
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Chapter twelve. New adventurers for the lazy kid.

Zero's p.o.v

Today is the day, I would be leaving for the capital of Tara. The kingdom of elves. Father was rather presinsitant that I go there to train.

He left no room for agreement, as he told me of this, his knuckels were white. I felt some discomfort as I watched him, I would not want to leave any bitterness between us.

Nor between me and Lillia as she was not allowed to come either, I would miss them.the most.

My stay there would be five years long and I would train there, although they did not want to elaborate more on the subject.

The person who I would be in his care, name was Regalia, the elven representative that came not just for me but for an alliance between our kingdoms.

Riding the carriage through Altura, the sun rays bearly shining. We made our way to the harbor, my goodbyes were heartbreaking, most worring over my safety.

Regalia sat beside me, not looking in my direction, they were a quite bunch. I watched as the diffrent buildings we passed. The sword smith, working early on his craft.

The bakery, the smells of fresh bread filled my nose, making my mouth water. Houses stood high above with stairs leading upwards.

The ocean a short distance away from us, as the suns rays began shining on the water, making it a light orange.

The sight was beautiful, as i never seen it so close before. Excitement bubbled from with in me, I leand out of the wondow to get a better view.

It was so vast and endless from where I was, soon I would be sailing on it. The carriage kept going until we reached a busy harbor. Fishing boats returning with thier early morning catch.

Some dock workers were unloading cargo, from merchant ships. And some where preparing to leaves again.

The salty air tickled my nose, as we stopped in front of a medium sized boat. Our journey would take two days, not accounting for unforseen storms.

Storms were unpredictable, ships would get lost or damaged if not careful.

The ship I would be going was a dark   oak wood. Two masts held the sails, one by one we boarded the ship.

There were only a few crew members who were also elves, I was the only human. It scared me a little, going to unkown place.

"No worries young one, they shall not harm you, your under my protection."

Were his words ment for comfort, I felt more alienated by them. "Uu... thank sir Regalia."

He showed me my accommodation on the ship, leaving me be until we set sail. The room was smaller compared to myne, a single bed in the corner. A port window, casting a dim light in the cabin.

The room was bare, like they were minimalists. Howstrange, though I did not know of there customs or traditions.

These five years are going to be a bit difficult for me. "Haaa... father why did you let them convince you so easily."

We had not even left the docks, and already I missed the comforts of the palace.

Laying on the small bed, my eyes fluttered closed my body was still asleep. Waking up earlier then usual,  haaa... this is going to be a long two days of travel.

The route to the elven kingdom passed a mana beast forest and this one had a dungeon in the middle of it, most of the mana beasts were level A and higher.

The dungeon was an unknown dungeon, because it was located in the mana beast forest.

"Haa... we should be leaving now." got up from the bed, making my way to the top deck.

Sea birds screeched high above us as we made our way out to see. The sun now high, the open sea was much warmer then the lands.

Going to the edge, I watched Altura get smaller and smaller as we picked up speed.

Regalia came up behind me, "Zero I know you are going to miss home, but you'll will be very busy there in Tara. I shall teach you all the things you need to know about the elves. Also please refrain yourself from using any magic aboard the ship."

Nodding my head. "Yes sir Regalia."

He gave a gentle smile and left. They were so strict, was I even going to survive these five years.

"Haaa....., This is going to be tough for me." The kingdom was far behind us, we were now in open sea's. It stretched for miles, no land in sight.

They day was good, no cloud in sight either. We were making good coverage as the wind assisted us, as we went. Full sails flapped in the wind, the sea birds had returned to the land far behind.

Leaning on the rails, my eyes focus on the land far behind, I was going to miss home, until my return home.

My thoughts traveled to Lilla, how was she going to look in five years?

"Already home sick lad? Your expression is like an open book." The crew member coming up behind me.

"Yes, I am. Although this is for my best interest, as father put it."

"Aye lad, it's true. Come with me, it looks like you need a distraction. Lad is uncle will show you the ropes on how to work aboard a ship. Also I'll give you survial tips if you get lost at sea or when on an unknown beach."

I smiled at him thankfull he didn't alienate me like the rest. He was kind, making me feel welcome aboard the ship.

We went about and he taught me various thing, from making sure the sails rope were nice and tight, to even teaching me the knots for diffrent situations.

The rest of the day was fun learning knew things, he interducude me to the rest of the grew. Helping me ajust for the rest of the trip to Tara.

As they say fun things come to an end, as I laughed along with the elven crew.....