
Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

I was once a normal person on earth but I unfortunately died only to be transmigrated into a xianxia world as a disciple in one of the best sects in the world. I forged my own dao created a unique cultivation method and even became the grand elder of the sect.... But I died. again. Only to have reincarnated as the young master of xin clan in another xianxia world(?). Well it's not like I had many regrets in my previous life..... but I really should have......... gone to the *beeep* that time

TeaSerpent · ตะวันออก
90 Chs

Mother and Son?**

Wah! Wah! Wah!

I could hear the cry of my newborn as I lay on the bed, tired and exhausted.

"Congratulations to Lady Yingyue; it's a healthy boy."

"Bring him to me," I requested, feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety.

"Here, Lady Yingyue." The handmaiden gently passed my child to me.

My child had black hair like mine, his mother's. The fact that he resembled me brought a strange sense of happiness. As I held him, my son opened his eyes, his amethyst gaze exploring his surroundings before settling on me. His eyes were like precious jewels, shining with curiosity.

"Such beautiful eyes..." I muttered unconsciously, smiling at his adorable behavior.

"This child's name shall be Jianyu."

At my words, my son seemed to widen his eyes, as if in surprise.

'Does he not like the name? No, that's silly. A newborn wouldn't understand the significance of a name.' I reassured myself.

"Fufu looks like the young master likes his name~" the handmaiden commented with a courteous smile adorning her face.

"Does he?" I smiled back, feeling content with the name I had chosen for my son.

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I was seated in the dignified expanse of the family head's office, filled with innumerable jade slips that held a multitude of clan-related information.

My brows were furrowed as I continued to work continuously for hours, the crux of my distress was not rooted in the sheer volume of work demanding my attention.

Instead, it was the gnawing concern regarding my young son, a mere three years old. He had consistently exhibited an uncanny level of extraordinariness, almost to the point of being unsettlingly exceptional.

The tears he shed were a rarity even when faced with pain, his capacity for learning and comprehension was nothing short of astonishing, and yet, there were many times when his sleep was plagued with nightmares. As he slept, he would cry and apologize, his cries penetrating the quiet of the night.

After extensive contemplation, I determined that discussing this matter with my father was essential.

His expression portrayed a turmoil of emotions, as though he stood at a crossroads in his own thoughts, pondering a significant decision. Sensing my determined gaze upon him, he succumbed to a sigh filled with reluctant acceptance.

"Yu'er... has a somewhat distorted soul."

"A distorted soul?" I inquired, my brows furrowing.

Seeing my confused expression, my father sighed once more before explaining.

"It's an unusual form of distortion. Typically, as souls cycle through reincarnation, memories and traits are wiped clean. However, occasionally, fragments of these memories embed themselves in the soul's core, forming the basis of the soul. Though these memories fade over several lifetimes, in Jianyu's case, dormant memories have resurfaced for some unknown reason."

"Isn't that akin to possession?!" I unintentionally raised my voice.

"It's different. Even in typical cases, these dormant fragments influence one's personality. But ultimately, those memories are mere fragments of a past self, and the current self often deviates greatly."

"..." I lowered my head, falling silent.

After a moment, I got up and left.


Xin Dongyang gazed at the door his daughter had exited through, his expression a mix of emotions, before sighing helplessly.

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Over the following months, I immersed myself in the clan's work, attempting to create distance between my son and me. While I acted normally around him, the conversation with my father echoed persistently. A year later, I used my workload as an excuse to move my son to Amethyst Peak, claiming that my responsibilities hindered my ability to care for him.

Time passed, and though Xin Dongyang increasingly visited his grandchild, the relationship between Jianyu and me remained distant. While we still interacted, and even smiled at each other, an emotional gap persisted.

Just like that, Jianyu turned five, and his Awakening Ceremony approached.

All the five-year-old children of our clan were partaking in the ceremony. Two girls among them displayed remarkable talent, with one possessing mutated Yin-ice spiritual roots. This girl would have been an excellent disciple for me, but my busy schedule made it challenging.

Lost in thought, I observed Yu'er as he stood next to the crystal with his hand placed over it. As his spiritual seal was opened, the crystal illuminated in a bright blue with a hint of light green. This surprised everyone, as no one anticipated Water roots of such quality. A senior elder even uttered in shock, "Dao of life... the spiritual root contains fragments of the Dao itself!"

