
Rejected By Husband, Chased By The Billionaire CEO

Bound by the laws of loyalty and sacrifice, twenty-seven-year-old Lola Hart, a hardworking and devoted wife is forced to endure a childless marriage, a nagging husband and ungrateful in-laws. Her monotonous life is flipped upside down when her husband passes out in her arms on their fifth wedding anniversary celebration. When diagnosed with a rare heart condition that required immediate surgery, Lola is force to offset the medical bills alone, leading to some ugly trends. Despite her efforts in saving her husband's life, Lola is abused, humiliated, betrayed and kicked out of her home by the same man, who took an oath to love her unconditionally. Amidst Lola's trials and temptations was an anonymous billionaire CEO, who was ready to move mountains just to put a smile on her face. What would happen when Lola discovers that her secret benefactor and admirer, was no other person than Richmond Gibson, her husband's boss? *****An Excerpt "In other to solve the riddle behind your viral infection and pregnancy, I need to know if you have slept with any other man aside from your husband and Mr Forde." "What!" Lola's piercing eyes shot daggers at the chief. "Why don't you answer the question and save us all the drama." Ian's lawyer scoffed. "I didn't sleep with Mr Forde, Sir." Lola banged her fist on the Chief's desk, screaming at the top of her lungs. "He was the one who raped me and he was the one who infected me. I love my husband so much and I will never...ever cheat on him in a million years." The chief of police was about to reprimand Lola for shouting in his face when suddenly, the entire room was engulfed with the pleasurable moaning of a familiar voice. "So Mrs Lola Hart, you were saying?" Ian's conceited lawyer added the final nail to her coffin. ******* Hello readers, Thanks for selecting this amazing book. This story is dear to my heart because it looks at some of the challenges married women face. The intriguing life of the FL will make you laugh. It will make you cry. It will make your angry and it will make you happy. Best of all, it will keep you on the edge of your seat. Please, support this book by voting massively with power stones and golden tickets, gifting, leaving comments and adding to your library collection.

Tres_Aguila · สมัยใหม่
241 Chs

If Only...

"HIV!" The doctor arched his brow in confusion. He had no knowledge that his new patients came to the hospital for a different business.

"Yes, doctor." the nurse replied.

"Sure... You can give it to her." The doctor gestured while hiding his astounded expression.

"Thank you, sir. Mrs Hart..." The nurse directed her friendly gaze to Lola, stretching her right hand towards the latter.

"Umm...thanks...." Lola took the envelope with trembling hands. She suddenly felt the urgency to use the convenience but her feet seemed to have developed a mind of their own.

"You are most welcome, ma'am." The nurse smiled at her before leaving the office.

Lola felt her heart slam against her chest as she stared at the white envelope in her hands. She was careful to avoid the doctor's scrutinizing gaze as she thought of a way to vaporize from his office.

It felt as though heaven was about to fall on earth and crush only her. She felt cold beads of sweat accumulate on her forehead, while her eye shimmered with threatening tears.

"If only..." She mumbled under her breath.

'If only I didn't let things degenerate to this point? If only I had gone to the hospital back then, for the check-up and saved myself and Brian from all this shame. If only I had paid attention to the chicken sauce and not allowed things to escalate. If only I had never gone to Ian Forde for help.'

Tears slowly trickled down Lola's reddened cheeks.

'How can I give birth to my precious baby as an HIV-positive mother? How am I going to convince Brian to accept me back in this condition? Oh God, I wish I could go back in time and change everything.' Lola lamented.

Having been a general duty doctor for roughly seven years, and seen all kinds of issues, the doctor was empathetic toward the pretty woman before him.

"Mrs Hart, I know that this is none of my business but I can assure you there is always a way out of every challenge as long as you do not give up on yourself."

The doctor's kind words caused more tears to stream down Lola's flushed cheeks.

"Thank you." Lola quickly dabbed at her eyes and face using her colourful handkerchief.

"Would you like me to read the result out to you?" The very observant doctor asked after a moment of deafening silence.

Treating the envelope as though it was hot burning coal, Lola quickly dropped it on the table.

"Yes...please..." She sniffed and blinked severally to push back more threatening tears. She blew our forced air through her mouth and said calmly.

"I'm ready."

"Okay..." The doctor picked up the envelope on the table and tore it open. He slowly unfolded the paper and browsed through it.

Looking up at the visibly fidgeting pretty woman before him, the doctor said calmly.

"Mrs Hart, I'm sorry to disappoint you. The HIV test results show that you are HIV..."

Lola held her breath and closed her eyes.


Lola slowly opened her eyes as the words fell on her ears. Her cute dazed expression caused the doctor to smile.

"Wh...wh....what!" Lola gulped down on her saliva to moisten her patched throat. "C...c...can you say that again."

"You are HIV-negative." The doctor repeated his earlier statement, beaming.

Lola started laughing and crying at the same time like some smoking weed for the first time.

The doctor's forehead furrowed at his patient's awkward behaviour.

"Mrs Hart, is something the matter?"

"Isn't it obvious! How can you say I am negative when another hospital certified me positive? Isn't that laughable?"

"Umm...I don't understand. It says here that..."

"No!" Lola abruptly stood up, putting his right open palm in the air.

"I have had enough of you people trying to mess with my head and my heart. I can't take it any more. Guess what! I was never talking about my friend earlier. I was talking about myself. I had no idea I was pregnant when I was drugged and abused by my boss. My marriage has already been ruined because I was pronounced HIV positive by a hospital. Now, you tell me that I am HIV Negative! Really" Lola half screamed.

"Mrs Hart, please, calm down." The doctor also stood up as he tried to pacify his riled patient.

"I'm very sorry for all you've gone through, ma'am. I promise I will be the last person to take you for granted. As a family man, I can understand what you're going through right now. Nevertheless, I can assure you we are not trying to play a prank on you. This hospital is known nationwide for its integrity, excellence, compassion, and dedication. Every employee knows these principles and abide by them strictly." The doctor emphasized.

"Whenever a patient comes in here for a HIV test, we always conduct such test twice for reconfirmation before releasing the result. Here...take a good look at the result yourself. Your name and all the details you gave us are clearly written on the report." The doctor handed over the result to Lola.

Lola's tears clouded eyes darted suspiciously between the piece of paper being handed over to her and the doctor's compassionate gaze. She paused for a few seconds before she accepted the result with trembling hands.

"Oh my goodness! It is true. But how can this be? Wait, let me show you something."

Lola hurriedly picked up her handbag and rummaged through it. She brought out a folded document.

"Here...this is the result of the HIV test I did at Glove Clinic." Lola handed the piece of paper to the doctor.

"It says over there that I am HIV positive."

"What!" The doctor flashed Lola a look of confusion. "How! This result isn't correct. There is no way you are HIV positive. Like I said earlier, we always conduct our test twice for reconfirmation."

"Oh God!" Lola placed both hands on her head. "How can I tell which of the results is authentic."

"How about you go to another hospital and conduct the test." The doctor suggested confidently. "You can try up to three or four different hospitals to confirm the result. If it turns out positive, feel free to sue me and this hospital to court."

"Umm...okay...I will leave now but I'll be back." Lola picked up both results and put them in a handbag before dashing out of the hospital.

Thanks for reading.

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