
Meeting again

Richard Blackwood adjusted his tie and checked his reflection in the mirror. He was wearing a black tuxedo, a white shirt, and a silver cufflinks. He looked sharp, confident, and handsome. He was ready to face the world.

He was also ready to face her.

He knew she would be there. Mildred Carter the star reporter of the Daily Post, the leading newspaper in the city. She was covering the charity gala, the biggest social event of the year. She was also his ex-girlfriend, the only woman he had ever loved, and the only woman who had ever broken his heart.

He hadn't seen her for 10 years, since they had parted ways in a bitter and painful breakup. He had tried to forget her, to move on, to find someone else. But he had failed. No one could compare to her. No one could fill the void she had left in his life.

He wondered how she looked like now. He wondered if she had changed. He wondered if she still thought of him. He wondered if she still hated him.

He shook his head and tried to clear his mind. He had to focus on his mission. He was not here to reminisce about the past. He was here to make a deal. A deal that would change his life, and the lives of millions of people.

He was the CEO of Blackwood Industries, the largest and most successful tech company in the world. He had built his empire from scratch, with his own vision, his own innovation, and his own determination. He had revolutionized the fields of artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and nanotechnology. He had created products and services that had improved the quality of life for countless people. He had also made a fortune, becoming one of the richest and most powerful men in the world.

But he was not satisfied. He wanted more. He wanted to make a difference. He wanted to make a legacy. He wanted to make history.

That's why he was here. He was here to announce his latest project, his most ambitious and daring project yet. He was here to reveal his plan to colonize Mars.

He had been working on it for years, in secret, with a team of the best scientists, engineers, and astronauts. He had invested billions of dollars, and countless hours, into developing the technology, the infrastructure, and the logistics. He had also secured the approval, the support, and the cooperation of the international space agencies, the governments, and the media.

He was ready to launch his mission, to send the first human crew to Mars, to establish the first permanent colony on the red planet. He was ready to make history.

He was also ready to make a statement. He was here to challenge his rival, his competitor, and his enemy. He was here to show him who was the boss, who was the leader, and who was the winner.

He was here to show him that he was better than him. In every way.

He was here to show him that he was better than him. Especially when it came to her.

He checked his watch and saw that it was time to go. He grabbed his coat and his phone, and headed to the door. He was about to leave his penthouse suite, when his phone rang. He looked at the screen and saw that it was his assistant, Lisa.

"Mr. Blackwood, are you ready?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm on my way. Is everything set?" he replied.

"Yes, sir. The car is waiting for you downstairs. The press conference is scheduled for 8 p.m. The ballroom is packed with guests, reporters, and cameras. Everyone is eager to hear your announcement. And your donation."

"Good. How much did we pledge?"

"Ten million dollars, sir. To the Children's Hospital Foundation."

"Excellent. That should make a good impression. And a good headline."

"Yes, sir. It's very generous of you, sir."

"It's not generosity, Lisa. It's strategy. It's publicity. It's business."

"I understand, sir. But it's still a noble cause, sir."

"Of course it is, Lisa. Of course it is. I'll see you downstairs."

He hung up the phone and put it in his pocket. He opened the door and stepped out of his suite. He walked to the elevator and pressed the button. He waited for a few seconds, until the doors opened. He entered the elevator and pressed the lobby button. He waited for a few more seconds, until the doors closed.

He was alone in the elevator. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He tried to calm his nerves and prepare his speech. He tried to ignore the butterflies in his stomach and the pounding in his chest. He tried to forget about her.

But he couldn't.

He opened his eyes and looked at the mirror on the wall. He saw his reflection, and he saw hers. He saw her face, her eyes, her smile. He saw her hair, her lips, her skin. He saw her body, her curves, her touch. He saw her laugh, her cry, her scream. He saw her love, her hate, her leave.

He saw her.

And he wanted her.

He wanted her back.

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