
Reincarnation in a Parallel World

After the sudden death of Akito Sato an 18-year-old boy He is Reincarnated as a totally new person in World Filled With Magic And Monsters

Johin · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

"Watch out! " A girl shouted from the footpath but it was too late for Akito. He crashed into a car and was suddenly seeing an unknown person.

The unknown person said he was God and it was hard for Akito to believe as he didn't remember what happened to him "You were killed in a car accident " said, God. Akito was shocked as it was sudden and was thinking" I guess it is just a dream ". Then God said, "it is not a dream". Alright as you were a good person all your life, so I will reincarnate you in a parallel world filled with Magic and Monsters.

God said to Akito" I am going to make you an 8-year-old boy who can use all types of magic". Which means you will be one of the rarest people in that world. Akito said, "What will I do If I can't read or write in that world's language". Then God said, "Don't Worry About it. I will make sure you are intelligent enough to learn the language in a week". Akito Gratefully Thanked God.

God said, "Now it's time to go. You will be reincarnated in the middle of a forest I'll give you a guide make sure to read it if you want to use the magic of any kind you want MAke sure to visit me in the chapel once you reach a Town. Till then Bye".

Suddenly there was a flash of white light and Akito was in the middle of a forest. When he woke up there was slime which he had seen in Manga and anime in his previous life. He was very happy to see that. Then a book fell on his head. This was the book from where he will learn to use magic he opens the book and searches for the magic to tame monsters.

He finds the incantation and tames the slime. As Akito is searching for a place to stay he finds an abandoned house. He goes into the house just to find aggressive monsters. The monsters start attacking Akito. Then suddenly out of nowhere a girl with armor comes to the rescue. She was a blonde, beautiful girl. She saved him from the monsters. Akito Gratefully thanked her and asked her name. She replied " My name is Alice. But what were you doing so far away from the town in the forest of Jura?"Akito Replies" I am lost, Could you help me get to the closest town". Alice said"Sure i'll help you out but then you'll owe me one". He Replies" Sure".

Then Akito starts following Alice until they reach a Town, it was a quite peaceful town with a fountain at the center. Then Akito asks Alice " I dont have enough money to stay in a inn can u help me find a job". Alice said, "I think you should register with the town guild". Akito said" Okay can you show me the way to the guild". Alice said "Sure lets go". Then Alice takes Akito to a Guild where he meets new people.

Keep reading to know what happens Next😉