
Reincarnation: Weird Progenitor.

Reincarnated in a new world, beginning a new life. A unique world, although seemingly normal has an extraordinary path of its own. The Path of Conscious Power is a type of wishful power that everyone in this world has. Although some individuals are more talented than others. With consciousness, there is wishful power present. Belief, Desire, Emotions, Fantasy, Imagination, Thinking, etc. are all included in this Path. As a reborn soul with His Past life memories. He cultivates and trains His inborn talent trying to awaken its full potential while living a bright life for a future untold. But as He grows of age, He discovers a unique talent, the gift of His miraculous reincarnation. He cultivates this talent He calls, Source of Weirdness, a power that will change his life and the world. By combining it with the existing extraordinary path, trying to transcend the boundaries. Granting a source to dead or living, guiding the people, creating stories and legends, absorbing the conscious power of all living things, and thus conceiving weirdness. What will His new life become? A bright happy life, a weird life, or having both at the same time? Will He one day be swallowed up by His unique power or will He swallow it? Let us follow His journey of life, of Light? of Dark? or a Weird life.

DeSu · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

03 Fifth Cycle Ceremony

Today the people is in joyous mood.

Anyone can clearly feel the happiness fluctuating within the tribe.

Like a breeze softly caressing every tribesmen.

A ceremony important to every 5 cycles old children is going to be held.

Eventhough it can happen annually whenever someone of the right age is available.

It is different for those who will participate personally.

It is their special day, a once in an lifetime chance.

Whereupon their destiny will be decided.

And where ordinary will be distinguish from extraordinary.

"Wake up son. Don't oversleep. You still have an hour to prepare." Heard Dev, as he groggily sit up from the bed hearing his father's voice.

Blinking his eyes and shaking his head while yawning to dismiss his sleepiness.

"I'm up! Coming!" Dev answered as he get off and arrange his bed.

After he's done. He went towards his parents who currently makes their breakfast.

"Aren't you excited for this day? If we didn't wake you up. You might be late for the ceremony." Said my mom as I sit beside her. While she prepares the table.

"No mom. I'm so excited last night that I fell asleep later than usual. I know you'll wake me up." Dev replied as he hear the question. At the same time as his father's laugh.

"Hahahaha. That's right. We heard the rustling of your sheets as you move. But it's ok, I remember I also can't sleep because of excitement when it was my turn." My father laughs as he recalled his own experience. While he bring the cooked food to the table.

"I believe your mother was the same back then." Father continues saying as he look towards my mother. Picking up spoons and giving both of us ours.

"Yes I am the same. I still remember many of the participant during our time were also sleepy as they go to the venue." As my mother replied while describing their own ceremony. As she scoops soup into my bowl and theirs.

"Well I can understand everyone's excitement. Because it's really an important event." Dev joined in the conversation.

"Anyway, dad what time will it start?." I ask my father.

"Dont worry we just want you ready early. We still have plenty of time. The shamans and apprentices are still preparing the venue. We just need to be prepared to come as they inform us." Answered my father while sitting on the chair.

"Maybe about noon or even after lunch. There is no fix time to start. And eventhough this is an important event. It is actually very fast so it won't take much time." Remark my mother to the topic as she begins to have a meal.

" Lore is right. Only the segregation and counting those with talent for shaman arts takes a time depending on how many there is. Since the shamans make a list and also informs of the subsequent training plan." Father state further what will happen after the ceremony. As he also begin eating.

"I understand." Dev said as he prepared to pick up his bowl of soup and taking bread. Their food is richer than normal since they must be well fed for to last the ceremony.

Because there is no break time once it started. Bringing food and water is also not allowed.

This means that if it begins at noon then you can only eat at dinner after everything's over.

Undoubtedly, someone will be hungry if they dont eat better in preparation.

I keep thinking of the past years and I can say to myself that the wait is excruciating.

But now the waiting is all over.

I only need to be patient for a few hours to know if the result will be of what I desire.

I really hope to have a talent to be extraordinary.

Although I excell at other livelihood lessons and training learned during this past years.

But knowing there is extraordinary power and not being capable to practice will be devastating.

Especially for someone like me who is reborn.

I am different from newborns and majority of the people here.

They can easily accept and move on if they have no talent.

And there won't be any despair or unwanted emotions regarding not being able to practice.

Because they are content and for them it is an unchangeable fact. That someone can or can not practice.

