
   Chapter 342: Only Independence


  Rescue, as the name suggests, its specific meaning is to recover losses and save lives from danger or difficulty.

  Just from this simple word, the professor was able to imagine that the final outcome of the mutants in the future may not be happy.

  Although he had expected it, this answer still silenced the atmosphere in the room for a moment.

  "Can you let me see a story that happened in another timeline?"

  "Of course!"

  After saying this, an invisible mental wave slowly seeped into the professor's brain, which contained a large amount of memory information.

  The spiritual communication that the ants have gradually perfected over hundreds of years is of course not limited to transmitting sounds. In addition to basic communication, pictures and even memories are also within the scope of transmission.

  After it is developed to a certain extent, it can even awaken promotion skills similar to spiritual illusions.

  Feeling the spiritual fluctuations coming from Xu Yue right in front of him, the professor's eyes flashed, and then he took the initiative to cancel his own spiritual defense.

  Soon, scenes of clear memories began to echo in his mind. Through these memories, the professor saw an older and more embarrassed version of himself, and Wolverine Logan, who depended on him for life.

  He saw his bones torn to pieces amidst the torture of illness and guilt, and how devastated he was; he saw Logan, who was lame and bruised all over his body after his self-healing ability hit rock bottom; he saw his group of people fleeing in embarrassment under the pursuit of human forces. .

  I saw myself dying in a pool of blood, I also saw Logan reborn in the fire, and the fate of mutants who could hardly see the future.

  Through Xu Yue's perspective, every picture in his memory is full of sad and lonely tones. As the top psychic ability user, he can easily determine that these are not false illusions, but extremely real. , a memory of reality that has never been changed.

  In addition to these coherent memories, the information is also mixed with some fragmented and scattered images: including him being torn to pieces by his students, Logan holding Qin's body in grief in a ruins, and piles of people under the sky full of Sentinel robots. Countless mutant corpses...

  Compared to the former, the latter image is obviously not a real memory. If there was only the latter, maybe the professor would treat it as an alarmist illusion. After all, he was a mutant who was good at illusions just three years ago. I suffered a big loss in my hands.

  But with the guarantee of psychic barrier and detailed memory, he quickly accepted the authenticity of these images.

  After a long time, the spiritual connection was severed, and the professor opened his slightly closed eyes, his eyes full of complexity. After all, in the scene just now, he died twice in succession, and what made him more sad than his own death was the message. The revealed ending of the mutants.

  "This is the future of mutants in another timeline. Genes are suppressed and sentinels are extinct. It seems that fate has never favored our species. It is always so cruel."

  The words were lonely, but not scary. No matter what happened in the picture, No matter how desperate the future is, it is just a reverberation that occurred on another timeline. The fate of the current time and space has never been determined.

  As soon as Xu Yue stepped into this room and revealed these memories to him, the established ending had been disrupted. As a future student, he brought not only prophecies, but also a pen and ink to rewrite the future. One professor saw it very clearly.

  Recalling the memories that had been rolling around in his mind, the professor rubbed his temples, which were slightly swollen from receiving too much information in a short period of time, and said in a deep voice:

  "So the future of gene suppression comes from the Worthington Group, and The extinction of the sentinels originated from the Trask Industry. Is this the main driver of our two apocalyptic fates?"

  Facing the professor's summary, Xu Yue's face turned pale and he slowly shook his head. Such a large-scale transfer of memories was not for him. The consumption is also not small, and he also has to accurately eliminate scenes in his memory that may reveal information about the park, which requires more effort.

  "It's true that they are pushers, but the main root cause of the mutant apocalypse is not here. To put it bluntly, these two are just pawns charging forward. Even if we deal with them in advance, we can only delay the final apocalypse. Time, without Trask Industry, there will be another Stryker Industry or West Freewater Industry, endlessly..."

  As he spoke, Xu Yue turned over his hands and took out two small teacups and a black He poured the gourd in his hand, and the royal jelly, which was like liquid gold, immediately flowed from the mouth of the gourd into the tea cup, and at the same time, a strange sweet fragrance spread to the entire room in an instant.

  One cup was delivered to the professor, and the other cup was drank by him directly. There was a lot of royal jelly brought back from the mysterious island, and he also had two channels for subsequent replenishment, so he could naturally be a little extravagant.

