
Reincarnation of a Failed Author: I Hate Clichés

"I hate clichés," I mutter under my breath, frustration etching lines on my face as I stare at yet another overused plot blowing up on the website of the novel I'm publishing. It's a constant cycle of disappointment for me, with no viewers, no readers, and certainly no feedback. In other words, I'm a failed author, stuck in a rut of uninspired storytelling. I can't quite recall when my disdain for cliché tropes first took root, but one thing is for certain— I found myself reincarnated into another world after an unfortunate encounter with a truck. Typical, right? I die in a cliché manner and end up in a whole new reality. "Damn it, I had to go and die in a cliché way too!" I grumble, shaking my head at the irony of it all. But this time, I have a new name, a new body, and even magical powers to boot. I'm now known as Helis, and this is my chance at a fresh start. After hearing the name of the world I had reincarnated into, Crisyes, I realized it was the world of the novel I had only written the concept about. It seems I've been thrust into the world that is on its last living decades. The details elude me, but I'm certain of one thing—this world is on a collision course with chaos. What I didn't anticipate, however, were the lingering threads of my previous life, the invisible connections that bind me to Earth. These mysterious [Story] strings will come back to haunt me, weaving a web of uncertainty and challenges that I'll have to navigate sooner or later. I may despise clichés, but little did I know that I would become entangled in a story far beyond my control. It's a tale where my past and present collide, and only time will reveal the true extent of its consequences. ------Notice------ THE STORY WILL TAKE TIME TO BUILD! Yes, it will start as a normal reincarnation story with cliché elements and cringe events, but the energy will shift at the last chapter of the first volume. The story will focus more on the development of the characters and world-building, not just, "Wow, found a golden cup which I'll drink from and become immortal." No, I will make it as realistic as possible, especially the characters. Oh, and the mc has a knack to trigger cliché events, that's one of the reasons he hates them. If you care about horny chapters, they do happen but later on when the time is right. That's it here, please support me through this journey, and most importantly: Enjoy!

ItsHashi · แฟนตาซี
125 Chs

Academy, I

Here we are, resting in a carriage after our house has been blown to bits.

We're currently making our way toward the city of Rora, a town that is renowned as a mage-maker, or something along those lines.

Will I become one of those mages? I don't know.

I'm still not sure of anything I want to do, or am I?

Do I want to live a simple life as I did back on Earth? With no worries and responsibilities upon my shoulders?

Or should I try and become a working and befitting member of society?

This place is a disaster, we're still in a medieval set timed world where churches seem to dominate over science, and of course, technological advancements are nowhere to be seen.

I've been bored out of my mind during my stay here, I want to game on my pc and console and shit on some kids.

Well, sorry about that. I don't want to be seen as scum in your eyes, ladies and gents.


The wheels of the carriage cracked as we made our way through a road which of course, wasn't made of asphalt, just your usual empty line in the middle of a wonderful grass field.

"I shouldn't speak here, should I?" I whispered to my father who was sitting in front of me, my mother's head resting upon his lap, still knocked out by the earlier incident.

"Yeah, we don't want to make the driver think he has gone crazy, do we?"

"We don't," I nodded.



What's with this awkward tension between us!?

"This sure is awkward, isn't it?" My father whispered as he thinned his lips, basically reading my mind.

"Yeah…" I trailed off.

"To be honest, I'm still shocked. It feels like a weird dream where my son only grew up mentally."

"I know… but sadly, it isn't," I spoke, still unused at my high-pitched tone.

"I don't need your reality checks, you midget." He perked his lips up.

"Yeah, right." I shrugged, shaking my head left and right.

"But still, I'm troubled about it. I thought… that we would experience more first times with each other, like when you'd learn another word, or how you'd react to the mimics of my face… Never in my life did I dream that my first child would have a developed consciousness at the age of one."


I didn't say anything.

"But hey, at the end of the day, this could be a good thing, we should check out any prophecies and see if you meet any of the descriptions. Who knows, maybe you're going to be a hero in the future?" He raised his shoulders by the end of the sentence.

