


  Crystal's POV

  "A proposal?" I ask with large eyes and my heart swells with joy when she nods her head.

  "It was more like a proposal", she murmurs with confusion and I raise a brow. "The thing is this; it wasn't like yours. We were alone and there was no ring, no kneeling down, no long list of words to say to me to convince me and that was all."

  "Then how did it happen?" I ask her again with a puzzled look.

  "He simply asked me if I would marry him when we are back from Italy and I said yes", she shrugs nonchalantly and sips on her soda.

  "Oh!" I mutter with understanding. "Now that you are back, has he proposed officially now?"

  "No", she grins. "The one he did earlier is fine with me. I already told him I don't want a glamorous wedding. I just want something simple and quiet. Just you and I and Bryce and of course the groom, then his parents, and that will be all."