  Royal jelly is soft in the mouth, and its taste is still mellow. Not to mention, his originally pale complexion quickly returned to rosy. Feeling the stinging and chaotic thoughts returning to peace under the nourishment, Xu Yue breathed a long sigh of relief and continued:

  "To be precise, The root of the mutant apocalypse comes from humans who occupy a dominant position in society. Human beings are naturally extremely hostile to aliens. Just like the paper you published when you were young, Professor, 60,000 years ago, Nian The Detes were replaced by Homo sapiens, and the extinction of Neanderthals allowed Homo sapiens to gradually enter the stage of history. "

  "This is very similar to the historical situation of mutants and humans today. The only difference is that Neanderthals lacked it. Human beings are different in intelligence, so they recognized the threat of mutants in advance and were vigilant. "

  "Natural selection, survival of the fittest, and the process of racial replacement are always cruel and bloody, especially in this country, under our feet. The American continent is the territory they gained after massacring tens of millions of native Indians. They know better than anyone how cruel racial replacement is."

  "Professor, they cannot integrate into humans by relying on peace and compromise . Naturally xenophobic, no matter how harmless you act, they always have the deepest malice and vigilance against aliens.

  "What's more, from the day they were born, mutants have automatically mastered the powerful weapon of extraordinary abilities. This is ours." The racial characteristics are also the source of troubles that cause human beings to covet and fear. This is a fundamental contradiction and unavoidable. "

  "This country only seized the land under our feet by raising a butcher's knife to the outside world, so they will be afraid. , fearing that the same fate will come again, they will never allow a second butcher knife to fall on their necks. In order to eliminate this possibility, they will do whatever it takes, even if it triggers another genocide. "

  Whether it is the Gene Suppression of the Worthington Group or the Sentinel Arms of Trask Industries, they are all manifestations of this fear consciousness. Human beings will not care about the camp and position of the mutant race. This is a battle for the survival of the race." , It has nothing to do with good or evil, and human beings are already blowing the horn. "


  Xu Yue's tone was not passionate, he was just stating the facts calmly, but the facts themselves are full of power.

  Under this bland explanation, the professor's expression, which had gradually soothed after taking a sip of royal jelly, began to change again. He frowned slightly when facing Xu Yue. The other party's argument was very similar to that of an old friend of his.

  "It sounds like you are more supportive of Magneto's proposition."

  The figure of an old friend appeared in his mind, and the professor sighed softly and said slowly:

  "I know the malice of humans, and their greed and fear are clearly visible in my eyes, but Xinhuo, we are not strong enough to confront humans head-on. Once a war is initiated, we may be able to severely damage humans, but mutants will also be on the verge of extinction. , both destruction may be the only result."

  "Magneto can be radical, he will let humans maintain appropriate restraint and restraint against mutants, but I can't. The X-Men must act as a link to ease the conflicts between the two parties in order to maintain the current situation. This fragile peace, and my ability is too dangerous. Ideological manipulation is far more fearful to those in power than physical destruction. As long as I show any signs of losing control, the government will immediately launch the most thorough attack on this area. "Destruction."

  "I founded the Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters and formed the X-Men. I protected them, and they also protected me. Part of the reason why humans recognize the legitimacy of the academy is to reconcile conflicts. , and the other part is to limit my abilities. Every mutant here is my student and also my prison. Professor X, or the X-Men, cannot take risks..."

  As the conversation progressed As the process progresses, the professor gradually reveals a more real side. His kindness and gentleness are true, but he is by no means the good old man in the movie who only has illusions about human beings. He has awakened his spiritual ability since he was a child, and he understands the nature of human nature better than anyone else. He understands just how deep darkness can be, and understands how far humans can go in order to survive as a species.

  In the professor's era, mutants were far less powerful than humans, so he chose to establish a college and put his hope in the future.

  But now, Xu Yue brought him quite unfortunate news. The future of mutants is still gloomy, even more miserable.

  Looking at each other, Xu Yue did not deny the professor's point of view. In fact, no one can deny the old man's contribution to all mutants in the first half of his life. Without him to mediate, perhaps the war between the two sides, or one-sided massacre, would have been long ago. It has already unfolded.

  Mutant bipolar, this title represents more than just strength.

  However, things have changed, and today is different from the past. The professor's path may have been quite effective in the past, but now the mutants have no way forward. If they are poor, they will change, and if they change, they will succeed. They must find another way to have a chance of survival.   

  "Professor, it's not that we want to initiate a war, but that the war has already begun. The doomsday future in our memory is just around the corner."

  "There is an old saying in the East, don't allow others to snore on the side of the bed. Worthington Group and Terra The activity of Skok Industry shows that humans are ready to destroy mutants. Now only by attacking in advance can we get out of this desperate situation and even gain the opportunity to be completely independent."