I was taken aback by the elder's statement. A vigorous discussion erupted among the elders, but before they could delve into it, the crystal glowed once more.

Violet-crimson flames coiled around the water imbued with fragments of Dao, yet the flames didn't extinguish. My father was next to express astonishment, as he muttered in disbelief, "... Dao of death and the relentless sword Dao heart!"

Commotion erupted in the hall. Elders speculated about the sect's promising future, but my mind struggled to process the unexpected turn of events.

'Conflicting spiritual roots!'

My face paled, a heavy feeling settling in my chest. As the ceremony continued around me, my father's gaze locked onto mine, and he transmitted his thoughts.

|Handle the ceremony; I'll discuss this matter with Yu'er.|


As my father and son departed, I couldn't help but gaze at their leaving backs...


Dismissing the ceremony, I hurried to my father's cultivation chamber. Just as I reached outside the door, I heard voices, which should have been impossible, given the protective formations within.

"....I'd rather die trying than to die after living a few years in disgrace—" The sound ceased abruptly.

Hearing my 5-year-old son speak of his own death so casually sent a pang through my heart. Guilt for the neglect I had shown him, driven by fear, weighed heavily upon me.

As the door opened, I withdrew and retreated to my room. Seated on my meditation mat, I contemplated my past choices and pondered the path ahead.


After Jianyu left his cultivation chamber, Xin Dongyang sighed, casting a knowing gaze in a particular direction.

"Yue'er, it's time for you to decide. To let go entirely or to mend it before it becomes irreparable."

He sighed again and immersed himself in his cultivation.


From that day onward, I made great efforts to bridge the gap between Jianyu and me. Yet despite improvements, a lingering distance remained, much to my dismay.

[Unaware of Yingyue's struggle, Jianyu adhered to what he had learned in the past, – Immortal Dynasty cultivators are prone to maintain a degree of separation from descendants to avoid forming strong attachments. Immortals who grew too attached risked developing mental demons if their children died or lacked the potential for immortality.]

To me, it felt like my son had closed himself off from the world. After deep contemplation, I took Cao Meihui, a young girl with Yin-ice spiritual roots, as my disciple in hopes that she might befriend Jianyu.

Years passed, and although my relationship with Jianyu improved, a certain distance persisted. Throughout his life, he never asked anything of me.

Until that day-----

"About that... I have a request, Mother," Yu'er said, his voice soft and hesitant.

"What is it?" A mix of curiosity and happiness filled me. It was the first time Yu'er had asked me for anything.

"Umm... there's this auction happening in a few weeks, and I want to invite Miss Xifeng for an outing to the auction hall...." His voice grew fainter as he blushed.

'H-how adorable!!'

Seeing my son blush while making this request, I couldn't help but feel the urge to envelop him in a tight hug. However, as a second-step expert, I managed to suppress that impulse.

"Ara, Ara, if you're that eager to spend time with your fiancee, I suppose I could extend an invitation to the Yin family." I couldn't resist a bit of playful teasing.

'Ara, it seems he has developed quite an affection for that Yin family girl.'

Meanwhile, my keen eyes also caught a glimpse of my disciple, Cao Meihui, who seemed to be struggling to contain her emotions beneath her composed exterior.


On the other hand, my son lowered his head, in embarrassment. At that moment, I hatched a plan that could benefit both my son and my disciple.

"How about you go and check out the places you'll visit with your fiancée tomorrow? It might be a nice opportunity." I suggested, a gentle smile gracing my lips.

"That'll be great." my son responded promptly.

"Take Meihui with you as well. She could use a change of scenery." I directed a knowing smile at Meihui, who bowed gracefully before turning to my son, her eyes shimmering with excitement.

'This girl... sigh...'

While my son looked at me with a mixture of confusion and bewilderment, I maintained my resolute smile, determined to see this through for the sake of my adorable disciple.

"Fine..." Yu'er sighed, a touch of resignation in his voice, giving a glimpse of a more mature side that was quite endearing.


Once I returned to my tasks, I couldn't help but recall my son's flustered expression and chuckled softly.

"I suppose I should prepare a suitable invitation for my son's beloved fiancee." I mused to myself, a smile lingering on my lips. A mischievous glint appeared in my eyes as I contemplated an action that would surely send those cunning Yin family schemers insane with their wild speculations.

thankyou for reading.

hope you had fun.

TeaSerpentcreators' thoughts