
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Chapter seven.

Maxwell Altura's p.o.v

Standing by the widow of my study, looking down to the training yard. Seeing my son train with the sword.

He has changed, how to describe the sudden change in my son. He felt more mature, his whole deminor has changed.

Before the posioning, he was clingy, crying and not so well behaved. After the posioning he seemed so different, at first I couldn't put my finger on the sudden change.

But how he acted with his old personal maid, I knew things were different. Also how the head chef dare blame him for posioning himself unbelievable.

Also when he called me papa, my heart melted at the cuteness. I wonder what Leon might think of this sudden change.

It seems hos training has ended, his tutor left him. What was he doing now. I moved closer to the window to see better.

He seems to be meditating, but why it will take at least five more years to awaken to the first core. I knew this because at age ten I first awakened back then.

His brow furrowed, it seems he had difficulty finding his core. Yes, it will be another fuve years son.

Turning away, making my way back to my desk, where stacks of work waited to be done.

Dread set itself in my stomach, something felt off, was someone attacking the city?

I wasn't able to sense anyone attacking, yet the pressure became more. Sweat dripped down my back, the uneasy feeling kept building.

I dropped to my knees the pressure was to much, then...


All the pressure released into a big  explosion, which came from the training yard, where Zero was.

"No, no noooo... ZERO!"

I rushed back to the window, there were small cracks all over obscuring my view to the yard.

I cursed, making my way to the door, pulling it open, not caring that the whole castle was on high alert due to the sudden explosion.

My feet carried me as fast as they could, my heart racing every second, hoping he would be alright.

"Please, please be alright son."

Sevral guards tried to stop me, they soon noticed the look on my face and stayed out of my way.

Lungs burning, but I did not care. Although something wet obstructed my vision. This feeling strange and new, what was this feeling?

Finally making it to the yard, it was completely destroyed. A thin layer of dust covered most of the yard.

Rock various in size, were scattered around the yard.

A big whole in the ground, yet no sign of my son, my blood froze.


More fear began to creep into my heart, tears streamed down my face. Where was he? And what enemy dare to attack so boldly.

"Cough, cough." The sound came from the hole. My head shot up, was he in the whole?

I ran foward as a guard  held me back. "Let go, my son might be hurt!"

With hesitance he let go, making my way to the hole, only to see my son climb out.

"H...h...hi papa?"

He was covered in dirt, with a smile plastered on his face. "Did something happen that you are here?"

Did he not see the damage around him what was going on. He climb out still with the smile in his face.

"Aaa.. papa, are you mad?" Why did he ask that. Shaking my head, unable to form words at how relieved I was.

"I apologize for causing such a mess."

His words not registering in my mind. "What was that son?"

"I said, I apologize for the mess I cuased." Hearing him say thatI still wasn't sure.

"What mess son?" He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

"This mess papa." He waved his hand showing me the training yard.

"H...how son?"

"Papa, can't you tell your core is higher than mine, although I can't see what color is yours." He grinned at me.

He can't see my mana core, what does that mean, it would be impossible to awaken at his age. Needing proof I looked for his core.

I fell back at what I saw, how was he  at the dark red core already? He still has five years.

"Papa? Are you alright?" He came forward, concern reflecting in his eyes.

"Ss..son its impossible, how, how are you at the dark red core?"

Mummers were heard all around me. "BE QUITE! Not a word to be spoken of this day. Now leave us at once."

They dispersed at my words leaving me and Zero alone.

Getting up I looked at him, not with fear but pure awe. "Son please tell me how, because you are the first in years. Other than the hero, your the only one who is the first to do this sort of thing."

He shrugged his shoulders again. "Papa I thought it would be much longer until I awakened."

I was left stunned, did he just say that and so casually. I had no words for him, he wore a happy smile.

What had changed him so, it was difficult to believe that he did the impossible five years early.

"If that is all papa, please may I be excused. Im dirty so I need a bath."

"Yes that is all son, you may go clean yourself.

"Thank you papa, see you later." He walked off back into the castle, Lillia followed him. How long was she here, was she to concerned about him.

All my thoughts were at a stand still, my son, he was truly gifted. Was it because of the posioning, was he some how blessed.

I stood there long after he was gone, still shocked at what transpired today.

Far across the ocean, deep within a dense and humid forest, hidden with in the thick trees. Five high elves discussed the strang energy flux, they felt mere moments ago.

"We cannot ignore such a thing, what if he becomes like the hero."

"I agree with you brother, we must send someone to spy on this person and report back to us. If this person becomes a threat. We must eliminate them."

The rest of them nodded,  only one remained unmoving. He stood up."I have to disagree with you. We need to make him/her an allie, with an energy flux so big we can't just spy on them."

We need to teach them our secrets o  healing, with the hero out there, who knows how long until he destroys us. Leaving no one."

The others agreed, after all he is the elder. "Good, than we shall send an onvouy to the kingdom of Altura."

With that they they planed out who would go to Altura.