
Chapter 295 The red lotus shines everywhere

At the edge of the battlefield, a soaring purple flame shone in all directions, and even the scorching sun on the dome became slightly dimmer under the suddenly blooming coquettish purple light.

Such an exaggerated vision immediately attracted the attention of the leaders of both ants and swarms. They all turned their heads to look, and saw dense purple fires rising where the flames bloomed. Between them roaring together, a majestic flame of nearly a hundred meters appeared. The snake quickly took shape, and then the fire snake soared towards the airspace where the swarm was.

Looking at the fire snake leaping upstream in the distance, Xuan Jun paused slightly in the ant swarm and casually crushed a wasp queen to death. Its forehead antennae trembled slightly. Even though they were far apart, they were still clearly connected to the fire snake. Below the snake, Xing Hai was standing with his head held high, looking up blankly.

"Xing Hai, was this fire snake created by our ally?"

The sudden voice in his mind broke Xing Hai's sluggishness at this time. He stared at the winding fire snake above his head with blazing eyes and replied:

"Yes, Commander Xuanjun."

"This ally is a human named Fire, and he says he will defeat the entire swarm."

In fact, when he handed the water bag to Xu Yue, Xing Hai did not believe that the other party had the ability to repel the swarm alone, but after witnessing the condensation process of the fire snake, he began to believe it.

This ability to turn the enemy's corpse into its own flames in an instant was unheard of.

In the ant colony, Xuan Jun was slightly stunned after learning the identity of his ally.

"Old people? This level of power…"

"After the battle, regardless of success or not, bring him to see me immediately."

"As you command!"


On the other hand, if Xuan Jun's mood was one of surprise, then the leader of the bee clan was outright frightened at this moment.

It remembered the location where the fire snake flew from. Not long ago, it had sent Tiger Spot to lead a squadron of wasps to this place, ordering to deal with the uninvited guest who had brought a lot of chaos to the bee colony.

But now it seems that Taobao's mission has undoubtedly failed completely, and this uninvited guest is obviously preparing to launch a second attack.

Thinking of the golden-red flames that were about to ignite before, the leader of the wasp looked solemnly. It is the nature of the bees to be afraid of fire. Although it is not clear what special abilities this purple fire snake has, he must not let the other party get close to the bee swarm easily.

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"Stingtail, stop the Fire Snake from approaching the Swarm at all costs."



Inside the giant fire snake, Xu Yue is at the head of the snake, with golden and red wings flapping behind his back, surrounded by countless fires. He is leading this fire giant snake formed by condensation of thousands of wasps as fuel, towards the entire land. The bee swarm launched a brazen charge.

With a body size of nearly a hundred meters, if he relied on himself, he would not be able to form a solid form even if he drained all his mana and life points. However, it was not his own energy that formed the fire snake at the moment.

If it was just driving and controlling, then the mana consumption would be much simpler. With the characteristic of burning the enemy with fire, as long as he had enough mana, he was sure to burn all the exaggerated swarm in front of him to ashes.

The distance between the two sides continued to shorten in the flying. When it was about to approach, the bee tide in the sky suddenly fluctuated. Three rows of wasp formations automatically separated from the group. They quickly spread out and formed a thick yellow net, heading downwards. The fiery snake is under the hood.

At the forefront of the bees was a drone that was slightly larger than a tiger-spotted one. Its most striking feature was its huge golden tail, with its black tail needles gleaming coldly and looking particularly sharp.

The stingtails lined up in front, a pair of insect eyes shimmered, and the silver figure hidden in the fire snake gradually enlarged in the field of vision. After locking the operator, its forehead antennae trembled, and the image of the silver figure in its mind was immediately transmitted simultaneously. to all surrounding worker bees.

"Shoot him!"

As soon as the words fell, thousands of spears came out, roaring into a forest!

The ear-piercing scream resounded in front of him. Xu Yue raised his eyes and looked up, only to see a black curtain formed by dense spears falling in the sky above his head, and at the front of the curtain were tens of thousands of cold lights flashing, indicating the power of these spears. The sharpness is extraordinary.

Before the gunfire arrived, the fine stinging pain from the beast's intuition had already spread throughout the body. Xu Yue's eyes were filled with golden red, and the burning fire in his Dantian separated into a purple-red light spot. As the light spot merged into the fire on the body surface, , in an instant a bright golden red flame burst out from the snake's head and quickly spread to the entire snake's body.

Under the transformation of Fen Jue Fire, the huge amount of food fire was transformed into pure Yang Yan. A giant golden-red snake suddenly appeared in the air. The terrifying high temperature suddenly spread, causing the surrounding air to instantly distort and deform.

