
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

12. A girl with emerald hair

In the quiet outskirts of the town, Arthur strolled along a meandering path, taking a moment of respite from the complexities within his home. The rustling leaves and the gentle breeze created a serene ambiance. However, the tranquility was disrupted when he caught sight of a distressing scene unfolding nearby.

A group of children, roughly the same age as Arthur, surrounded a girl with emerald-green hair and striking red eyes. Their laughter carried a malicious tone, and the girl's downcast gaze revealed the weight of their scorn. It didn't take long for Arthur to understand the reason behind this act of cruelty.

The children were taunting her, associating the emerald color of her hair with the ominous reputation of the Demon God. In a world where superstitions and prejudices held sway, such an association carried significant consequences.

Driven by a sense of justice, Arthur approached the scene with a determined expression. "What's going on here?" he questioned, his voice carrying an authority that demanded attention.

The bullies, momentarily taken aback by Arthur's sudden appearance, attempted to justify their actions with nervous laughter. The girl, however, remained silent, her eyes flickering with a mix of gratitude and curiosity.

Undeterred by their feeble explanations, Arthur continued, "Bullying someone based on the color of their hair is both senseless and cruel. You should be ashamed of yourselves."

The bullies, now faced with a stern figure willing to stand up against their misconduct, dispersed with mumbled apologies. Left alone, the emerald-haired girl hesitated before cautiously meeting Arthur's gaze.

"Are you alright?" he inquired, offering a genuine concern that contrasted with the cruelty she had just experienced.

She nodded, a subtle expression of gratitude etched on her face. "Thank you for stepping in. It's not the first time they've done this, but it's the first time someone stood up for me."

Arthur, with a compassionate smile, extended his hand. "I'm Arthur. What's your name?"

The girl hesitated for a moment before responding, "I'm Sylphiette. But you can call me Sylphy."

As Arthur and Sylphy exchanged introductions, a connection formed, bridging the gap between their worlds. Unbeknownst to Arthur, this chance encounter would set in motion a series of events that would not only impact his life but also the fate of those who dwelled in the shadows of prejudice and superstition.

As days passed, Arthur took it upon himself to teach Sylphy the basics of magic. Initially intended for self-defense, the lessons soon revealed an unexpected truth – Sylphy was a prodigy in the arcane arts.

Arthur, accustomed to the trials of honing one's abilities, observed in awe as Sylphy effortlessly grasped the intricacies of magical theory and practice. Her emerald hair seemed to dance with the ethereal energy of mana, and her red eyes sparkled with the brilliance of a burgeoning mage.

"What you're doing, Sylphy, is remarkable. You're picking up magic like a natural," Arthur exclaimed, genuine admiration in his voice.

Sylphy, though humbled by the praise, retained a modest demeanor. "I've always been fascinated by magic. It feels like a part of me."

Under Arthur's guidance, Sylphy's magical proficiency expanded rapidly. She displayed an uncanny intuition for manipulating mana, effortlessly conjuring spells that exceeded the expectations of a novice. What began as self-defense lessons evolved into a shared exploration of the arcane.

Their training sessions became a routine, a harmonious blend of Arthur's expertise and Sylphy's innate talent. As they delved into advanced magical concepts, the bond between teacher and student deepened, transcending the conventional roles of mentor and apprentice.

In the backdrop of this magical odyssey, the enchanting landscape became witness to the blossoming friendship between Arthur and Sylphy. The town's prejudices and superstitions seemed distant in these moments, overshadowed by the shared pursuit of knowledge and the connection forged through their intertwined destinies.

With each passing day, Sylphy's magical prowess grew, reflecting the profound influence Arthur had on her journey. The once-bullied girl with emerald hair now stood as a beacon of untapped potential, her magical prowess a testament to the transformative power of understanding and acceptance.

As the duo continued their magical endeavors, the echoes of their shared laughter and the luminance of mana intertwined, creating a narrative that transcended the boundaries of their individual stories. 

One day, Arthur decided it was time for Sylphy to meet Ruby, recognizing Ruby's greater expertise in magic. With a warm smile, he invited Sylphy to join them for a magical discussion in the family's study.

As they entered the room, Ruby, engrossed in a tome of ancient magical theories, looked up and greeted them. "Arthur! Who's this?" she inquired, her eyes lighting up with curiosity.

"This is Sylphy," Arthur introduced, a touch of pride in his voice. "She's been making incredible progress in magic, and I thought it was time for her to meet you, the magical genius of our family."

Ruby extended a hand towards Sylphy, a welcoming gesture. "Nice to meet you, Sylphy. Arthur speaks highly of your magical talents. What kind of magic are you interested in?"

