

Favour_Love · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 2 Father

Today is the Day He comes along and by he I mean the soundel who cheated on me with my Sister.... How ironic it'll be the first time we meet and the funny part was I feel in love with him and could do anything for him. Now I wonder why I even fell for him was it because he saved me from an attack that was planned for me by my Sister hmmmmm I shall not make that grave mistake Ever again.

In the Dark porch air in the late afternoon you could head the birds singing and the graden filled with butterflies that flutter around. Lin Ting decided that she was not going yo go out no matter what. She was going to avoid that incident no matter what and that was a promise that she was not going to break.

"Lin Ting Father is requesting you meet him in his study room" Lin Weiwei barged into Lin Ting's room not caring about her personal space. This was the First time that Lin Weiwei has ever set her foot in Lin Ting's room Although it looked Luxurious it was far from that it was just a simple room that an Amateur team Designed for her. Lin Weiwei felt envy she wanted her room to be just like this, she wanted her room to be more beautiful than Lin Ting's room..... How can a 15 year old be so Envious of her Sister who she was supposed to Protect. "oh.... ok you may leave my room I do not want to associate with the likes of you I'll go meet father immediately" Angered by her words Lin Weiwei Looked at her with Hatred "You Bitch I was trying to so a good thing by being nice to you and you had the audacity to talk to me in such way. Who the Hell do you think you are hmmmm do you want me to remind you of who you truly are you daughter of a Mistress" Lin Ting not fazed by her words got up and to leave the Upset Weiwei on her own "if you're done talking I suggest you get out of my room I do not want to clean up the trail of trash left behind by your rotten attitude" Lin Ting walked out after saying those words and headed straight to the study room, behind her you could hear the screaming Lin Weiwei.

-Knock Knock- the thud of Ting's hands on the door could be heard a peculiar voice trailed on "Come in Ting and take a sit while you're at it" Ting walked into the room and sat at a corner. Her Father looking at the paperwork "is there any particular reason I was summoned to meet you because the last time I check you only ask to see me when I do something wrong so now tell me what I have done and what punishment are you going to give me". Slumped by his daughter words he realised that what she said were indeed true, He was shocked at how his daughter had suddenly turned so cold to him. He's little girl who was always trying to grab his attention 2 weeks ago had suddenly change she was no longer the cheerful 14 years old girl he knew instead she became a cold and unapproachable person What has he done. "My dear child why do I feel as if you do not care about your Father anymore.... Father really loves you I only correct you so you would become a responsible advocate of our kingdom." Lin Ting suprised by his words scoffed "I've never seen you correct Weiwei when she does something wrong" with a smile on his face Lin Tang looked at Lin Ting "That's because she can't be saved just like her mother they both have a wicked heart why do you think I'm going to hand the Kingdom over to you. That's because I trust you and I'm going to repay all of the bad deed I've done to you and your mother. I promise you can trust me Princess Father is always here for you".

Shocked by her Fathers word Ling Ting hugged him she's been waiting to hear that words from her father though it was too good to be true she was happy perhaps this was a great was to change the future and get total revenge on those who have been planning to harm her. "Father I was never mad at you, I Love you" Happy to finally hear his daughter call him father he immediately ordered for the finest set of jewellery be made for her. Perhaps The Future is really changing and it might just go as plan. The Revenge will go on and she was going to come out unharmed.

☆Stay Tune For The Next Chapter☆