
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Chapter fifteen.

Zero's p.o.v

It has been a week or so, I think since waking up on the beach. Still not sure of who I am or how I ended up here in the forest.

There are eyes on me, but I can not be to sure, and so far no animals have come to attack me, could this  be a deserted forest. It would be impossible to think like that.

I've built a basic shelter, with vines hanging from a tree, to deter any bugs from biting me in my sleep. I have also found a small river, with fish. For some reason I feel like I've learnt this somewhere.

But everytime I try to remember, my head fills with searing pain, causing me to throw up any food I have eaten.

For a small boy that isn't good, so I refuse to remember anything from before I woke up. Right now I'm searching for any fruits or berries, I cannot live on fish alone.

Walking through the dense forest, I map out the area, marking trees with a sharp stone I found by te river.

To say the forest is completely deserted would be a lie, there are small chirps here and there coming from atop of the trees.

"Agh... no luck today eiter. Well grilling fish isn't so bad I guess."

Turning around and making my way to the river. Arriving there, I saw a small pile of fish. Looking around to see if any one had cuaght them was still around?

"Hmmm.... it's strange, I know I qm the only one around, but still who left them here or what?"

Still cautious of the food that lay before me on the bank of the river. Sitting down next to the food, I unwrapped the make shift bandage i mad from my sleeve.

Inspecting the wound I woke up with. "It looks better today  but still needs to be closed off." Wetting the bandage, cleaning it off from any dirt and blood. Hanging it over a low hanging branch to dry.

Making a small fire, to grill the fish that lay there. Finding small drie twigs making a them into a pile. Staring the fire was no easy feat, the rocks I used were either to wet or break easily fro trying to flint them together.

Once my fire was going, I added bigger branches to the tiny flame. Soon I was gutting and grilling my fish. The first time I tried eating the fish as is.

A shudder ran up my spine. "Never ever again." It was difficult to learn how to gut the fish, leaving it with enough flesh to eat.

After my meal, I made my way to my shelter collecting any drie branches for my fire. It was a short trip to my shelter, but then I heard faint cries in the distance.

"Whats that, a baby animal or creature?" Dropping the wood I carried in my small arm, I navigated myself through the roots and vines sticking out in all directions.

Which left me breathless by the time I made my way to the small animal. There between small low hanging vines hung a black and white creature.

"With wings." My eyes rounded. This was definitely a strange world indeed. Making my way to the small creature, I inspected the vines it was in tangled in, it saw me approaching, bearing his sharp fangs at me warning me to stay away.

It struggled more, causing it to become more stuck in the vines. "Its alright little one, I will not harm you, I just want to help you."

Slowing my approach to the creature, it sensed my voice was calm and soothing. "How did you get stuck little one?"

It looked at me confused, "I guess you can't tell me." Taking out my sharp rock. It saw the rock and began growling at me.

Sensing its distress, "Easy bud, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm only going to cut the vines loose. So you can go back to your mama."

It still growled at me, not believing the word's I said. Inspecting the vines once more, to find the main vine that held the small creature.

Spotting it, I began cutting the vines one by one, making sure the creature was not accidentally cut by the sharp rock.

Snaking my uninjured arm around the creature as I cut the last vine. It's full weight bringing me down to the ground. "Woah your a heavy fella or gal?" Not sure if it was a boy or girl.

Letting the creature go, so it can find its mom. I felt good after my heroic deed for the day. Turning around and head back to my shelter.

Something pulled me to a stop, looking behind me to see the creature I just saved. "Hey bud your free now, go back to your mama."

It stayed put, hmmm... I wonder. Kneeling down before the small creature. "Are you lost like me bud? Alright how aboutyou come with me untilwe find your mama? Sound good?"

The creature only blinked at me, not know if that was a yes. I stood up waving my had so it would follow me, its paws were silent on the ground, not even making noise when we stepped on drie branches, that crunched beneath my shoes.

Wondering if I should give it a name, nah, it will only lead me to be attached to the tiny winged creature.

Finally making it back to my shelter, the creature sniffed out the area, its small nose twitching as it went.

"Aaww, how cute bud." It growled at me, not liking it to be called cute. "Pfftt." I held in my laughter, it glare at me daring me to continue, so.it would show me its true potential.

Holding up my hand in defeat. "Alright I wont call you cute, or are you just hungry?"

It let out a happy chirp, indicating it was indeed hungry, I led it to the small river, the creature following in my footsteps.

Useing a sharp branch, I cuaght sevral fish for the ravenous creature, happily watching it eat. We spent the rest of our time mapping out more area's  of the forest. The creature even led me to some berries.

We bonded over the course of the day, tomorrow we would go look for its mother.