
Rejected And Unforgivable

“Amelia Murphy, you will pay what the Murphy family owes me!” The only thought that occupies Jasper Turner’s mind when he threw Amelia Murphy into a mental hospital just to torture and humilate her. Two years later, he married her in order to add more miseries in her life, “Why do you want to marry me now?” She asked him in a teary voice. He stared at her blankly, shook his head in disbelief and then said, “Don’t be delusional, It's just another way to make your life more miserable.” Although he had always hated her, he had never allowed anyone to hurt her except himself.Amelia Murphy endured everything and kept searching for the evidence that will prove the whole Murphy family innocent. Later, after so many hurdles she finally found the evidence of their innocence and threw them on Jasper Turner’s face. Her patience had already left her long back. She took a deep sigh when she got the flashes of her husband’s torturous behavior in front of her watery eyes. With hunched shoulders and defeated voice she told him, “I didn’t owe you anything Mr. Jasper. I never did.” At that moment Jasper realized that Amelia was much more than a mere revenge to him. He didn’t know when she became his whole world. The thought of her leaving him was not less than a nightmare to him. “Amelia, forgive me. I beg you, my love!” He whispered in her ear and then continued.” Don’t leave me, I won’t be able to live without you.” Listening to his plea, she gave a hurtful laugh, “ Do you think I will believe any of your words now?” “Amelia..” He started but she showed him her palm and then mumbled,” None of your theraterical drama will work on me, Jasper Turner.” “Just believe me one last time. Give me one last chance, please.” He folded his hands in front of her. The moment she turned to leave, his words stopped her in her tracks, “ Do you want our children to grow up without their father?”

Harper Murphy · สมัยใหม่
100 Chs

Chapter 5

"Just leave us alone, plastic face." Steph snapped.

"How about you shut up" Jackie retorted.

"Get a life, and stop ruining others." Steph said.

"Well, the last time I checked, you guys had no lives for me to even ruin." She said.

"Such a bitch" I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you just say?" She asked me; twirling her fingers in her long strawberry blonde hair.

"Nothing" I said.

"Look here, I suggest you not talk, missy, because you know I can make your life a living hell. No one likes you. Hell I bet you don’t even have one person in this world that loves you or gives a crap about you! You’re a piece of dirt, a waste of air, and a waste of perfectly good yearbook space." She snapped; basically in my face.

I could just feel it; the tears trying to force themselves out of my eyes; but I tried as hard as I could to make sure not one drop leaked out.

But I failed.

I only let a couple of drops leak out before I wiped the rest of them away and held them all back.

"So now why don’t you just run along, to a place we’re you belong. Wherever that is, but it sure isn’t here." Faris finally spoke.

My eyes quickly shifted to him and all I saw was amusement in them, but I could have sworn I saw a tiny hint of guilt hidden behind all the amusement. But, Faris? Faris Maxwell feel guilty for a girl like me? Never.

So I just stood there shocked as Faris and Jackie chuckled their way away from us.

"Talisa—" Steph tried to talk but I interrupted her.

And this is where I made my decision.

"I’ll do it" I told her.

She looked confused. "Do what?"

"Leave. I’ll leave." I choked out.

She just nodded and instead of walking us to first period, she walked us to her car.

"You’re parents are at work right?" she asked me.

"Yes" I answered.

"Both of them?" She asked.


"Alright let’s go" She said and pulled me to her car.


We pulled up to the driveway of my house and I got my keys and let us both in.

She pulled me upstairs to my room and dumped me on my bed and looked down at me.

"Alright look, here’s what we’re gonna do…Since you’re parents are at work and the border guards are either at school or work… You’re going to leave now." She told me.

"What?! Now?!" I exclaimed; getting all nervous.

"Yes now. It’s the perfect time to do it." She said.

"But why can’t we do it like tomorrow or something?" I asked.

"Because I’m going on that vacation to Mexico in 3 days, remember?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, damn it" I said.

"Yeah exactly, and I don’t want to make you sound weak and vulnerable but I know you won’t be able to make it without me for the next 2 weeks." She said.

I wanted to slap her for that but I couldn’t because she was right.

I just ducked my head down and stared at the floor.

"So you’re going to start packing now, and then you’ll have to run to the border because my car won’t be able to fit through the woods and plus, it wouldn’t be so smart to leave tire tracks in the woods." She explained.

And I just nodded.

"So let’s start packing." She said.


After about an hour of quick packing we set the giant duffle bag on my bed.

"Okay, packing done." She said.

"Now what? I asked.

"Now we have to think of way to make sure you’re never found and I don’t get in trouble." She said.

And I just silently nodded.

"Alright look, I got it. When you leave, I’ll pretend act frantic you disappearing, so I could look like I had nothing to do with this. I’ll call you or text you hundreds of times but DON’T answer your phone so it looks like you don’t want any contact from ANYONE in this pack anymore and so it looks like I’m really clueless to your disappearance." She explained.

I mean… that plan could work right? I mean she was going to college for acting anyways as she honestly is a really good actress.

"But how do you know this will work?" I asked.

"Because I’m an amazing actress" She smiled.

Oh how I’m going to miss her conceitedness every day.

So I just nodded. "Okay" because I honestly didn’t have any other plan.

"So when do I leave?" I asked.

"Right now" She said.

I just nodded and we double checked to see if there was anything I would be missing.

"Oh, what about this?" She asked; holding a picture frame of my REAL mother giving my brother a piggy back ride and my REAL father giving me a piggy back ride.

I nodded and wiped a stray tear from my face and stuffed it in my bag.

"Alright, I think we’re good." I said and grabbed my giant duffle bag that I can barely carry right now and walked downstairs to the door.

But before we walked outside, I went into the kitchen, grabbed a post-it and wrote a little note on it.

Dear Dom, Raven, and whoever sees this,

I left the pack. I don’t want to be in a place where I know I’m not wanted by anybody. I know I’m a waste of space and air, so please don’t come looking for me, not that anybody would but just don’t. I’m happier this way. Bye!