

Rey began to realize that he had crossed the crushing stage and the memory of Eve began to be engrained in his system. But he was happy that he got he see her every day in his class. Rey had a cousin (Mr.Suspicious), Mr.S was always suspicious about the things around him. Both Rey and Mr.S were in the same class as Eve. One day a not so good friend of Rey snitched on him about "Rey seeing Eve" to Mr.S.

Mr.S and Rey never got along. And so, Mr.S used this information to get his revenge on Rey, Which resulted Rey being locked in his room for three weeks and he was given alot of thrashing. Being the Coward, Rey wanted to express his feeling for Eve before his Board examinations, As Rey's parents planned to move his higher education to a nearby city.

Rey tried his best to express his feeling for Eve, But all his effort were in vain. At this point, Rey thought to himself "Even a Rejection is better than the Regret of not expressing his feelings for Eve "