
Chapter 5: Giant's Pen

"The pen is mightier than the sword." It's a saying passed through time and space. However, in this case, the sword may as well be the pen. In this story, Giants were one of the minority races that came into this world. They were unintelligent, but would compensate that with their strength. They have a long lifespan of about 200 to 300 years, but they do not reproduce often, resulting in their scarce population. However, there was one giant that was the opposite of unintelligent. He was a sage, collecting knowledge from everywhere. He lived in mountainous caves and caverns, bringing all the books and items he has collecting in a giant sack. Woven together with the intestines of giant animal, giants would herd and farm for food. Humans would call them orcish mammoths due to their giant moss green tusks. Included in his giant sack, would contain a giant stone pillar that he would use to write in with the blood of these orcish mammoths.

His books were the walls of the caves, digging and carving out the words and diagrams of what he wishes to depict. These words would be what would bridge the old and new world together. With magic having been forgotten in the transition and only brought back because of his words. Some say this giant still lives to this world, finding the solution to immortality, only to come back one day to write and document the world for the next. The only piece of his memory that could have been moved was the stone pillar he would use to write about the world. With evidence that the stone was also used to fight in the war that led to the transition. With imprints of the stone's impact striking on giant demon like figures and skeletal remains found across the central continent. Showing clear evidence, he was one of the major heroes that saved the world.

In my opinion, the Giant probably gave his life in the war, he was a hero that allowed the world to change and grow. Even with his past work being used to restore the world to its previous prestige. But also, I feel like he was maybe not even a giant.... Just an abnormally large human. A 5-story-high, 500iq human.... yes.