"Yeah, maybe it was fate…"


We both looked at the source of the groan, at my mother, Abelie.

She stretched her arms out as she sat properly, she then let out a deep breath and stared in between me and my father.

"What's up?" She asked.

"The ceiling," I said and looked up.

My mother instinctually followed my reaction and also looked up at the sky which was closed off by the ceiling of the carriage.

Two seconds later she whipped her body towards me, her eyes wide open.

She just stared at me.

"Uh, hey?" I waved awkwardly.

She closed her eyes and faced to the side, where my father was.

She then opened her temples, just to not say anything.

Abelie stared at me again, causing another bout of quietness that made me avert my eyes from hers.

"Yeah, it seems I can speak now." I voiced while shifting my neck up and down in an approved manner.

"Pinch me, Lyle," She huffed, taking hold of my father's hand and gesturing to him what to do.

"It's useless, dear, I'm the same as you." My father spoke as he only grasped my mother's hand tenderly, gazing into her eyes.

Hey, hey, what's with the whole romantic mood?


The carriage stepped over a stone, spreading a small tremor inside.

Yeah! Mission successful, kiss is disturbed.

"How are you so neutral about it?!" My mother yelled.

"Dear, I told you, I'm just as shocked as you–" She didn't let Lyle finish.

"No, this goes beyond just a shock, our dear baby is talking fluently when he isn't even one year old! This is not normal, we should go and check if he's possessed!" She recommended.

"I know dear, but if our Helis was possessed, he wouldn't behave like he has always done."

"What do you mean?" She questioned him with a frown on her face.

"His movements and expressions are the same as our Helis before the Story-Storm. I fear the energy current forcefully matured him."

Ouch, now that hurt me, he phrased it as if I'm not the same Helis they shared love and affection to.

My mother seemed agitated.

She stomped her foot on the ground as she bit her nails, going over the contents of what Lyle said, "Fine, it seems logical."

I must say something to fix this whole mood up, "D-Did I make mom mad?" I spoke, trying to muster up the cutest face I could ever make.

She had her eyes squinted towards me, "..." She averted her gaze.

"Oh, dear. No, you did not make mommy angry, I was just surprised." My mother stopped fuming and instead took hold of me.

Damn, why do I never get used to being lifted like this?

"I'm sorry, I was scared mom wouldn't love me anymore…" Kgha, this is too much.

"Oh, dear. I'm so, so sorry."

I brought a hand to her chest so it was visible to Lyle.

Squish, squish.

"Heh," I scoffed with a smirk plastered over my face, wanting to witness how Lyle would react.

"Listen here you little shit, I'm the only one who touches my wife like that." He complained with a cynical smile as he grabbed me off my mother.

"Ah, mommy, he said a no-no word."

"Lyle!" My mother yelled, "He's just a child, don't curse in front of him or I'll deal with you myself!" Abelie took hold of Lyle's ear, making it instantly red.

"Ahaha, sorry, sorry, I won't anymore." My father yelled, still being considerate to not shake me too much, and I just gazed at this wonderful sight.

They are such a nice couple. I can see them growing old together with no issues forged between them.

They get along so nicely.

I hope to live long enough to see them get old.

"Ahem," The driver coughed, "We'll take a break here, tomorrow we should reach Rora."

"Ah, okay, thank you." My father acknowledged his words.

My mother held me as Lyle carried off the luggage we had, not that it was much, just some clothes that had been spared from the destruction of that energy bolt.

We had stopped at an inn, it was late at night, and this day had been full of events.

You could say it was noteworthy to be written as a story, the beginning of my story in this world, Crisyes.

Besides, I still have much more to do and explore, but for now, my journey of sword-and-sorcery, here I come!

With the mother's shock out of the way and the clearance about the whole talking banter, the next chapter will finally consist of a time skip and begin Helis's journey on the town of Rora.

I hope you've been enjoying the story so far, and please, do support me through this journey!

ItsHashicreators' thoughts