The forest of spears in front had just approached, and a few fireworks had automatically ignited at the tip of the spear. When the forest of spears had completely penetrated into the body of the fire snake, and before it even got close to the figure in the center of the snake's head, it had already begun to fire from the tip of the spear. It turned into ashes, and the venom wrapped inside also turned into a wisp of smoke and drifted away.

Scanning the surrounding dense spears that were completely engulfed by the flames, Xu Yue was not surprised. To put it bluntly, these spears were the tail stings of wasps. Even if their strength was extraordinary, they were still made of biological material and could only turn into ashes in an instant under the high temperature of pure Yangyan. .

He raised the water bag in his hand that was surrounded by fire and took another sip. The lack of mana in his body was quickly replenished.

In the outside world, the golden red fire snake was not affected at all after being penetrated by thousands of spears. Instead, the snake's snout opened wide and it swooped out towards the mesh-like swarm of bees directly above.

Opposite the fire snake, faced with the terrifying heat of the gold-liquid stone, even the thin short hairs around it began to burn on their own. Not a single worker bee in the three-row wasp formation retreated. Orders are higher than life. This is engraved in Thoughts in the blood of the bees.

They have no fear, and their only thought is to kill the operator of the fire snake before his body is burned to prevent him from affecting the bee swarm behind.

The next second, the two collided in the air. There was no roar or sound, only the silent fusion and engulfment. The buzzing sound of flapping membrane wings quickly faded away, and the fire snake just flexibly swung its waist. Then the big yellow net composed of three rows of wasp formations was completely wrapped and entangled.

While the snake's body was circling, you could clearly see the wasps quickly turning into ashes amid the flames, which was no different from the previous black spear. The golden-red giant snake was also being devoured in this way, and its body began to stretch continuously. Longer and thicker.

Looking from below, I saw a majestic fire snake hovering under the yellow curtain of the sky. As the snake's body twisted and rotated, the giant snake grew in length when the wind blew, a hundred meters…three hundred meters…five hundred meters…

The size of the giant snake became more and more exaggerated, and the high temperature emanated from it caused the lakes on the surface to start to gush with "Gululu" bubbles.

The fighting on the battlefield stopped at this moment. Whether it was bees or ants, their eyes were focused on the giant snake millstone in mid-air. At this moment, they seemed to see the coming of the sun.

The frightening effect of pure Yang Yan on monsters is infinitely amplified by the accumulation of numbers, and uncontrollable tremors quickly spread to every existence on the battlefield, from ordinary worker bees and soldier ants to higher-level drones and drones. No one was spared.

This is the instinctive fear of fire in living things. Even though these two races have evolved into civilized races, they still cannot get rid of this tremor originating from the depths of their souls.

"Evacuate!! Scatter and escape!!"

At the first sight of the golden-red giant snake, the leader of the bee clan gave up any idea of ​​fighting against it. Without any hesitation, a slightly high-pitched retreat command immediately appeared in the mind of every individual bee clan.

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The yellow curtain in the sky spread out instantly and fled in all directions, but the giant snake below obviously would not let go of its prey so easily.

When the bee swarm just showed signs of spreading, the ferocious snake's head had already been raised, and it almost condensed into a golden snake eye. Then the giant snake turned into a ray of golden light and jumped out. After a few breaths, the final wave of the bee swarm appeared. at the center.

As the snake's body swam, tens of thousands of wasps turned to ashes in an instant. Even if the outer swarm was just passed by the snake's body, it would spontaneously ignite on the spot and turn into countless struggling fireballs falling from the sky. Often, before the fireballs could hit the ground, the bees inside Flesh and blood will be burned away by the flames.

Then the falling fireball collapsed, and bunches of purple fire emerged from the inside. The fire quickly traveled upstream until it disappeared into the snake body that merged into the sky, and the golden-red giant snake also ushered in its second growth and increase. .

After a while, a giant blazing sun snake that was close to the size of a lake covered the entire battlefield when it was circling. Outside the giant snake were tens of thousands of wasps that were scurrying away.

The giant snake did not pursue outwards, but shrank inward while continuously circling, and finally condensed into a vast blazing sun.

On the surface, when he saw the blazing sun taking shape, Xuan Jun's body trembled, and a great sense of horror suddenly surged into his heart.

"All ants, enter the water and burrow into the ground!"

The loud shouts of the leader of the ant clan spread outwards, and soldier ants jumped into the water or drilled into the ground. As far as the eye could see, all creatures on the battlefield, whether high in the sky or on the ground, were desperately trying to escape.

Until a faint word sounded from the sky, all the creatures that had not had time to escape froze.

"red lotus!"


As if the sun had fallen, boundless flames bloomed instantly. Wherever the flames shone, the lake boiled, the vegetation turned to ashes, and the creatures turned into vertical torches and burned blazingly.

