
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Chapter four.

Two weeks later...

Sweat poured down my back

I've been strengthening my body in secert, so I may become stronger and adapt to my new powers when I first awaken my mana core.

Like the system said, physical exercise will help along with meditation.

Lillia has been quite, serving me my food, snacks, tea also preparing my baths. This is the dream of every lazy person out there. But no I'm just making more work for myself.

Isn't being a child entitle you to just be a kid. I lay down on the fluffy carpet, contemplating my thoughts. Wouldn't my life be easier if I chose not to sort out these troubles.

No it wouldn't, meaning I will be dead of I let my guard down for a second. Sitting up again, shaking my head refusing to let out a deep sigh.

I found a book in the palace library to pass most of my time. It was about how to awaken the mana core.

Very helpful information I must say.

The hours spent meditating would normally takes years trying to well level up in simpler terms.

Also you only awaken at the age of ten. Well I don't have ten year to wait. My plan was simple, awaken my mana core, slowly level up that I'm not some over powered maniac and finally find the hero.

And the other things in between, see I am making way to much work for myself.

I sat in a lotus position, which was also in the book, thanks to that usless system, not telling me before hand.

I can't always diss the system, but when in Rome.

The book had clear instructions on how to look for the mana core, which was located near the solar plexus.

Even though mine was still black, I still felt its presences with in me. While doing meditation helped absorb the some mana, physical exercise helped absorb more mana particals. Resulting in a exlposion of sorts.

With my eyes closed I sensed movement outside my room, I focused on the people outside.

They seem to be talking, and then move on. Using my only my senses came in handy.

My room had dark blue wall with gold accents, two tall windows gave me a view of the jewel like ocean.

My bed was a dark oak four poster canopy bed, dark blue sheets were on it. The bathroom was a lighter blue in contrast to my bedroom.

This room was truly luxurious, finally the carpet was a beige white tying my whole room together.

Opening my eyes, onlybto find Lillia staring at me, how did she get pass my senses. She has yet to find out I've opened my eyes.

"Lillia, what are you doing?"

She jumped back out of fright, her cheecks turning a light shade of red. "O aahhh... your highness, I apologize for staring at you, bb..but your hair is quite soft looking, I was tempted to feel it while you were busy."

He blush deepend as she spoke out. My cheeks too felt warm, was her blush affecting me? Shaking my head at the thought, no were only five.

"It quite alright Lillia, I'm not mad. It does look tempting." Giving her a small grin.

She looked so cute though with that blush, maby in the future I will see how many more times I could do this.

"Thank you your highness." She curtseyd.

"So Lillia did you need something?"

"O dear, I forgot. But his majasty would like to see you in his study."

Mmmm... I wonder why. I nodded and followed Lillia to my fathers study.

Guards stood like statues, not moving a mucle. They all wore full plated armor. Their eyes followed us as we walked in silence.

We made it to my fathers study. The doors were a dark oak, with intracate carvings. Lillia knocked on the heavy doors. "Your majasty I have brought the second prince as you requested."

"Come in son." His voice muffled. The guards pushed open the door, making way from me, then closed it as soon as I entered.

I gulped as it felt like my fate was sealed as the doors closed. "Hello papa, you wanted to see me."

I took the chance to see his office was all green, a tall window placed in the middle of the room. Two bookshelves  on the across the window.

"Yes I did son. There are some things I'd like to discuss with you."

He continued writing as busy with something thay took most of hos concentration.

"I have made arrangements, for you to takes sword lessson to protect yourself from danger. Next you will be tutored in arithmetic, english and etiquette, also from next week. Understood?"

Woah what is with the sunnden work pile. O well I guess that is ehat royal life is like.

"Yes papa, I understand."

"Very good then son. So how gave you been feeling son?"

"I'm doing fine papa, better than a week ago."

"Hmmm, that's good to hear son. We shall do this again next week."

Nodding I left his study again, the air was very awakrd, it felt like he did not know how to interact with me.

Making my way back to my room, my chest felt so much lighter after leaving his office.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, this whole relationship between me and father is going to be a long mend.

"Haa..." well at least he didn't notice any physical changes to my body. This past week, I've been trying to build up stamina.

Its been a process, even in.my old life, I've never really been active, per say.

"Haa..." Will I even make the changes   I seek between me, Lillia and father. It feels so far out of reach to be honest with myself, there is so much doubt, that makes it impossible to reach.

Then again, what the old Zero, the slave collar with Lillia and mending the broken relationship. Will I dare give up so soon.

For someone who has been so lazy, his mom kicked him out. No I will make a change and a diffrence and be better than I used to be.