
Chapter 6

  Crystal's POV

  I move swiftly into the living room, fuming in anger.

  How dare he? How can he choose me out of all the girls? I won't mind sleeping with an old haggard man instead of sleeping with Bryce.

  I don't know why I am this angry at Jackson, why can't he read between the lines?

  I have never rejected any man, Bryce will be the first man I am going to reject outrightly. Jackson ought to know something is amiss.

  "Where do you think you are going?" The Queen Mother stops me. I didn't even realize she is in the living room until she speaks up. She walks proudly and stands in front of me.

  I want to talk but my lips are tightly sealed. My lace sleeves are in my hand, I picked them up after the dance.

  "Where are you going without a man?" She asks me again, with her head up.

  The door opens and Susan comes in with a man who is grinning like an idiot. The second door opens and another comes in. The living room connects us all. It leads to each of our rooms.

  "I...don't want...."

  "Crystal, what the hell is wrong with you?" Jackson shouts from behind. He strides closer to us. "What the hell is that show for?"

  "I'm sorry", I apologize. I shouldn't have yelled at him, I shouldn't have walked out on him like that. Jackson is someone who demands respect and I can see he is damn angry with me.

  I raise my hand to remove my mask. I know Jackson must have helped me talk to her about the mask since she isn't saying anything about it.

  "What happened?" Queen Mother questions Jackson.

  He takes a hold of her hand and they move away from me. "A man showed interest in her even before we began the bidding. I asked her if she wanted him out of courtesy and she rejected him." Jackson explains to her in soft tones but I can hear him.

  "What?" She glares at me. "Why did you ask her if she wants him? Why did you make it look like she has a say?"

  "I'm sorry, I didn't even realize she will reject him."

  She stops him with her hand. "Find her another man."

  "What? This man is fucking rich, you need to see his dress and his ride. He is willing to pay anything just to have her. We can't let this opportunity slide. He isn't from this part of the town and we can't be so sure that he will come back here after tonight."

  Queen Mother looks convinced. She nods after a minute of silence and saunters to my side. I am still standing, thinking about my tonight encounter with Bryce.

  He hasn't changed much after all these years, he is still the good-looking man I fell in love with, he looks mature now and responsible. He looks gentle and calm and I wonder what brought him here.

  I am thinking of what to do to avoid letting Bryce be my man for tonight when Queen Mother stands in front of me.

  If they insist that Bryce will be my man, there is no way he won't see my face unless I am still masked.

  "You are going to have that billionaire tonight whether you like it or not", she declares.

  An idea suddenly takes form in my head.

  "Let's switch places with Brenda. I can't have it. I don't want him." I stand my ground defiantly.

  Queen Mother raises her hand and slaps me across the cheek. My cheek stings. This isn't the first time this is happening.

  "Brenda is taken", Jackson remarks.

  "It's either you have him tonight or you bear the consequences of your actions if he leaves this place with my money", she shouts.

  A tear almost rolls down my eyes. I can't believe Bryce will see me now. What will he think of me?

  "Why did you reject him? This is unusual of you", Jackson comments.

  "He is someone I used to know", I reply with all honesty. My gaze is on the floor, imagining how he will react when he sees my face.

  Should I just go ahead with my initial plan of acting professionally and pretend like I don't know him? Or should I just ask them to let me use the mask?

  "What? Is he one of your family members?" I see the fear that flashed across their faces.

  "No, he isn't. He is just someone I used to know." I say, hoping that will make them have a change of mind.

  Queen's mother whispers something into Jackson's ears and he replies. "He said he wants her and no one else."

  "Did you ask him how much he wants to pay?"

  "Safina, this man is fucking rich. He is ready to pay whatever price", Jackson answers with a frown.

  She turns to me. I can see she has made a decision already with the look of finality on her face. "Crystal, you are going to meet that man now but you will be masked", she announce.


  Bryce's POV

  I can't believe she rejected me. I stand frozen to my spot, looking into space with my mouth agape after she left Jackson and me standing. Jackson excused himself and walked away.

  What is happening? I can't believe I have been rejected twice in just a day. Is there something wrong with me? Am I no longer the handsome guy that girls used to fall heads over heels in love with?

  I am jerked out of my thoughts when someone bumps his shoulder into mine as he passes a girl. I close my mouth and turn to go back to where Tyler and I were sitting earlier.

  When I notice he is no longer there, I scan the entire place with my eyes until it falls on him talking to a girl at the far end of the house.

  The girl's eyes lock with mine and she says something to Tyler who turns back immediately. I sigh and walk dejectedly to the seat. Her rejection has turned me off and I feel like just going back home.

  "What happened?" Tyler demands with furrowed brows when he gets to my side with the girl. She looks beautiful and I recognize her as the girl Tyler was looking at earlier on the stage.

  "She fucking rejected me. She said she doesn't want me", I answer shamelessly, ignoring the look of concern on the girl's face.

  "What?!" They both exclaim.

  "Crystal doesn't reject anyone", she sneers and chuckles lightly.

  "Is that her name?" I ask her and she nods.

  "Why did she reject you?"

  "I have no idea", I stand up again. "I'll get going."

  "Where to?" Tyler questions me.

  "Home, of course", I replied harshly. I have no idea how I am feeling about this rejection but I don't want the look of sympathy on Tyler's face. It is pissing me off.

  "There are other girls..."

  "I am not interested", I shake my head and begin to walk to the exit.

  "Bryce", Tyler calls me back but I have no interest in staying back to let him convince me. My mind is home already and I can't wait to force myself to sleep so I won't think of my pathetic situation.

  I suddenly remember I didn't take my car keys from Tyler and I curse while turning back abruptly to go back to Tyler so I can get the keys. He left his car at the pub and we came here in my car.

  I am hoping he won't stop me from going or try to convince me one more time.

  Coming here is a big mistake. Instead of lifting my dampened mood, it has intensified it, making me feel rejected and unwanted.

  "There you are", Jackson stops in front of me with a smirk.

  I raise a brow.

  "I have been looking all around for you", he remarks.

  "What for?"

  "Crystal is waiting upstairs for you already", he announces with a smile and I gasp in surprise. I thought I had been turned off by the rejection but I am surprised that the sudden thought that I can still have her is exciting to me.

  My face breaks into a smile and I am about to ask him to lead me when he demands. "How much are you offering?"