
Reincarnation With The Boys

6 best friends (all of them are boys) form a group called The Boys. They pull all kinds of crazy stunts. Due to a mishap with something thats definitely not dangerous... they all die. Thats the end... YOU WISH!!! They are reincarnated into a new world of swords, magic and wome... (cough) (cough) I mean magical monsters. The story involves the 6 boys and their journey to rise to the very top to defeat the jackass god of that world. Rest assured this is no BL but it is filled with BS. A new action,comedy and fantasy series that you would like to get a piece of. Let's Go, Full Throttle!!!!!!

Fleeting_Dream · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter - 1 {A Very Ordinary Occurrence}

11:00 year 2XXX


In an ordinary room with ordinary stuff except some huge amount of anime themed things (Don't question it) lies a... let's say not so ordinary boy. Sleeping soundly, until his phone rang with max voliume.

"Ugh, c'mon. Today was supposed to be my off day. Who the hell is calling so early?"

With an annoyed look the boy proceeded to pick up the call.

But what awaited him was a deep voice as loud as a police siren screaming in his ears.


"AHHH! WHAT THE HELL! YOU'LL BLOW MY EAR DRUMS! Why the hell are you screaming so early in the morning? "

Let's say the boy was not pleased. He asked the guy on the phone why he was bothering him with a veeeery annoyed tone.


The person on the phone continuing to scream in a friendly but loud manner.

"Fine. Is everyone there?"


I will be taking over the narration for now. Hi I'm Christopher Dux you can call me Chris.

"Imma brush 'ma teeth real quick"

Brush Brush Brush....

After the 3rd world war the world was in shambles. But if that wasn't it around 2 centuries ago an astroid hit earth and made it almost uninhabitable.

But with the astroid came new unknown riches and a giant crater on the pacific ocean

" Hey Igor, what's for breakfast today? "

"BZT.BZT... Good morning boss. It will be a fried egg and one serving of bacon today."

"SWEEET! Love ya Igor. "

" Bzt.Bzt. Thank you. "

Like I was saying all the countries were in shambles and people were just waiting to die. Every place became like Ohio. Then the UN decided to put the order of world cooperation and peace. The scientists, inventors and doctors all banded together to invent new technology with their new found riches and items.

"Damn I knew I shouldn't have stayed up all night watching that boaring ass new reincarnation anime. Who was that writer again? Best God or something, what a wierdo. Hey Uoogle what's the weather like today?"

" Bzt..There is a high chance of drizzle. "

"Just my Luck. Helix prepare my bike. "

"Bzt. Got it "

" Thats boss to you. Stupid junk "

"Bzt. Look whose talking"

Until around a century ago all the countries banded together to create a country of peace and innovation on the giant crater of the astroid. The most peaceful and developed country in the the world 'Unicountry'

You don't really need to know much more because our story starts and here but takes place somewhere else.

Passin it on to you old narrator

" Now then, Let's get this show on the road shall we? "

The boy or Chris as you have heard storms off with a pretty nice bike. One that you should be jealous of.


5 minutes later

"Phew, whatup peeps? Why are all of you so serious?"

Chris said to 5 more lets say.... interesting people (I don't feel like explaining who they are just read chapter-0)

The voice from the phone was Will the crazy guy just saying

" Why the hell are you so late. You pickin a fight with me?!? "

Kim said in an aggressive tone. Almost like barking in a loud voice

" Those are some fighting words dude. You know when we fight you would probably lose"

Chris said in a sarcastic and provocative manner


Will said and actually joined in the scuffle.

" Hey break it up you three. Sam has something important to say "

Rory came in between in order to stop the three.

These are 'THE BOYS' a well known group of troublemakers. They pull some crazy ass pranks. Like for real these guys robbed a bank and returned all the money without getting caught. Why? Because ' apparently ' it was fun.

" Sam? What's up bro? "

Chris asked Sam why he called everyone

" So, remember that thing we found last week? Yeah thats like a mega dangerous bomb. So like please pull that thing out of my backyard. "

Sam said in the most condescending and scared voice and requested them to throw it out to some uninhabited location for safe blasting

" If its that dangerous. Than isn't going there by itself just as dangerous. "

Ivan said in a calculative manner.

" It is but, we gotta get it out somehow. "

Chris said in a concerned manner while thinking of a solution.

" Don't worry too much I hooked it up to my system and got to a point of lower fire power. But if it explodes by backyard would be as good as gone and we would die "

Sam said in an assuring but still concerned manner.

Then the boys marched on forward to Sam's house more specifically to his backyard.

" Welcome boys. This is what we are working with "

Sam welcomed the boys to the shack in his backyard with one spunky looking bomb connected to lots of wires.


Will said in a way too excited voice

" Yeah so whatever you do, do not I mean do not step on or tear any wires that'll make it explode. "

Squeak.. Squeak

" Hey what was that sound? "

Chris said in a curious tone.

" Look it's a cute little rat! "

Rory exclaimed while he pointed to a rat on the corner of the room munching on some cables.

" It's eating the cables! Ruuuuuu - "

Chris ran and tried to warn everyone one got cut off and caught up in the explosion


" Am I... gonna die? But.... I need (cough) to clear my (cough) harddrive. "

Chris slowly said to himself while slowly losing consciousness.





"Hey where am I? Didn't I die just a moment ago??? What is this liquid? "

Chris found himself submerged in some type of water. Then slowly sinking down and slowly falling.

" Æßdgkø ßdvmñë "

A giant entity with female voice said something in an unfamiliar language.

" Ghūòēwqyú lmvçcdåjlkï "

Again but this time it is a male voice.

" Wait, what are they saying? "

I tried to speak out loud but surprise surprise I couldn't. Why? Because I have been reincarnated. But what happened to the other boys? Its in the name but stay tuned to find out I guess

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. A share would also be great

Fleeting_Dreamcreators' thoughts