
Rejected by My Ex,Doted By His Boss

After her unexpected break up with her caring boyfriend she didn't know was just fake and all with her parents death, Rosella found someone she didn't think she would ever encounter in her life,Liam, the most powerful and richest bachelor in the states. will Liam help rosella get her revenge?Does he love her like he claimed to?Well,there is only one way to find out, this tragic journey of rosella Maybe it will take a huge turn to happiness and peace like Liam sworn to. (AUTHORS QUOTES:IN EVERY GREY COLOR THERE IS ALWAYS A PICTCH OF WHITE THAT MAKES THE BLACK LOOK DIFFERENT, SOMETHING TO RELY ON.)

Beautianah_Rosella · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs


At home rosella was about to take a shower and rest like Liam requested when she heard a knock in the door. Boss lady, it's me butler Lin; the butler said. Ohh, I'm so sorry please come in; rosella said. Are you feeling at home boss lady?,Lin asked; ye-ah, i mean i think I'm getting a hang of it I'm not use to this stuffs and please why do you refer me as boss lady, i-i-i'm not use to it; rosella asked chuckling in a funny way.

Well, you're the boss wife so, we have to refer you as our boss lady I'm so sorry if it's uncomfortable;Lin explained. No it's not that it is uncomfortable I'm just not used to this kind of life and you can just call me 'miss rosella' if you don't mind; rosella said. Not a problem....miss rosella;Lin obeyed. Thank you it's just for a meantime until I adapt to this kind of life I hope you understand Mr.butler, and what brings you here? Rosella asked. Well it is Just Lin and your luggage has arrived i think with your phone too; Lin said. Wow, that was fast I will be there shortly; rosella said and the butler excused himself with a bow and left. "He really did as he says" rosella said to herself immediately the butler left.

After 10 minutes rosella washed herself and got downstairs,she saw Nathaniel who immediately came to her and greeted her and handed her an expensive Samsung mobile which awed rosella. Good afternoon miss rosella here's the phone boss bought for you with your previous contact except that I added boss contact to it which is new, he said you should call him when you get the phone to let him know whether everything is okay and to check your luggage if anything is missing tell him; Nathaniel explained while hyperventilating which surprised rosella and after that he bowed was about to leave but stopped in his track to say; Boss lady please call boss like right now.

Wait!! Rosella requested before he could get out and asked in worry; what happened? Why is your chest hyperventilating like this please sit and could you get some water Mr butler. After that the butler whom already knew what was going on instructed a maid to get the water, Nathaniel drank and said; Ma'am i need to go right now boss is going to kill me he actually gave me time and if it past i..... Before he could finish rosella got frustrated and said; why would he do something like that? Is this how he acts.