
Relaxing In Shameless and Beyond

A Man who doesn't want a crazy adventure like most chooses to live his life in Shameless while laughing at the Gallagher Antics

Cold_Phantom19 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
39 Chs

[16] A Bad Mom and Visit

The ride was awkward for the people in the back, I had ridden in it three times now but it was different with family inside, Shane though looked over the moon for some reason. Sighing this guy was truly devoted to that little girl, bringing out my phone I decided to answer them both.

Conversation with Katie*

Me: Fine I am coming. It will be later though some problems came up at the moment.

K: Is there anything I can do to help?"

Me: Nope, just wait until tonight I will talk to you about it then if you want to hear about it.

K: Of course, you know I am off my period..... Maybe you can stay over tonight??? 😳

Me:... Yes

K: Yay!!! Then I will see you later tonight.

Conversation with Savannah*

Me: You know you didn't have to leave right? This is just a causal thing, she was inviting me to dinner.

S: I know but I still don't want to see it or hear about it. We don't need to be in a relationship for me to be upset that a rich girl can do things I can't..... Are you sure you will be okay around your mother?

Me: Oh.... And yes thanks for caring but I am not like my siblings who all seem to have abandonment issues, I started hating Monica when I was eight and she showed up to my birthday drunk and high starting fights.

S:.... Want me to come over tonight?

Me: I won't be there tonight.


She didn't reply after that no doubt getting my meaning of going somewhere else for the night and staying out. The ride to Shelia's was quiet for the rest of the way no one really said anything, no doubt they were all still thinking about us seeing Monica in a moment which has been a couple of years since we actually had.

Soon we pulled up to the house, everyone got out but I stayed back for a moment, "Shane just come get me from here in about an hour, I think that is all I can handle of this in the first place."

"Will do." he said with a bright smile before driving away.

I walked up the stairs into the house, everyone was quiet when I did come in, "Malcolm!" Monica said in a cheery voice but I didn't even spare her a glance instead watching everyone one else, she got the hint and went back to talking to Frank cut into the conversation.

For the next thirty minutes it was just everyone going back and forth the only people not talking were us kids, all the adults were all fighting about different things. Then Fiona started going off about stuff seeing as they weren't even considering her even if she has been raising us this entire time on her own, I could only shake my head.

At the hour mark I got a text message from Katie telling me Shane was waiting outside, "Hey Lip," I saw drawing his attention not speaking to loud, "I am heading out let me know the results of everything tomorrow at school alright?"

"Yeah man I got you have a good night." he said giving me a bro hug before shooing me off.

Going outside Shane opened the door for me with a smile before he started to head towards Katie's, it was only six thirty but since I didn't want to spend so much time there might as well leave. The ride was quiet the only sound was whatever Shane had going on the radio which was just some talk show that I had never even heard of.

Thirty minutes later we reached outside the mansion going inside without being stopped since this was the house car and they saw Shane driving it. When we got to the front door it flew open she must have been watching from the window since the car was hardly parked before she came running out.

Smiling a little I got out and hugged the goofy girl who was squealing in delight seeing me, "OMG what took you so long I have been bored out of my mind." She said pulling me by the arm into the house after thanking Shane.

"Well there were some family things to take care of, you will come to learn that there are a lot with my family the longer we hang out." I said while also absent minded looking at the giant foyer we just walking into.

"Oh okay, well welcome to my home, my parents are hiding somewhere I told them that I would send you home if they came in and---" she was cut off by an older version of herself walking in.

"Oh Katie dear I didn't know he was already here." The woman said with a surprised face but there was a sly grin on her face so I didn't believe it for a moment, "Well since I am here you might as well introduce him to me. Nice to meet you dear I am Katie's mother Charlize Dayton."

(Yup my crush of the week is Charlize Theron so this is happening now you get a clearer picture of Katie. If I didn't say an actress before.)

"Nice to meet you, I am Malcolm Gallagher, but are sure you aren't her older sister I could swear that you don't look a day over twenty-two." I said smiling at her and getting a jab in the ribs from Katie who was pouting next to me.

"Oh I like you," She said giggling, "Katie he is a keeper, I won't disturb you two anymore I need to get dinner started. See you in a while."

