
[35] Thanksgiving Spectacular

Another month has gone by since the Halloween party, after that night we have seen Eve four times she was a little pushy about it and we didn't see anything wrong with it so we agreed. Though we knew that we were still early into our relationship we didn't see a problem having her join us for now at least.

My cooking classes are also paying off before I burnt eggs but now I could make them anyway without even looking, that is why I was also roped into cooking for Thanksgiving dinner. I noticed that Monica was on a low at the moment but I didn't say anything but would keep and eye out for her, no need to traumatize myself for this holiday.

Savannah was having dinner with her family then coming over to see me, he dad was having them help him cook since they all were just okay at it. I tried to invite her over but she said that there was no need to go through all of that and declined, she did promise it for next year though since we both were going away for college.

At the moment I was just chilling on the couch though hanging with the family we were all together minus Lip, even Jimmy/Steve was here his 'wife' was back with her man. That was something I wasn't touching with a ten foot pole, no way was I going to get involved with a guard for a big drug organization even if the girl was really beautiful.

Savannah was also hanging here cause despite it being Thanksgiving it really wasn't until tomorrow and she wanted to spend the day together since we wouldn't see each other until late tomorrow. Eve had also called us and spoke to us for a straight two hours, she was from Seattle so she flew back to be with her family for the holiday's.

Concerning her I was feeling some red flags but pushed those thoughts aside when I saw how close her and Savannah was, it was nothing bad I felt from her just my own imagination. Savannah laughed when I told her and so did Eve, that night we video chatted falling asleep with the call still going all night she was telling us about college life.

Thanksgiving Day.....

Everyone was busy with something today, most of them were trying to get Monica out of the bedroom even Frank who brought her back yesterday after trying to scam money from his brother. Ethel and I were the only ones in the kitchen while Debby and Carl were taking down the pool, Ian was out with Mandy hanging out her wouldn't be home until later.

Ethel and me were cooking when she learned I was doing it all she offered to help, Debby wasn't that great at cooking large meals so she wasn't going to help me out. Ethel was making all the sides while I focused on the turkey, we actually had a real one without Steve/Jimmy buying it I have been since I started working for O so we didn't need it.

Though it was my first time since it was closer to this date we had learned to make this in class, it took about three turkey's before I finally got it right though. My first couple of tries resulted in them either being over cooked or parts that were cooked but others that weren't, this one had to be perfect though.

The cook time would be awhile but seeing as it was Thanksgiving depending on your family you either had a early dinner (around 2pm) or you had it at regular time. Considering that we didn't start until 11 we should be around normal time maybe a bit before, it all depended on how the turkey itself cooked, plus there was a ham to go with it.

Midway through cooking I got a call from Savannah, seeing as her family was one of the few that started early she had already had her Thanksgiving with them and was headed over. I also saw that there was a missed call from Eve but ignored it at the moment since I needed to check on everything.

"So is the cooking class actually helpful?" Ethel asked me as she finished making mashed potatoes.

"Yeah it has helped." Although she knew that I did the class she hasn't been able to taste anything from it since all my completed projects went to Savannah. Unlike the original we weren't that poor though we struggled it wasn't as much, hence I didn't need to bring them every meal I made instead they were just enjoying themselves.

"That's good." She said with a giant smile.

As we were talking Debby came in saying she had invited her homeless friend Conrad to dinner, no one minded though since there was plenty to go around and he was a nice guy. Savannah showed a little after and immediately sat in my lap laying her head on my shoulder, "Oh my gosh, I think I ate to much I am so sleepy." she whined.

I chuckled along with Ethel and Debby, brushing her hair out of her face I looked her in the eye, "Maybe you should have slowed down some," Poking the little dent in her belly from being full I laughed, "Look at that you even have a little food baby."

"Stop teasing me." She pouted making everyone laugh, Fiona and Steve walked in at that moment it seemed as though he was trying to convince her of something yet again. We all rolled our eyes at his promise of being done with his 'wife' and that she should take another chance with him.

I was on the fence for one because it is true that he is maybe the best option for Fiona but at the same time the guy isn't reliable, he claims to truly love her but it isn't real. For one if he did then he would know her family means more to her then anything yet he thinks she will just take off and be with him, it was truly sad.

Sure Fiona should be enjoying her life but this is what she knew and loved so it wasn't easy for her to give up, and when he tried for medical school she would gladly tag along. Though he would have to understand that there was no way she would just leave Carl, Debby, and Liam behind like that, the rest of us can take care of ourselves.

Shaking my head I looked back at Savannah who was looking as though she would fall asleep on my shoulder at any moment, seeing that the turkey was almost done I focused on her. Picking her up I ignored the hoots for everyone else and carried her into my room, it felt empty without Lip here but that would soon pass when he came back.

Setting her in my bed I slowly took off her clothes while she watched me with hooded eyes, they weren't filled with lust but love, I knew how she like sleeping in nothing but panties. After her clothes were gone I climbed into bed next to her and pulled her into my embrace, she sighed in satisfaction before fully closing her eyes.

