
Rejected by My Ex,Doted By His Boss

After her unexpected break up with her caring boyfriend she didn't know was just fake and all with her parents death, Rosella found someone she didn't think she would ever encounter in her life,Liam, the most powerful and richest bachelor in the states. will Liam help rosella get her revenge?Does he love her like he claimed to?Well,there is only one way to find out, this tragic journey of rosella Maybe it will take a huge turn to happiness and peace like Liam sworn to. (AUTHORS QUOTES:IN EVERY GREY COLOR THERE IS ALWAYS A PICTCH OF WHITE THAT MAKES THE BLACK LOOK DIFFERENT, SOMETHING TO RELY ON.)

Beautianah_Rosella · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs


In rosella small apartment, Lisa kissed her good bye and also wished her luck, Courtney did the same as they both left for their work.

Rosella was sitting in her small bed alone thinking about her life and probably how to move on when she got distracted from a phone call, she checked her phone and saw unknown number but she picked it anyway." Hello! Is this miss rosella Quinn" the caller greeted and asked. ' Yesssss, my name is Rosella may I know who this is? Rosella said. Well.....am your mother's Doctor, it's about your mother you need to come to the hospital now, it an emergency. WHAT!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO MOM!!!!! Rosella said panicking. It's not something to say on the phone come now, the doctor said.

As the doctor hung up the call rosella ran out of bed and went to the hospital as soon as possible. 15 minutes later rosella is at the hospital. DOCTOR!! DOCTOR!!DOCTOR!! WHAT DID YOU SAY HAPPENED TO MOM? DAD WHAT HAPPENED? Rosella asked the doctor and also faced her dad too. My dear, come i also don't know what happened I just got here are you okay? You look haggard. Her dad said worriedly.

Before rosella could reply to her dad the doctor cut in. Well, I'm sorry for interrupting but you both have to go see her before.... Thae doctor said with a sigh. What do you mean by 'before' rosella said squeezing her face. I'm so sorry sir ma'am but you didn't bring the bills on time sooo she have only 1 hour left I'm so sorry I called you both so you could say your goodbyes in a beautiful way, the doctor said.

What did you mean by 'i didn't pay the bills on time ' I told my boyfriend Michael to pay it he didn't come? Rosella said crying. We didn't see anyone ma'am, the doctor said and leave. NO!!NO!!NO!! Michael can't do this to me I gave him the money he told me he would do it before he went to work, rosella cried.

As rosella went to her mother's ward she saw her dad crying and he looked like a living corpse when rosella got to the hospital she didn't spare her dad a glance but now that she sees she started to weep and looked at her mom's bed. Mom please don't go now please I will find a way to pay the money please don't leave dad please, rosella said, I LOVE YOU MY CHILD, Mrs Lyla Quinn said and died afterwards.

MOM!! MOM!! MOM!! WAKE UP!!MOM!! Rosella cried out loud as her mother dad and the doctor ran to the room asked them to go out as they made sure there's nothing and arranged her body to be cremented.

AHHHHHHH!!!!MOM PLEASE WAKE UP HUHUHU DAD PLEASE CALL HER MOM, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Rosella cried as she saw her mom's body. Unknowingly to rosella her dad had an heart attack immediately he looked at his wife dead body, rosella noticed and got scared.

DAD?DAD? What happened?? Rosella asked in a worry.