
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Chapter fourteen.

"Third persons p.o.v

Soft rain fell onto Zero as he just lay there on the beach, he still hasn't come to from the impact after his fall.

His body laid half between the beach and ocean, small waves crashed onto him.

The sky still grey after the storm, the ship no where in sight. He began to stir, his head ached severely.

Squinting his eyes, he tried to make sense of his blury surroundings. "Where am I?" He used his arms to lift himself off, of the sand. Only to hakt his movements, his right arm burning with pain.

He blinked to clear up his vision, so he could inspect his arm. There from his elbow to his wrist, was a deep gash.

"H...h..how did it get this?" He looked closer, seeing no bones sticking out aleast. Although it was full of sand, he stared more intently. He had a feeling he needed fresh water to clean the wound.

He looked around to get some barings of where he was, in front of him the ocean streched out far, to his left, the beach and to his right. He stood up to look behind him, a dense forest, trees that stood as tall as buildings, vines hanging in between them.

"What is this place, it seems so familiar yet not so familiar?"

Sharp pain ran through his head he had to clutch it. "Agghh... my head." He fell to his knees, unable to support himself.

"Syyyyy..system notice.

Uuuunnnn.... able to rrrrreeee... pair, dddd....amges, nnnneee...need time..... rrreee....pair....."

"Who's there?" He looked around him as he heard rhe strange voice.

Things felt off for him, he wasn't sure where he was or who he was.

All he knew was that he needed to survive for some reason, a feeling of uncertainty crept into his mind. Would he even survive this forest.



"We are not sure elder Lindir. Although there was another presence on the ship, but before we could investigate, it was gone."

The elder rubbed his chin thinking of what to do, first the disappearance of the boy and now this unknown presence.

One thing is certain, the king must not find out about this or there will be war.

"Mmm.... have men search the east boarder, the closest one to mana beast forest. But they are not to enter it. We are still not sure what type of beast roam there."

"Yes elder Lindir." Regalia left Lindir's study and went to rely the message to the guard captain.

Lindir sat the staring out toward the direction of the beast forest, hoping the boy would survive the mana beast forest.

Half way back to Altura, a man in a small dingy made his way back, the sun had long since came out, making the open air hot.

"Finally, I have some good news to give to master."

His grin wicked, his arms sore from paddling the boat. He was still along way from home, not caring if passer by boats spotted him.

Deep within the dense forest, two eyes watched the small boy navigate his way around. How did such a young child end up here?

It kept watch, chasing any mana beast away from the young boy. He was odd, but it felt something special about him.

The boy was injured also, it worried for the small, as it watched the small boy make shelter for himself. Search for food, and clean water.

This boy fascinated the creatures watching him, it would keep its distance.

Also keeping away other mana beast that wanted to harm the boy, for right now the boy seemed lost, not sure if he belonged here.

Although the creature was big, it was very nimble moving between the trees and vines.

Accustomed to it's surroundings, the boy however seemed clumsy, tripping over roots that stuck out.

Falling over low hanging vines, the creature wanted to laugh at thia boy, but held back, for it didn't want to reveal where it was so soon.

The creature wanted to observe more to see if this young boy would become its new master in the future.

Many things were happening at once, the high elves council, worried that they lost there chance.

Zero, who was lost in the forest, being watched by a creature unknown.

The plan to get rid of the second prince was near completion, the man was happily rowing his way back to the kingdom of Altura. Ready to tell his master the good news.