
Reincarnation Of The Lord Supreme Karma Is Cruel

Drakus_Rogue · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

The Betrayal

The year is thirteen fifty. My name is Bracus Starus. I'm the lord supreme of the continent Dragonia. I have spent the greater years of my life conquering the continent. But I feel lost now that I rule from my castle in the north.

My advisor and trusted friend Merlius Rogue thinks I should sail across the Great Blood Sea. I think we should stay to ourselves. My childhood friend and Grand General Samara Nexus agrees with my decision. Again it seems like I am lost. It also feels like something malicious is a foot.

My Queen Ashlyn has become distant as of late. Tonight the Eve of Frost we are hosting a banquet. We celebrate the birth of my heir to the throne. 

This is the night my advisor betrayed me. Though he would soon blame it on the Dragonkin. Merlius addressed the court days later with the would be assassin and his weapons made of firestone alongside his armour made of dominion ore.