Having a talent is happiness but having no talent is also welcome.

But I am different. I desire to practice.

Especially as I experienced the miracle of rebirth and life in another world.

I want, Need and Greedy for the extraordinary path.

As Dev keeps thinking, his emotions a mess of joy, anticipation and worry.

While his face is expressionless and looking serious.

Without him knowing.

As he kept his chaotic thinking.

His pupils color becomes darker.

And darker, looking like an abyss.

That Devours and repulsed the light.

If he was not bowing his head as he eats.

His parents would've discovered this phenomenon.

But there is no if.

Taking a deep breath as Dev was done eating.

He put down his utensils.

He close his eyes and calmed himself.

When he opens his eyes again and looks up.

Everything is normal.

And All this happened with no one's knowing.

"I'm full." Said Dev to his parents.

With him knowing nothing of the brief anomaly he had.

" Are you sure? There still time to wait and then you can't eat until the event is over. " asked his mother.

"I'm fine. I'll just eat more dried meat and fruits later as we walk towards the altar." Dev replied as he no longer have appetite.

"Well, as long as you know. Yes that will do, I'll prepare you some food to bring later." Said his father.

After both of his parents proceed to clean the table and went around the house to prepare.

They also do some chores by the way. Since they can only go home until the event is over.

Incapable of helping on other chores. Dev decided to go out and sit outside.

Here he can see other families doing the same acticity as theirs.

Several have children to participate while others have younger child to bring

But majority of the neighbors are adults with no child.

Regardless, every tribal member must be present for the ceremony.

Because the ritual to be held requires energy source more than what the shamans can provide alone.

So the whole tribe is considered the energy source and donor. They provide most of the required energy.

The shamans are donors and guides. They attract, channels and weave energy into what is needed.

While those age 5 cycles are both participant and beneficiary. They are the ones to be subject with scouring of energy by the shamans.

Those without talent will benefit in terms of health and other enhancement.

Not at superhuman level but having human fitness of peak state.

The better the physique before, the greater benefit after.

And those lucky ones, aside from the above gains will have an extra blessing.

They will awaken their shamanic talent.

It is said that the unlocking process is like bathing in warm waters during cold season.

Which is very soothing for the body and calms the mind.

After which, the person will perceive an extra limblike nonphysical appendage.

Something like an arm you can flex and stretch.

Since then, for these talented individual the world will be different.

All will gain minor emphatic sense. Sensing emotions of themselves and other conscious individuals.

Among them, some are said to be capable of both sensing and seeing emotion in different colors.

Ofcourse both can be trained to be acquired and proficient.

Those awakened just have a headstart.

But ultimately, training is to learn to identify, attract, channel, use , convert and store those different energy sources, termed pure mental energy or Mind (hereafter will be use to refer all sorts of energy said by the author at the synopsis and prior chapters).

All are important skills to be acquired.

As Dev contemplates the several informant he manage to gain from occasional communication and chat within the tribe.

He observed some children a little older than he is are coming from the center of the village.

He knows they are the younger apprentices that barely trains for a year or more.

They are notable compared to other children because of their demeanor, unique clothing and accessories.

He knows some of them and also participated last year of the same ceremony as today.

"Mom! Dad! The apprentices are coming to inform everyone." Dev calls to his parents.

"Here we are." Both of them answered while going out and brought a small basket of food.

Dev reached out for the package and took some of it to munch.

The trio then proceed to walk along with their neighbors.

"It's here! Ahhhhhh!!" Dev internally screams of excitement as he walks and mechanically putting food in his mouth.

Dev can't explain his excitement.

Every cell of his vibrates with thrilling and fiery sensation.

Like a pack of hungry beast eager to devour flesh and blood.

He had no doubt that if he were any older and capable of erection.

His body would've presented a hard member evident of sexual arousal.

Yes that's how he feels right now.

And discreetly, at the depths of his mind something tha is innately bred is silently born.

His delirium becomes greater as they come closer to the tribes center, where the altar is situated.

If not for some self control and mature thinking.

The stimulation is enough for him to run rampant like ferocious beast, just to be there just a second earlier.

Upon arrival they occupied their place and waited for the ceremony to begin.

Several minutes later.

Every tribesman are already present and silently waiting.

The shamans and their apprentices are at their stations for the ritual.

While the chief shaman, my grandpa, is already at the altars center.

After a minute of silence.

The chief shaman occupied his seat. A special futon at the center.

Seeing this, other shamans and apprentices also settled down.

"All participating children at right age come towards here." I heard a shaman calls for us right beside the altar.

It was then I spotted several futons placed there.

And remembered that this ceremony requires being closer.

My nervousness seemed to dull my thinking. Forgetting that I have observed the same last occasion.

But it's alright because I'm not the only one.

Most children are more nervous than I am.

Some of them looking like they're going to cry while clenching their parents clothes.

I look up to my parents and saw them smiling and nodding.

So I walk towards the place with anticipation rising.

With my heart beating hard within my chest and feeling my blood flowing rapidly.

Zoning out other people, I came to and set down on my futon while I stare at my grandfather.

I saw him smile and mischievously gave me a wink.

I can see he is trying to make me relax.

And so I did, I smiled in return wiping off the nervousness.

Now all that's left is to wait and hope for the best outcome.

As we set down or our places.

The shamans started humming tones.

I hear three different timbres or maybe more.

The apprentices have lighter tones. Evident of their childish voice and youth.

And the shamans have deeper pitch. Because most of them are adult.

While my grandfather set the mood, his voice is like the center of the symphony, the rightful conductor.

Different from when I was younger.

I can now feel more. See more.

I dont know if this is normal or just because as the ceremony begins I already show signs of awakening.

But I can see the motes of light like elves flowing out of everybody.

"So this is the Mind. The mental power every conscious individual have. " I said to myself.

The shamans have more, bigger and more lively.

These motes of light flow, disperse, combine and circulates among themselves.

Sometimes bouncing and colliding.

But what remains consistent is that once they circulate around my grandfather.

They are converted into silk like lights.

It's evident that my grandfather weave them into threads of kaleidoscope colors.

And as more and more silk were present.

They weave among each other making something like a silk made glowing gauze.

Etherial and beautiful.

Similar to a colorful night sky filled with glittering stars.

As I watch the captivating sight.

The tempo and the mood changed.

The conversion from grains to silk then to gauze becomes much faster.

It becomes an orderly rotation of chaotic lights.

A miniature flowing universe right above our heads.

Easily reachable just by extending your hands.

Resembling a galaxy with stars twinkling and is sheltered by the Aurora made of gauze.

My grandpa have a semblance of a God worshiped by the gauze that glows and permeates the surrounding.

The shamans as Angel's who gives their worship.

Their apprentices are the cherubs that plays musical instruments.

And the people his believers.

A breathtaking vision!

What a demonstration of power!

I thought with brilliance in my eyes.

And feeling a little pity that the scene is only observable to individuals with talent.

As I am contemplating and perceiving in marvel.

I felt the gauze approaching and covering us in its transparent grace.

Most individuals can only feel its presence while I see some other children follows its movements with wonder in their eyes.

It flows from the body of every participating child.

It becomes shorter when it left the body of children that I believe to have awakened.

And it is now my opportunity.

I feel the gauze pass through my body into somewhere.

A metaphysical place belonging to me.

I know it is.

As I unknowingly followed as a mental body or a soul perhaps.

Either way I observe the place.

Just about 28 by 15 meters in size.

The place is similar to an empty egg.

But the shell or boundary is made up of grey smoky mist so condense that it's almost liquid.

The gauze circles the place and a part of it detached.

Becoming the only light in the place.

After which I can sense larger piece going away, out of this place.

Now only I am and part of the gauze is left.

With no idea of what must happen or if everything is over.

Dev plans to go out and end his observation.

However something happens which he did not expect and that something is not part of the ceremony.

He knows, he can feel it so.

But aside from being startled he did not feel any danger.

And so he quietly watch.

The grey smoky particles separates itself from the mist.

Now the boundary looks like a cloud.

As the particles condenses itself to the center it becomes darker and it spins into itself like a dark gaseous planet.

Flowing, condensing and dispersing but never breaking apart.

And by some invisible force.

The gauze, my blessing was transformed in a way that I don't know.

It was drawn into the center, swallow by the core.

Then it was expelled.

It changed.

Now it no longer shines.

Its form changed into that of a shroud made up of ink like smoke.

It revolves around the core.

Like a ghost in endless worship and servitude.

I felt an abrupt pressure and was forced out.

When opened my eyes it seemed not much time has passed.

Curious and confused of what happened.

Dev decided to investigate the situation later.

But for now he will focus on the concluding ceremony.