
Rejected by My Ex,Doted By His Boss

After her unexpected break up with her caring boyfriend she didn't know was just fake and all with her parents death, Rosella found someone she didn't think she would ever encounter in her life,Liam, the most powerful and richest bachelor in the states. will Liam help rosella get her revenge?Does he love her like he claimed to?Well,there is only one way to find out, this tragic journey of rosella Maybe it will take a huge turn to happiness and peace like Liam sworn to. (AUTHORS QUOTES:IN EVERY GREY COLOR THERE IS ALWAYS A PICTCH OF WHITE THAT MAKES THE BLACK LOOK DIFFERENT, SOMETHING TO RELY ON.)

Beautianah_Rosella · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs


In a small room a girl collapsed on the floor and started crying her heart out. Why?why does he have to do this to me, as Rosella was whipping and talking to herself her phone rang she saw the name and picked.

Why haven't you pick up since Friday I've been calling you, I went to your workplace today but they said you're in a sick leave why didn't you tell me? I was worried I'm free today are you at home? As Lisa finished what she was saying she was surprised to hear a crying from the other side and asked panicking; What happened Ella wh....why are you crying.

He broke up with me huhuhuhu I don't even know what I did he just broke up and asked me to leave his life for good, Rosella cries out to her friend. WHAT!!! That asshole broke up are you at your house I'm coming now; asked Lisa in concern. Yes, am home answered rosella as she choked on her cry. I'm coming right now don't worry, Lisa said assuring her friend, hung up immediately and leaving the house. Where are you going,her manager asked. I'm coming I have an urgent matter to attend to now Lisa explained. Okay take care of yourself and rest where you're going, her manager said as Lisa left the house she entered her fancy car and drove to rosella's.

As Lisa entered the house she saw rosella sitting on the floor crying the hell of her heart out, she quickly ran to her and hugged her. It's okay just tell me what happened clearly please, Lisa requested. Lisa don't like Michael at all, all she did was hate him cause she could feel that he doesn't like rosella but was only using her, her idea, cause rosella is smart it not only Lisa that hate Michael but their last bff too also despise him but not as Lisa of course especially when they caught him ( Lisa and Courtney (the last bff) going to an hotel with a lady while they were going shopping but they never told rosella about it cause they don't want to fight with their bff who's already going through a lot. I HATE THAT BASTARD!!!! Lisa thought to herself.

He came back home on Thursday angrily it actually looks like he got scolded by Liam west for letting Jayden west into his company as you know they are family but yet enemies in the business world,and then he came home angrily in a way that I didn't even recognize him ,I asked him what happened