Sylphy, slightly overwhelmed by the presence of the renowned magical genius, replied, "I've been learning a bit of everything from Arthur – basic spells, elemental manipulations, and some advanced concepts. But I'm particularly fascinated by the ancient languages and runes."

Ruby's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Ah, ancient languages and runes! Those are some of my favorite subjects. Magic has a rich history rooted in linguistic expressions and symbolic representations. Let me share some insights with you."

The study transformed into a haven of magical knowledge, as Ruby and Sylphy delved into the intricacies of ancient languages, the power of runes, and the profound connections between language and magic. Ruby's animated explanations and Sylphy's eager questions created an atmosphere of shared curiosity and intellectual exploration.

As the discussion unfolded, Arthur observed with satisfaction. His decision to bring Sylphy into the magical fold of his family seemed to be a serendipitous choice. The convergence of these magical minds promised not only individual growth but also the potential for groundbreaking discoveries that could redefine the limits of their magical prowess.

With Ruby as a mentor and Sylphy as an eager apprentice, the study became a hub of magical exchange, where the threads of their magical journeys intertwined and wove a tapestry of shared knowledge. The once-bullied girl with emerald hair was now embraced by the magical legacy of the Greyrat family, becoming an integral part of their quest for understanding and mastery.

In the Greyrat household, a year had woven the threads of unity tighter among its members. Arthur and Ruby, now seven years old, continued their journey of growth and self-discovery. Arthur, inspired by the amalgamation of his diverse swordsmanship styles, had refined and strengthened his Wrath Style, renaming it "Ragnarok" to signify its newfound power.

Ruby and Sylphy, the once-bullied girl with emerald hair and red eyes, became inseparable companions in the pursuit of magical knowledge. Under Ruby's guidance, Sylphy's innate magical talent flourished, surprising even Arthur with her rapid progress.

The echoes of laughter and cries from Aisha and Norn, now one year old, filled the household, bringing joy and vitality. The family's bonds strengthened, and the once fragmented relationships had transformed into a united front. Zenith, Paul, and Lilia found solace in the positive changes that had embraced their lives.

In the Greyrat household, Artoria, summoned through the command seal, had seamlessly integrated into the fabric of the family. Her role extended beyond that of a guardian; she became a protective figure, a big sister to Ruby, and a loyal friend to her master, Arthur.

As Arthur continued his training and exploration of magic, Artoria stood as a stalwart shield, safeguarding the family. Her interactions with Ruby were marked by a unique dynamic — a blend of mentorship, friendship, and the camaraderie born from shared experiences in worlds far apart.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Arthur and Artoria found themselves engaged in a heartfelt conversation. The bond between master and servant transcended the conventional boundaries, and they delved into the narratives that defined their existence.

Seated in the quiet corner of the Greyrat home, Artoria spoke with a regal grace that matched her legendary status. "In my world, I bore the weight of kingship, leading my people through both glory and ruin. The tales of Camelot echo with the valor of knights, the magic of Merlin, and the tragic fall of a king."

Arthur, gazing into the distance, absorbed her words. "My past life is a tapestry of conquests and conflicts, a tale of a king who sought power but lost much in the pursuit. I carry the title of Pendragon, a name laden with both honor and regret."

Ruby, sitting nearby, listened intently to their exchange. The contrast between her world and theirs was stark, and yet, in that divergence, she found a sense of awe and curiosity.

Artoria's eyes held the weight of centuries as she continued, "In Camelot, chivalry and honor were paramount. The Round Table stood as a symbol of unity and justice. But in this world, the nuances of magic, the intricacies of your family dynamics, they paint a canvas I never experienced."

Arthur nodded, acknowledging the differences. "Here, magic weaves its threads through the very fabric of existence. Our family, once fragmented, has found a newfound unity. And in the midst of it all, you stand as a guardian, a bridge between worlds."

Ruby, sensing the depth of their stories, ventured to speak. "It's fascinating to hear about your worlds. In my previous life, I was a patient who found solace in books. But now, magic is real, and your stories make me see the vastness of this reality."

As the night unfolded, the Greyrat home resonated with the shared tales of kings and knights, of magical worlds and the simplicity of a past life. The bonds between Arthur, Artoria, and Ruby deepened, forging a connection that surpassed the boundaries of time and space.

The Greyrat household had become a haven of support, understanding, and shared aspirations. Arthur and Ruby's commitment to self-improvement had not only elevated their abilities but had also inspired positive transformations in those around them. The echoes of their laughter and the resonance of their shared dreams filled the air, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

With each passing day, the Greyrat family moved forward as a united front, facing the challenges of the magical world together. The trials of the past seemed like distant echoes, overshadowed by the collective strength and determination that now defined them.