
The Meeting of Dukes !

Duke nodded in satisfaction to Genos statement as he turned around to go back to his room to sleep.

"Duke why are you sleeping so early ?", Saitama asked as he looked at Genos besides him.

Duke did not want to tell him that there was the meeting of the Dukes throughout the different multiverses tonight. They were going to exchange their powers and become even stronger and report their progress in breaking out of the multiverse bubble that they were trapped in so they could all merge into one entity.

Duke smacked his lips and made an excuse, "Idiot ! Do you want to check what time it is now ? People that sleep late would become uglier and uglier and people that sleep earlier would become more handsome. Haven't you heard the saying getting some beauty sleep ?".

(Note : surprisingly such a thing as beauty sleep is true in the scientific world. Go figure ?).

Saitama's face changes drastically as he dropped his game console on the ground.

"Genos play with the computer as your opponent. I want to get some sleep now.", Saitama said in an urgent tone.

".....", Duke said.

"...", Genos said.

At noon the next day Duke had woken up. He had harvested some unique powers and his own strength has increased immensely.

Last night, Duke had met the Duke of the Azeroth world as well as the Duke of Fairy Tail world. The Duke of the Azeroth world was also Duke's reincarnation and he was a newcomer to the meeting of the Dukes where they would exchange their memories, knowledge and powers. The Duke of the Fairy Tail world was however an old member that no longer cared about the plans of the other Dukes. The Duke of the Fairy Tail world had killed Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia the dragon king and absorbed their powers. After gaining absolute power in the world of Fairy Tail, the Duke of the Fairy Tail world began collecting a harem of females as his wives, he no longer cared about the great plan of the Dukes to break out of the multiverse bubble. He is considered the black sheep of all the reincarnated Dukes in the different multiverses. The only reason why the Duke of the Fairy Tail world comes to these meetings is to gain power.

The Duke of the Azeroth world was a high elf, he didn't contribute much to the group seeing that he was a new member and was relatively weak. However he did contribute a new magic system and new knowledge to the group of Dukes.

However among all the Dukes here the most important member to the Duke of One Punch Man world was the Duke of the Dragon Ball world. The Duke of the Dragon Ball world had reincarnated into the Dragon Ball world early before Goku came to Earth. He had used his early reincarnation into the Dragon Ball world to collect the dragon balls several times. The first wish of the Duke of the Dragon Ball world was to have Saiyan genes specifically Broly's genes. Every single year after other than training like crazy with whichever masters of Kung fu that would train him, the Duke of Dragon Ball world would gather the dragon balls to make a wish. Currently the Duke of the Dragon Ball world has just finished his training with Whis in Beerus's world.

Next to him was the Duke of the Naruto world, he was an old member. The Duke of Naruto world had horns growing out his head and he had white eyes which clearly symbolises that he had Otosuki Clan's blood. However the Duke of the Naruto world was born human, he became what he is now after gaining some powers from the Sage of Six Path. After gaining this power the Duke of the Naruto world began to fuse Otosuki's genes into his own body to become stronger and more powerful. With the knowledge and science from all the different multiverses it was an easy task for the Duke of the Naruto world.

Next to the Duke of the Naruto world, we have the Duke of the Marvel Universe. Originally the Duke of the Marvel universe was not a significant player until he met the other Dukes and gained immense power. The Duke of the Marvel universe was a doctor and scientist. After he gained immense power the first thing he did was to take revenge on the person that killed his family, his father and mother. After which he managed to get close to Shield as one of its leading scientists. With access to Shield he gained access to the space gem. From there the Duke of the Marvel universe was able to capture all the Phoenix force in the different Marvel universes to become a multiverse cosmic being. The Duke of the Marvel universe was only able to do this because one of the Duke reincarnated into the Pokemon world as a Phoenix. Currently the Duke of Marvel universe was the most important member here because he had just broken the limit of the universe to become a multiverse power house. He had only achieved this and had come here to share his powers with the other Dukes.

Next to the Duke of the Marvel universe was one of the most important members of all the reincarnated Dukes in all the different multiverses. He was the Duke of the Detective Conan world. He had no super powers or abilities because he was suppressed by the laws of the Detective Conan multiverse. The Duke of the Detective Conan world was also a detective. His contribution to the group of Dukes here was invaluable because he provided them with the knowledge that comes from the comics representing their world. The Duke of the Detective Conan world read Dragon Ball comics, One Punch Man comics, Naruto comics, etc and shared his knowledge with the Dukes of the other multiverses. Whatever world you come from whatever future knowledge you need to know from your world, the Duke of the Detective Conan world would provide them for you. The only limitation of the Duke of the Detective Conan world was all super powers whether its Chakra or Qi, it does not exist. The law of the multiverse or universe in the Detective Conan world suppresses all powers.

To be continued...

Sorry for the late post these two days ! Thank you for your support ! Please promote this novel aka story if you like it ! Thank you again ! Will try to post more chapters and finish part 1 of this story !

Tony_Wongcreators' thoughts