

  Crystal's POV

  Brenda taps me which makes me jerk out of my reverie and realize I am not at the church yet and I am still home, sitting in front of the dresser watching myself in a white wedding gown.

  It is beautiful and I look beautiful too.

  Everything happening right now doesn't look real; the bustling going on downstairs as Bryce's step mother keeps screaming my name at intervals, probably to be sure that I am not going to leave their son at the altar and also shouting out for her two girls who will be amongst my maid of honor.

  Juliet has come to terms with the fact that I am here to stay in the family and we are learning not to bark at each other whenever we see.

  The fact that I am sitting right here in a wedding dress isn't unbelievable. I still can't believe Bryce and I are going ahead with this.

  It is exactly a month since he proposed to me and he wouldn't stop talking about getting married to me as soon as possible.