
Flashback series: Birth Death and Rebirth

Jethro couldn't believe his ears,he could sense that Rhenna didn't have that trust she once had for him again.

If you were the one you too wouldn't too yes this was the thought he knew his daughter must be having.

"she's dead,yes mel isn't your real mom"he sent the paralyzing message straight to his tearful Rhenna.

Rhenna couldn't take this how was this possible,how could he think of doing that,what made him do that,and why mus he tell her.

All these thoughts came bubbling in her head,filled with tears and agony she left jethro office,who was just standing watching to see his brother child in agony.

she went to the garden the place she always went to everytime she was sad and unhappy.


20 minutes later,

she came back in took her dinner,and went straight to her room,she didn't talk or play with anyone either Alenna or jethro she just went straight to her bedroom.

jethro summoned courage and went straight to her bedroom,he saw her at her dressing area,he gently went to her and in a bid to ask for her forgiveness.

"Rhenna pls forgive me"he said short but he really sounded like he meant every word that he spoke.

Rhenna couldn't stay mad at him for ever,but she didn't respond whatsoever to jethro he tried holding her,but she brushed his hands off her jumped into her bed to have her sleep.

Thereby leaving remorseful jethro looking,he tried frowning at her arrogance but he thought she ought to it was her parents he killed.

Just now he remembered the dying words of his brother,he hoped and prayed do not happen,he decided to do the needful now he was still alive.

"one day she would forgive me I know so" jeth whispered to himself as he went into his room to have his sleep too.


The next day 10am,

Rhenna was already in school,she didn't talk to her so called family,since yesterday jethro told her the truth.

Going to school was a necessity for her but she didn't want to go to school all through out this week until she got herself and felt relieved.

Suddenly,a female teacher by name mrs arine ran into her class,

"who is Rhenna here?" she Asked anxiously "its me ma,whats wrong?"Rhenna asked"his in the hospital" mrs arie replied"how do you know?"Rhenna asked in disbelief

"its all over the news"mrs arie chipped in.

She grabbed her bag ran outside the school boarded a cab to the family hospital.

How was this possible,how could she lose her jethro,although she hated him for what she did to her,but she still loved him like her real dad.

15 minutes later,

she arrived at the hospital,she walked straight to her dad hospital room,only to be stopped by his heartless wife Mel.

"Where do you think you're going?"Mel used her outstretched arm to block her from entering,

"I just want to see father"Rhenna replied with tears on her eyes,

Mel wasn't week or can't be weakened.

"Don't you know sister,dad Is dead" Alena said to her sister,this was a paralyzing message to her,how is this possible I saw him today,yes she said this"i wouldn't forgive him,besides his not my real dad" she said this when she was angry at him,she just need him back and she was willing to let go of her arrogance and ego.

but No this couldn't happen,he was already dead.

Though he could get his long heart desire of forgiveness and redemption but he would be getting it at death sadly.


2 hours ago,

jethro was busy at his office at home,he had invested billions of euros into a popular cosmetics franchise.

He planned for lasca Salem monopoly,Jethro was also cautious of he was going to die soon and which meant he must pick a good successor.

He must try to hand lasca Salem his brother legacy to his wife Mel.

Meanwhile,Mel wasn't feeling so good she felt her husband jeth wanted to do something crazy but wondered,what the hell that would have been.

she called Attorney smile who was jethro personally lawyer,

"hi sir good day"mel called "good mam""have jeth made any strange investment?" she asked"No but this might interest you, I have your husband's will" he said.

Mel was shocked to her bones,how could he just like that write a will he was supposed to tell her ar least or she was to get all his money.

5 minutes after,

she got a copy of the will the bribed lawyer sent to her,

in the will it clearly stated,all his wealth to be given to Rhenna,and$500 million to be given to her and Alena for upkeep.

She couldn't agree to this,

she then decided get raid of his will.

As jeth left to his company office,he reached lasca Salem car park,when his car was run over by a huge truck.

jeth was unconscious and bleeding the driver had died instantly.

But upon getting to the hospital,he died sadly.

Mudered by his wife's envy for Rhenna.


presently, jeth had been confirmed dead.