"Well that was---" She was cut off again this time it was an older gentleman who looked like Tom Hardy walking in he put on a surprised expression.

"Oh I am sorry I was looking for your mother Katie have you seen her?" He then smiled at me while holding out a hand, "Sorry where are my manners I am Katie's father Tom Dayton nice to meet you."

"Malcolm Gallagher." I said shaking his hand.

"Dad, mom is in the kitchen and I swear if you two walk out again we will go out to eat tonight and leave you and mom here alone." Katie growled at him with a pout on her face.

He held up his hands walking backwards, "Sorry sweetie, I don't want to end up like your brother and sister so I will take my leave. Nice to meet you Malcolm."

I waved then looked at Katie with a raised brow, "What happen to your brother and sister?"

She pouted more and turned away twirling her fingers but she eventually gave in, "They kept teasing me about you so I had my mom send them off for the night, now they can't come back to the house until tomorrow, sorry that you can't meet them today." she answered while biting her lip, she looked at me with bog green watery eyes that was really adorable.

"Yeah yeah, stop faking already and show me around." I said pushing her face away making her giggle in happiness, she then locked arms with me.

"Let's go I will give you the grand tour." she said pulling me along.

She showed me the first floor first the place had three, on the first floor was the kitchen, the sitting room, a lounge, and her fathers study along with the dining room. Normal to say the least, then she led me downstairs into the basement which was split into three parts, the first being a wine cellar, the next was a inside pool that was heated just in case it got to cold.

The icing on the cake though was the theatre room it had two different places to sit, one was two king sized beds while the other was a wrap around couch. The screen took up and entire wall, she also explained to me how she got to see movies a week before they released and asked me if I wanted to watch the new Marvel movie.

At that point I hugged her, "Let's run off and get married, seeing this theatre I am willing to marry you just for it." I said making her blush at first but hearing it all she stomped on my foot and pulled me out.

"Jerk." she said but she was still in a good mood, she knew that I wasn't after her for her money like all the other boys at her private school who wanted to be with her for that reason.

We then went up to the second floor it was impressive but we skipped most the room since they were either her siblings, her parents, or guest rooms nothing to lavish really. Then we went to the third floor and I had to walk back down to the second before going back up confirming that I wasn't seeing things, on the there were just two doors.

"Well here is my room." She said with a smile opening the double doors. I stood at the entrance not knowing what to say, it wasn't really surprising but it did make me laugh a little at what I was seeing.

The whole third floor was just two rooms Katie's, which took up half the entire third floor, and attic space. Her room wasn't like I thought though it wasn't drowned in pinks it was more like a warm earthy yellow, she showed off her book collection which had some pretty advanced stuff on it.

She also showed me her walk in closet, it had everything from the latest season in it she even had a shoe rack to the side that had over a hundred pairs of shoes. I would be lying if I said she didn't have my dream room, that included the bathroom which had a waterfall shower.

"Sigh, Katie I just want to ask one thing," She looked at me with her head tilted to the side, "Is there anyway your parents will adopt me, this room is my dream."

She giggled and dragged me over to her swirl chair that was in the shape of a half egg, it was big enough to hold us both she pushed me down and sat in my lap. "Well I don't see why not..... though we both know that you would never leave your family you are to much of a family guy to do that." she said leaning on my chest listening to my heartbeat.

"You're right." I said on a sigh, it all started with me wanting to watch the Gallagher's but I couldn't deny now that I would kill for all of them. I also had to say I was impressed by Katie's choice of things her books were advanced mathematics along with some medical books that even I haven't read.

When I asked about her computer set up she told me, "Oh that, well I learned from my brother but I really love coding so I got the best equipment so that I could do my best work." Turns out she was more than the little rich girl I thought she was, she even told me how she was first in her class at her private school though her classmates didn't know.

While we were sitting in the chair reading different things and talking there was a knock on the door, without us answering her mom walked in, "Come on you two the food is ready." It didn't escape my notice when she smiled at our positions, I was wondering if they knew my background other wise would they be this happy about me being here.

When I was younger I saw my daddy cry

And curse at the wind

He broke his own heart and I watched

As he tried to reassemble it

And my momma swore

That she would never let herself forget

And that was the day that I promised

I'd never sing of love if it does not exist

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts