

  Brenda's POV

  The door to the car opens after we have been granted a permit to enter the mansion and I step out.

  The first thing that catches my attention is the fountain right in the middle of the large compound.

  This place is indeed a beauty and as much as I don't want to be a public wife of Tyler, living here would be fun.

  Reminding myself on the reason why I am here, I stroll to the front door which is already open for me and I enter without question.

  I knew what I was doing when I asked Tyler's bodyguard to follow me down to his house. If I didn't come with them or I had taken a cab, giving such an easy permit like this would have been difficult.

  I want to see The Real Billionaire's Wife. We have a lot to talk about and until then, I won't know my fate and that of Tyler's.