she insists....." he said as her gestures to Anna direction ,

"okay I better go ,you guys are good here I think!!" The Doctor said as he made his way to the exit.

Andrew Quickly rushed to her and tries to stop her from parking

"Anna what the fuck do you think you're doing? you can't leave today.

"Andrew I said a weird feeling thst something bad would happen today.

I think I must try to avert it ,

Wait did you tell anyone about our baby And?" She replied and asked Andrew.

Andrew having Sense of guilt because he and his wife Anna had discussed before the baby was born (they would tell no one on the day she gives birth) due to the fact they most trust none ,but now he told Jethro his brother he offcourse trusted his brother more than Anyone ,how will she react? he asked himself sliently within himself.

"Well Well ,Anna? I told jeth?" as he confessed he saw the frown on Anna's face,

" You don't see the fact he acts werid now adays? especially when we told him I was pregnant? why did you tell him And?".

he quickly chipped "Anna his my brother ,I trust him with my life okay believe or not I do and none can stop me from me from doing that okay not even you? he was angry now visibly , he doesn't get angry often but he do gets angry and very angry at people he thinks were supposed to understand him but don't.

As he grabbed her hand and he held her bag and Anna carried the baby ,as they left the hospital for the airport.

They entered the waiting Mercedes Benz and left for the airport.


30 minutes Earlier,

As jethro ended the call,he was in disbelief how could it be finally that Anna had given birth so quickly ,especially when he thought that he had finalized the takeover of lasca Salem from Andrew ,his plans were been crossed by Anna's and Andrew's baby and heir.

"So ,jeth you can't wait to tell me what happened? why are you so sad?

tell me" mel his wife said as he turned from looking from the window rear ,turning facing her he said "Anna has given birth".

Mel was quite shocked as she knew what jeth had worked hard for Andrew to make him the CEO of lasca Salem ,

she then thinks of making her Husband dreams come true

"jeth,would you of all people watch?

you and your brother who founded lasca Salem together give Anna children and heir ,lasca Salem? ,

"I know ,but his my brother mel , I can't hurt him you know" he concludes talking with her as he worriedly turns to leave.

"Your brother never loved you,

you were never blood related" mel shouted to jethro,who stops upon hearing this shocked to his bones,

how was this possible Mel knew he and Andrew were not really related".

"I planned with One-third of the board of directors to indefinitely takeover lasca Salem,before he gets back.

if he does he would burst my bubble ,

the lie I told them Andrew was infertile and would never have an heir" he confessed to Mel who was looking disappointed.

"And what do you expect me to do mel?" jeth replies as he looks straight to her.

Mel stands up from where she sat and walks straight to him(jethro) getting closer she says looking straight to his eyes,

"Do what you never wanted to do"

jeth knew what those words meant, but he didn't want to make her know he knew "so mel ,you're implying I kill my only brother?",

"No jeth,not your only brother,but the person who had wronged you"

seeing his worried face she chipped

"I will do it myself for you Okay"

Mel said confidently yes! she wanted to be the wife to the CEO of lasca Salem,infact that was her life long ambition.

she at first wanted to get married to Andrew but was rejected by him,when he got married to Anna ,

so now she can't let this big opportunity of making jeth the CEO slip away.

she hated Anna and her baby even more.



Andrew and Anna had boarded the private jet, their destination was home ,From Atlanta Georgia United States to Barcelona Spain home sweet home.

Andrew sat near the window rear of the plane ,Anna and the baby at the seats front of him.

Andrew deliberately refused to look straight at her, and make eyes contact ,which Anna desperately wanted.

"okay thats it" she exclaimed as she stood up from her seat and went straight to back of Andrew chair,

"okay am sorry And, its just that..."

anna apologized only to be cut by Andrew "No anna just what? I trust jethro" he said.

"okay I know I know and,just that ever since he married that wretch (wife), I just wasn't feeling that kind of trust for him again.

she could posion his mind to do anything" she concluded as she poked out her smile to trying to convince Her husband And.

"fine , you know I can't stay mad at you" Andrew said as he hugged her judt then baby who was just watching the drama laughed.

what a cute family reunion.

" I think love,lets call her Rhenna.

Thats the name of my granny remember?"Andrew asked ,

"sure I leave you with this one" Anna said joyfully.

She thought she was finally happy when they heard a gunshot in the plane.


Andrew sensing his family was in danger carried Rhenna and grabbed Anna's hand as they ran for the emergency exit.

Yes the jet was hijacked,but he thought who on earth knew about the jet he would enter,and he was leaving the United States today.

As he ran towards the emergency exit,some mercenaries in black and with guns surrounded them,

there leaders step out ,only two of them removes their huddie.

He was suprised who it was, yes it was none other than Jethro and Mel his wife.

"Fuck jeth!?what do you think you're doing?"Anna asked jeth

"taking what was his rightfully" mel answered.

"I can give the company to you jeth is that the reason for all this"

Andrew replied shocked Anna was right all along he was now thinking of his family not the company.

jethro felt convinced it was the easiest way to do things.

"don't shot,okay" he told the mercenaries,

"what do you think you're doing jeth" its never possible? he wouldn't do it,you would be arrested.

fine let me do it" mel said as she brought out her gun and shot at Andrew ,but Anna collected the bullet for him.

She made a sacrifice for the greater good,she needed to protect her Husband and her only child from a vile evil.

jethro couldn't believe his eyes , he never planned to kill Anna infact he fell in love with Anna before she knew jeth , and now his wife Mel had just shot his only true love.

Andrew drew out a sharp rod running forward to kill jeth and avenge his wife, he was cut shot by the bullet fired by Mel again.

Andrew fell on the floor in the pool of his blood ,he recognised the only saviour of his baby was his betrayer Jeth.

jeth got closer, yes he was too weak to kill his only brother, presumably the reason his wife Mel controlled him as a video game character.

Jeth carried Rhenna who laid on the floor next to Andrew,looking at her with pity as she was crying.

"what's her name brother?" jeth asked pitifully "Rhenna, don't call me your brother jeth, you never were, she is coming back to avenge her parents its your choice is to kill her or let her live" Andrew said groaning, this was his last words.

After he said this he gave up the ghost.

he decided out of pity to take care of Rhenna,Mel and jeth jumped out of the plane as they planned to fake a plane crash.

He wanted to cancel the guilt he felt inside him,but he wondered why his wife felt none.

As love for Rhenna was never going to change the fact he would be hunted all his life.g