
Relaxing In Shameless and Beyond

A Man who doesn't want a crazy adventure like most chooses to live his life in Shameless while laughing at the Gallagher Antics

Cold_Phantom19 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
39 Chs

[17] Dinner

Katie sighed but got up dragging me along with her downstairs, I swear her mom could teleport since she was in the dining room sitting there before we even reached the room. Shrugging it off I pulled out a seat for Katie and then sat next to her, her mom and dad both smiled at us before we all dug in, they weren't a religious family.

"So Malcolm, what do your parents do for a living?" Her dad asked looking up from his plate and breaking the ice.

I took a quick glance at Katie who smiled, she hadn't told them anything it seemed even though she knew it all, "Well my father and mother are the same really but different. They are drunks and drug addicts, the only difference is my mom abandoned us while my father just comes and goes as he pleases." I wasn't going to hide anything, I didn't feel ashamed because even without them were would turn out great.

Her parents both froze for a moment before her mother looked over at me sadly, "I am sorry to hear that dear, who takes care of you then?"

"My sister Fiona has been doing that, she dropped out her senior year to take care of us. Now we all pitch in and help her out, well at least us older ones."

"Well that is good to hear, so what about school how do you do in that?" Her dad said with a smile and it wasn't fake either it seemed they really didn't care about his background and just wanted to learn more about him.

"Dad, Mom, this isn't suppose to be an interrogation." Katie said thinking I was uncomfortable.

"It's fine Katie. I do well actually I have a 6.0 GPA and am first in my class, my brother Lip is right behind me with a 4.7" I said proudly though it wasn't the best school they taught well enough if you were in the advanced classes so I still got a good education.

That seemed to shock everyone at the table since to even get a 6.0 you had to have a 100 in every course along with taking advanced classes, "Wow really I only have a 5.3" Katie said with admiration in her voice.

"That really is impressive." Her mother agreed smiling at me.

"Thanks, I work hard for it cause I know when college comes around that it will cost a lot but if I can get a full ride then that will help a lot." I said then took another bite of the Ravioli, it was delicious the ingredients were all fresh and everything was homemade.

"So have you thought about a college and what you want to be?" her dad asked again her mother just sat on the side listening but she was also paying close attention.

"No not yet, since I still have a year left I figured that I would put it off until next year then decide what I want to study." This was true it was hard for me to decide I was technically a genius but could never figure out what I really wanted to do with my life.

"Yeah you still have time don't rush it and make a mistake." Her dad said nodding.

"Okay enough with the heavy stuff, so tell us how did you two meet." Her mom asked excitement in her voice and eyes she looked ready to gossip about the littlest thing, Tom smiled fondly at his wife and let her speak.

"Oh my gosh it was sooooooo hot..." Katie was the one who went on to tell the story she told everything and they frowned hearing about the boy and respected me even more for saving her. Then she started to tell them about our friendship over the last two years, they were surprised to learn that she was learning to box.

"Wow that is like right out of a romance novel!!" Her mother squealed her eyes shinning brightly, though she didn't comment on the dating situation. I was being to realize her parents weren't really that stuck up and they let their daughter do what she wanted because they could see she was responsible, if not a little silly.

After dinner we all sat around the table talking for awhile longer, her parents were a little tipsy though and I didn't think we should stay longer since they were getting a little handsy with one another. Katie agreed grabbing my hand, "Thanks for the meal Mr. and Mrs. Dayton it was wonderful."

"Please call me Charlize or mom sweetheart I see you as close family now." Charlize said with a goofy smile on her face like I have seen on her daughters face.

"And call me Tom or dad your choice." Tom said with a smile but he was rubbing his wife's leg under the table.

"Thanks Charlize and Tom." I said smiling before rushing out with Katie who was covering her face so she didn't have to see what her parents were doing at the moment. "Well that was a fun dinner, would have been better if the ending didn't get so..... steamy but good overall." I joked as we headed down to the theatre to watch Captain America: The First Avenger, though Chris Evans wasn't Captain America in this world.

"Yeah sorry about that after to much wine they start getting hands on, even in front of their own children it is traumatizing to say the least." Katie said rubbing her forehead and taking a seat on the wrap around couch with a throw cover in hand.

"Haha I think it is sweet. They are still active and in love after so long together who wouldn't want something like that?" I said taking a seat next to her, it was a movie so there was bound to be cuddling I picked her feet up and put them in my lap.

