
Who sent them?

Chen Mumu's heart thumped so loudly that she could hear it in her ears.

She was all alone in this vast space after the taxi driver had left her.

The night felt even darker now that these men were advancing toward her.

Chen Mumu took two steps backward.

With each step that she took, the men seemed to be taking double.

She felt her heart quicken while the hairs on her body stood on end.

She gazed at each of these men as they advanced and asked, "Who are you guys, and what do you want from me?"

Her voice was chillingly cold, and the men stopped for a little while when they heard her speak.

The man who had spoken earlier laughed.

"You are asking us who we are? Baby girl, that is not for you to know. What we want is for you to follow us calmly, or we will use violence to take you where we are supposed to take you."

From what he said, Chen Mumu understood two things.

One, these men wanted her alive.