


AliceM6760 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 4


Who was this man?

He didn't care what I did wrong nor who I was. He wanted to be with me, just like that.

He saved me from being executed and I believe I owed him my life.

"Thank you for being like this" I said, holding onto his leather jacket.

"Don't thank me yet. Max hasn't decided whether to give you to me, because of the persistence of that girl he called Becky."

I knew well enough Becky wouldn't let this case go because of her unending hatred for me.

"Derrick" Alpha Max called him away from me. Few minutes after they had talked, Derrick came back wearing an odd frown on his face. Then I knew he wasn't given custody of me.

Becky wouldn't let me go that easily. I thought to myself.

Getting loser to me, his frown changed into a smile and he grabbed me up and gave me a hug. He felt warm and I could feel his heart pondering in excitement.

"I'm taking you with me." He spilled.

I scoffed unbelievably. My heart raced faster than I can imagine. I hurriedly hugged him back, while I could clearly feel the chemistry run through us. There is no possible way I could express how excited I was.

"I'm going to live!" I flinged his jacket into the air and grab it back to myself. My body was already numb to the cold weather because of how happy I was. I gave him a light kiss on his lips and withdrew myself sheepishly.

He smiled while I looked away because I was shy. I kissed a man I just met.

"Don't be scared of me" he uttered as he tilted his head to my height, trying to find my eyes.

"Max said we could spend the night here in your pack and leave very early tomorrow before sunset." He said, "I believe people are not that happy about your release." He added.

I nodded while still keeping my head down.

We were given a place to stay for the night. I laid down on the bed, while he decided to sleep on the floor. I met a gentleman.

The night was getting more cold than it was before and he kept coughing. I tapped his shoulders softly, to get his attention;

"You could just join me on the bed, it's big enough." I managed to say.

"I'm good." He replied coldly.

"I insist"

After a lot of persuasions, he accepted to join me. While we gisted and enjoyed each other's company. His shoulders brushed mine softly, I got lust again. We paused staring at each other, my eyes lingered round his smooth red lips, felt like it was calling out to me.

He slowly brushed my lips with his thumb, he pulled me closer to himself, my lips pressed on his. My nipples hardened. I was tensed. As much as I wanted him in me already, I didn't want to be too desperate.

I loosed his grip around my waist and cleared my throat;

"So... you are an alpha right?" I tried to clear my head off what I was thinking.

He smiled.

"I'll wait. It took me a while to find you. I'll wait til you can trust me" he turned to sleep.

"We have a long journey tomorrow. You should sleep" he added.

Was I wrong? Was I being ungrateful? Was depriving him of my feelings right? These questions came coming to my mind. I was scared of closing my eyes, I couldn't get my mind off Becky. She was my nightmare.

After I met Derrick, I wanted to forget everything and move on. I wanted to forgive her and start my life all over again with Derrick. That was how much I wish I can repay him. I was willing to do everything to make him happy. Like I said, I owe him my life.

"I trust you. I'm just scared I might lose you sooner than I expect. I don't want you to one day get tired of me. I don't want you to one day ask me who I am or why I was going to be executed. I want you to love for me and not care about where I belong" I thought out loud. He was already fast asleep. I could hear his soft snores.

I felt safe around him.

It was morning already, I woke up quite late. I felt someone dangerous around me. I hurriedly rose, my senses brought out my tooth as though I was hunting an unseen creature.

It was Becky.

She stood with a crossed leg, she leaned comfortably on the door. Part of her body was in the room, while the other half was outside.

"Calm down wolverine, if I wanted you dead, you would have been dead already" She wore a dangerous smirk.

"Where is Derrick?" He was the only one I could think of at the moment.

"Just because he freed you from being killed doesn't mean you are safe anyways"

"Derrick!" I yelled on top of my voice.

"He will leave you when he realizes where you belonged" She smiled and disappeared through the door.

I had promised not to trust Becky's words as long as I lived but I felt for once, she was right. Just then Derrick stepped into the room with his bag.

I couldn't help but thought about it. How will he take it when he finds out I am an Omega and I was going to be executed because I killed a prison guard and tried to escape thirteen times? Will he still not care?

"Why do you look so shocked seeing me? Were you expecting someone else?" He freed me from my mind.