  "As long as we are still parasitic in human society, We can only face the endless planning and oppression. Magneto's approach is too extreme. It is impossible for the current mutants to completely replace humans, and I have a more suitable method. "


  This special word is very good. It quickly attracted the professor's attention, and coupled with Xu Yue's Chinese identity, it was difficult not to think about it.

  However, recalling the two desperate doomsday scenes of mutants in his memory, the professor still restrained the strange emotions in his eyes. He took another sip of the royal jelly in the tea cup, and after relaxing the somewhat stagnant atmosphere, he asked:

  "Do you have a detailed plan for this goal?"

  "Of course, that's why I'm here."


  the door, after leaving the room, neither Storm nor Scott walked far away. Instead, they all stood guard at the door of the room.

  Storm was out of pure curiosity, but Scott was desperate for answers.

  After waiting for a moment, Storm first glanced at the closed door in front of her, and then looked sideways at Scott, who was staring at the door motionlessly.

  The other party's mood has become very abnormal since returning to the academy, with excitement and anxiety mixed together. This is the first time she has seen Scott in this state.

  "Scott, something is wrong with you today. What happened?"

  "Also, what is the identity of that Xinhuo just now?"

  Two questions came to the stationary Scott. After a long silence, he finally He replied with a somewhat dry voice:

  "According to what he said, he is a student of the professor's future. He seems to come from another timeline."

  "What? The future?!"

  In extreme surprise, Storm's voice began to rise unconsciously. , after noticing the abnormality, she quickly lowered her tone and turned to look at the door in front of her again. As for the truth or falsehood of this statement, she did not ask too much. Since the professor felt comfortable talking to the other party alone, it could basically be verified. of authenticity.

  Since the dam incident three years ago, even with the government's cover-up, the overall situation in the outside world is still extremely unfavorable to the mutant community. The current college can be said to be plagued by internal and external troubles, and now a professor from across the timeline suddenly appears. student.

  This situation made her feel uneasy, as if something big was about to happen soon. Thinking of this, she thought of the abnormal mood that Scott had felt after picking up the man, and she couldn't help but frown.

  "So is your abnormality related to this Xinhuo? What happened in the future? Or what did he say to you? Scott."

  After saying this, Scott finally stopped staring at the door and turned his head. Looking at her, Storm seemed to be able to see her bloodshot eyes even through the crimson goggles.

  "He said that Qin is not dead, and he can save Qin."

  "Wait, are you sure he is talking about Qin? But we clearly saw that Qin was completely swallowed by the flood, and the professor also..."

  Storm's words Before he finished speaking, he was loudly interrupted by a somewhat excited Scott.

  "But we didn't find her body. I looked for it many times, but I didn't find even a rag."

  "Since the professor agrees with him, it means he didn't lie to me, and Qin is not dead!"

  Scott The hoarse but confident tone echoed in the corridor. Before he finished speaking, a figure suddenly came out from the end of the corridor. He grabbed Scott's shirt and pushed him directly against the wooden wall on one side, making a thick muffled sound. .

  "Qin is not dead?! Scott, what exactly happened? Tell me!"

  The two figures hit the wall not far from the door during the entanglement. Upon seeing this, Storm quickly stepped forward and pulled the two away.

  After a while, someone who figured out the situation pushed away Storm who was holding him, and then raised his foot to kick the closed door.

  "Get out of the way. I want to ask what's going on and where Qin is!"

  "Logan, calm down. The professor is talking to him. He will know the answer soon. You can't just barge in."

  "Let him ." Come on, Ororo! "


  The noise from the outside gradually amplified and soon spread into the room, causing the two people who were talking in the room to stop talking.

  The professor smiled apologetically at Xu Yue in front of him. , after pressing his forehead with some headache, he telepathically notified Storm at the door.

  "Ororo, let Logan come in."

  As soon as he finished speaking, the door was kicked open with a loud bang, and a strong figure suddenly entered, followed closely by Scott, who was about the same speed, and Luo Luo. Storm at the very back.

  "Charles, this guy said that Qin is not dead. Is it true or not?"

  The figure had just entered, and the excited voice of questioning had already begun to buzz and reverberate in the room. After the sound wave paused, the professor pressed his hand to signal them to wait a moment. Don't be impatient.

  "Yes, Qin is not dead, but the situation is very bad now. I will explain it to you in detail later."

  "Now, there is another thing that you need to witness, Xinhuo, are you willing to join the X-Men? "

  (End of chapter)