At the beginning of the flames, a golden red fire lotus spread out layer by layer, covering the sky and the sun. It unfolded at a speed that seemed slow but actually very fast. It took a breath of a hundred meters. Wherever the lotus petals passed, the surrounding people had not escaped far. The bee swarm was instantly destroyed.

Looking from a distance, I saw a fire lotus rapidly expanding in the center of the yellow curtain that covered the sky, and the yellow on the edge was continuously swallowed up. Countless bees did not even have time to howl, and turned into An unrecognizable black gray.

As more and more wasps became fuel, the size of the fire lotus became more and more exaggerated, and its blooming flames even illuminated a small half of the west side of the mysterious island.

Within the scope of the illumination, heat waves rolled and surged. All kinds of beasts, birds, local intelligent creatures, or foreign testers all raised their heads and looked up, staring at the huge and gorgeous fire lotus in the sky, full of horror.

"what is that..."


After a long time, the golden-red fire lotus slowly dissipated, and the sky became clear and quiet, with no trace of yellow remaining. The sun shone from the cloudless blue sky, and the earth below was scorched black.

It was still the same battlefield not long ago, but after being illuminated by Red Lotus, the battlefield was now very different from before.

One-third of the originally overflowing lake had evaporated, leaving only a piece of scorched earth in the surrounding lawns and flower fields. The lush forests that continued outward were even more miserable, with the lush greenery disappearing, leaving only There were charred tree trunks scattered everywhere, as well as a large number of carbonized branches and broken wood spread across the ground.

This is just because it was affected. If the red lotus blooming with more than 100,000 wasps as fuel exploded on the surface, then there would probably be nothing left except a large lake of freshly baked lava. .

Suddenly, a large number of bubbles appeared on the lake in the center of the battlefield, and there was a rustling movement under the black ash all over the surface.

After confirming that the terrifying high temperature in the outside world had disappeared, giant ants emerged one after another from all directions in the lake and underground. With the monstrous heat wave of the fire lotus just now, even if they were not enveloped by it, the overflowing heat alone could kill most of the people. Soldier ants are cooked directly.

Even the hard beetles on the body can't protect it at all. At most, it makes the meat more tender and juicy. Only hiding under the underground lake can effectively isolate the exaggerated temperature.

After a while, dense ant colonies spread across the entire site again, but overall, the density was obviously much thinner than before.

On the southwest side of the lake, Xuan Jun, the leader of the ant tribe, stood up from the bottom of the lake. The red and hot lake water slowly slid down its chestnut-brown carapace. The antennae on its forehead trembled slightly, and an invisible spiritual ripple spread rapidly outward.

Following the ripples in his mind, this eyeless giant ant quickly 'saw' the current situation of the entire battlefield.

"Thirty percent of the ants were killed, and it was only affected by this power…"

While muttering, Xuan Jun looked up and saw that the sky was as clear as a mirror. The yellow bees that filled the sky not long ago had disappeared together with the golden and red fire lotus.

"The damage to the bees is at least 80%, and they are one of the main legions. There is no doubt that they will win."

"It's just…where is the human ally?"


On the edge of the battlefield, the lush forest is scorched.

A silver figure was falling from the air, and after a series of black smoke was thrown on the ground, it stopped rolling to relieve the force.

When the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, the figure lying in a large shape on the ground was revealed. It was the human ally that Xuan Jun was talking about just now.

Struggling to sit up from the ground, Xu Yue wiped away the blood flowing from his eyes and nose. Although his head was in pain now, he smiled particularly happily.


The next moment, a cough welling up in his throat interrupted his cheerful smile. Feeling the sweet smell in his mouth and the stinging pain in his chest, he suppressed his smile and shook the empty snakeskin water bag in his hand. After making sure there is no more liquid inside, throw it away.

As soon as the water bag was taken away, it turned into a pile of black ash and scattered. The temperature in the center of the red lotus was too terrifying before. Even if he tried his best to protect it, some firepower would inevitably seep into the water bag. Now it exploded quickly after taking off the hand.

His eyes swept over the floating water bag. Xu Yue was stunned for a moment, then quickly lowered his head to check the small pocket at his waist. After confirming that it was not damaged under the protection of the wolf hair cloak, he breathed a sigh of relief. If the pocket was also burned , then he suffered heavy losses this time.

After thinking about it, he reached out from his pocket and took out the last bottle of blue potion and drank it in one gulp.

His current condition is extremely poor, his mana has dried up, his spirit is exhausted, and his health is hovering on the verge of death. Although the radiance of life has been restored, he still cannot save this bottle of potion as he thinks about communicating with the ants soon.

As the potion was taken down, the health in the body began to rise rapidly. Although the pain in the head was still there, the severe pain and weakness in the body had gradually subsided.

"Ahem, I almost died. It's really difficult to control the power that is too tyrannical. It's too much beyond the limit."