She smiled and pressed play, "I guess you are right, I never thought of it that way since they are my parents. I hope I can find someone like that." I was looking at the screen so at the time I didn't see her look at me from the corner of her eye with so much affection.

(Alright a little warning since I couldn't hold this in. No girl will really be chosen until college where you will know the one picked because she will have the same major as him and be at the same college. After one is chose then the other just won't be apart of the book anymore unless she gets a little cameo, it is like when Steve/Jimmy finally left the show in season 5? yeah 5 anyway don't comment on the girl you want I already have her picked out for personal reasons.)

"True who wouldn't want that, though I am not worrying about that until later in life. At least until I am out of the house, there is just to much in my life right now for anything serious." I said though it wasn't completely true it was something I was saying so I wasn't tied down by one person at the moment.

In my past life I was single and died alone, it was the main reason I craved to start it all again but even with this new life I didn't want to commit to early without experiencing it all. That was the real reason I wasn't choosing anyone I was being selfish and didn't want the bachelor life to end, I mean if you had a girl who looked like Savannah and Katie on you would you not just settle down then and there?

That was the problem though they were both great girls but who knew if something would change in the next year or if I would meet the girl I was suppose to be with so I am waiting. While lost in thought I ignored the movie mainly cause it was the same as my past life just a different actor, Katie though had slowly moved into my arms with her head leaning on my chest.

"Are you even watching this?" She asked looking over at me.

I grinned before shaking my head, "Nope I have already seen it, I just wanted to watch it again since I couldn't think of another movie." (It is now 2012 this came out in 2011)

"Same.... well then." She didn't say anything else but dived in and started attacking my lips and I remembered another reason I was here other than dinner, I was here to eat her too. Katie wasn't holding back at all and was trying to suck my face into hers with how hard she was kissing me at the moment, she pulled back panting, "My room now!"

She didn't need to tell me twice I picked her up and ran up the stairs, as we passed the second floor we heard light banging on the wall but ignored it, good thing this house was soundproof. When we reached her room she didn't want to go to the bed but for us to shower first since it had been a long day, the water pressure in her house was a hundred times better than mine.

When we came out we didn't bother getting dressed and slid into bed, her moans and panting went throughout the entire room, hell she even screamed my name. After four times she was finally tired, I got out of bed and went into her bathroom running her a bath, which was big enough to hold at least eight people inside of it.

Going back into the room I picked her up and she cuddled into my embrace, I gently set her in the bath before going back into her room. From the tour earlier I had already seen the bedsheets and cover so I changed those out before going to join her in the bath.

I got in behind her pulling her into my embrace which she leaned into, "That was amazing, even with the long wait I am satisfied." she said with a dreamy smile on her face while I lightly washed her body.

"Well we can do it a lot more now. Though we should wait a couple of day before we do it again since it was your first time and all." I said gently massaging her scalp, she purred and leaned into me more. After she didn't say anything back I looked down to see her falling asleep in my arms so I chuckled and picked her up, after drying her off I carried her into bed.

Not feeling my warmth her eyes shot opened before she scooted across the bed and was laying practically on top of me, her position was just like Savannah's just on a different side. Holding her back I slowly fell asleep, we didn't notice the slight crack in the door or the four eyes that was watching us for a moment before they left.

The Next Day.....

I stayed long enough for breakfast and kept getting pampered by Charlize who was reluctant to let me go but knowing I had school she finally let me go. Katie was dressed in her uniform which was a pleated skirt and a green blazer over a dress shirt, I turned away and chuckled making her pout and slap my arm.

"Ass." she muttered before kissing her mom and dad goodbye, I only got to wave at them as she dragged me out of the house "Shane is going to drop me off first then take you home, make sure to call me when you are free okay?"

"Yes mom." I said laughing at her, she pinched my side painfully but was smiling the entire time so I knew she wasn't really mad. The ride to her school was quick and she didn't want to leave but had to, "Wow fancy school." I said looking at the no doubt school that took millions to build.

"Prison more like it," She leaned over and kissed me, "See you later, I will facetime you later." then she left I noticed she wasn't a fan of saying goodbye though but shrugged it off.

"To home Shane." I said pointing forward after watching her walk inside with some friends.

"Yes sir." he chuckled and drove off humming happily.

Creepy girls, you're just my style

Blood-red lipstick, you don't smile

Falling victim to your fantasy

Damn, I love it that you're so creepy

Now you're risking it all

For some creepy girl

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts