
Becoming the most evolved

"Marlon can we fly? I am getting tired of lifting my legs."

"We are trying to avoid being seen. How comes you want to rest you slept the most back at the cave. Alright, just take a rest here."

Gardnore drops himself on the ground which lifts up the dust.

"What's wrong with you keep quiet."

Marlon saws something coming in the distance and tells Gardnore to run but before he could get up the creature wraps itself around his body and begins to squeeze him. He screams in agony. He helps to take off the beast and swings the beast on a rock. Gardnore approaches the beast and lifts his feet to step on it."

"You dirty...!"

"Wait! we overpowered it, just let us leave from here."

But Marlon let me kill it

"It's none of our problems anymore it can't get in our way. Let's go."

"Whatever but if it gets back up I'm going to decorate it's body with the ground!"

"Good luck with that. As a matter of fact I am bringing it with us."

"Are you insane what if that things wakes up!?"

"Then you just decorate it with the ground. Quick put it on my back."

"I'm not touching that thing."

"I'll do it myself. It's heavy I need your help."

"Fine it's not going to work that way."

"Right I'm going to wrap it around your neck, don't move."

"What no!"

"Just stay put, perfect let's go."

"Marlon, it's moving get it off."

"The beast woke up and pulls itself tighter around Gardnores neck before Marlon could do anything the creature speaks to them."

"Who are you and what do you want with me!?"

"Calm down we're not going to harm you we're heading east and I wanted to bring you along."


"You seemed different from the rest of the beast I came upon."

"The creature released her tension off Gardnore and slides towards Marlon.

"I am Tenesse, why are you traveling to the east, that's where the worst beast is. However, you're going to need a strong beast like me by your side especially, that one."

"Are you disrespecting my niche!?"

"It's obvious that you are a coward, no questions asked."

"You'll be dead if Marlon didn't have your unconscious ass!."

Ok easy you two, I am Marlon and this is Gardnore.

"Hello Marlon, let's get going the make sure you keep up, Gardnore."

As they walk, to ease the tension between the two Marlon begins to a ask questions to get to know her.

"Do you remember when you were reincarnated?"

"I was heading to my parents' house when the destruction started to happen. As their house was in sight it exploded."

"So who led you here?"

"I forget what his name was but he told me I could escape death and live a longer and great life in a new world. I agreed and we both enter the realm and I woke up here but he was nowhere in sight. I suppose we got separated as we travelled through the realm."

"Aren't you afraid to be alone."

"Why should I, I have battled with commoners and use their corpses to keep my company. Gardnore is lucky to have a friend like you else he'd be dead."

That's it if she comes along I'm going to head in another direction.

"Where are you going!?"

"I don't know but it's better off without her!"

"Come back Gardnore and let us settle this."

"You better tell her to shut up!"

"Excuse me, I beg your pardon!?"

"You're excused."

"Be quiet!, do you hear that?"

A crowd of raging beast were heading their way. They ran off and the beasts soon reach them and tramples Gardnore in the process. Marlon and Tenesse takes cover behind a rock until they pass. Afterwards Marlon runs to the dead Gardnore mourning his death. Tenesse tells him they must continue their journey so he left him.

After a long walk they came upon a place where the dirt is as red as blood and the rocks are taller than the ones he has seen. They walk into the dirt and suddenly their presence was discovered. Creatures with a great speed surround Tenesse and devours her alive. Marlon runs into hiding and suddenly someone calls his name.

"Marlon, I have been waiting for you finally the time has come. "

"Who are you?"

"I am Azzrope also know here as Azznarath! Congrats you have made it this far now it is time for you us to battle if you want to be the most evolved."

"You're alive but how Edwin is dead?"

"I killed him he was of no use to me anymore!"

"You murderer!"

"Feels good doesn't it, to take lives?"

"you bastard,I will kill you and make you one with the dirt!"

They battle and Marlon finishes him off ripping his hear out of his chest and after killing him he became the most evolve beast on Ednyrth and loses his humanity as he becomes a fully blown beast.