Not even ten minutes passed before she was passed out, smiling I peeling her off of me and put in the body pillow that she brought over. She told me when we weren't in bed together she felt lonely so she bought this and named it Malcolm #2 which I just went along with.

Shaking my head at her peaceful expression as she hugged the pillow tighter I kissed her forehead and moved out the room, going back to the kitchen the place was silent. Looking around no one was in there I also didn't see them in the living room but I shrugged it off, they weren't far since they knew the food was almost done.

Getting out the turkey I couldn't help but smile at the golden brown bird, it was the best I have made to date so I was proud of myself for it. The ham also was emitting a honey-sugar scent that was enticing to the nose, smiling I wrapped them both up and went to look for everyone else.

I found them all out back talking about random things, smiling I called out to them, "Come in you bums the food is ready and I don't know about you but I am ready to eat." They all cheered following me inside, Kev took the turkey while I moved the ham into the dining room where the table was already set up.

Monica and Frank joined us but I didn't even think before we started to dig into the food, my mind was so focused on the laughing and conversation I was having with Carl and Ian I didn't notice Monica slipping away. While in the middle of a joke I was telling Carl we heard a scream looking up I saw Fiona with her mouth covered standing in the kitchen.

Cursing in my head I quickly went in there, everyone was to frozen from shock that they didn't move at once but I rushed over covering Monica in towels to stop the bleeding, "MORE TOWELS!!!" I shouted which brought them all back to themselves, I heard V on the phone with dispatch while Kev and Steve were helping me.

The commotion must have woken her cause Savannah was standing there in a shirt and short shorts with her mouth hanging open, she looked at my blood covered hands with tears in her eyes. Sighing I focused on apply pressure while waiting for the ambulance to come I didn't let go until they arrived, even if I didn't like Monica didn't mean I would let her die.

An Hour Later...

We were all sitting in the emergency room waiting to hear what was happening to Monica, Savannah was holding my hand while giving me light kisses every now and then. She knew I didn't like Monica but there was a part of me that still acknowledge her as my mother since she gave birth to me so I was feeling messed up at the moment.

She actually had to drive since I was so out of it, my mind knew that she wasn't my real mother but seeing her in that state brought something out of me that made me realize the truth..... No matter what fictional or not this was my mother and I should hold some form of love for her, even if she abandoned us at times.

"Hey Malcolm can you call Lip. He needs to know what happen." Fiona said taking a seat next to me after talking to a doctor, she knew he wouldn't answer her calls at the moment.

"Yeah." Fishing out my phone I called him and it took a moment but he answered, "Hey Lip listen you need to get to the hospital Monica..... she tried to kill herself...."

"What the hell!!" he said over the phone but calmed down, "I am already here man Karen went into labor and she is currently trying to give birth so I can't be there right now."

"Ahh, Alright well we will head up there then." I said wide eyed even if I knew this still might happen, hanging up I looked at Fiona, "He is already here Karen is in Labor in the maternity ward."

"WHAT!!!" Everyone around me shouted before we took off upstairs but unlike the show where they all could just barge in in the middle of it we had to wait outside.

"What are you all trying to do?" the nurse said stopping them at the door with me laughing at the back, "This isn't some playground only two people are aloud back and they are already there please wait in the lounge." she said to them making them all look around in embarrassment.

I laughed along with Savannah we were already sitting next to Jody who was also laughing at them, at the moment Shelia and Lip were the only two back there. (Sorry decided to use real rules I mean I am 1 of 6 kids in my family being the second oldest I know how this works.) Shaking my head I watched them all walk over looking sheepish, "Geez guys did you really think you could just get inside a maternity ward that easily?" I joked at them.

Eight hours passed before we saw Karen, the baby was taken away at the moment so not even Lip got to see if it was his or not before it was taken for check-up. They had been here since early this morning so the labor wasn't short not just a short two hours but actually almost sixteen nearing seventeen which is short in my opinion unless it was a C-Section surgery.

When we finally saw the baby lip broke down, it was like the show the baby wasn't his but the Asian kids couldn't remember the kids name so who cares. Knowing I wasn't an uncle yet I left after Lip, I didn't go after him but decided to let him have his space I was going to call him in the morning though so we could talk.

Savannah went home with me and we cleaned up while everyone else made there way home, after it was all cleaned up we took a show since we got blood on ourselves. After the shower and a quick video chat with Eve we went to bed for the night, Savannah pulled me in close and softly whispered to me, "It's alright we are alone you can let it go now."

Not knowing those were the words I needed to hear the dam broke, I pulled her closer and started to cry. This was the moment I fully accepted my new life seeing myself no longer as my past self in a fictional world but the son of Frank and Monica Gallagher.

Savannah was there to hold me the entire time, she was the love of my life, my princess and at this moment my rock in this world.

I wished you the best of

All this world could give

And I told you when you left me

There's nothing to forgive

But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was

Heartbreak and misery

It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way

You're happy without me

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts