
The Final Step Of The Trade

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Dispirited, Fennec asked meekly like a deflated balloon, "What's the problem this time?"

Ever since she formed a contract with the loli Warrior, the latter had asked her countless of strange questions.

She was fine with the strange questions, but some of them terrified her. If the loli Warrior was not at a low level and was not capable of testing it out, she would have made it happen purely out of fulfilling her curiosity.

Fennec could not help but put the blame on the monster who snatched the Adventurer's equipment. If it was not for that monster causing all this commotion, Fennec would not have curiously wandered into the group of players and met this loli Warrior who was giving her a headache.

'Dammit! It was all that monster's fault! Why must the monster snatch the Adventurer's equipment? Why couldn't it have done something else? What a dull and dumb monster!' Fennec cursed in her heart.

"Is there a way to transform into a monster?" The loli Warrior skipped to the point without any courtesy right after she summoned Fennec.

"No!" Fennec glared at her without a hint of politeness.

I mustn't be polite to this girl! I must reply with a big NO to her questions to stop her from asking about more useless things!

"Are you sure?" The loli Warrior was not defeated by the first answer. She somehow felt like the Elf sprite was not as passionate as she had been the day before.

"No!" The little sprite fluttered its green wings in the air as she put her hands around her waist in order to express her stand.

"What are you trying to do by turning into a monster?" asked Fennec after she saw the disappointment on the loli Warrior's face.

"What am I trying to do? Nothing in particular. I just have a feeling it might be much more interesting than being a player," answered the loli Warrior with a tilted head after some thoughts.

'I knew it!'

Fennec rolled her eyes at the loli Warrior. She knew this girl would never think about her own actions. Therefore, Fennec had been deceived as her Elf powers did not work on the loli Warrior, not even in the tiniest bit.

"Are you suggesting that you want a much more interesting occupation?" asked Fennec with her jewel-like eyes gleaming brightly at the loli Warrior.

"I guess you could say so." The loli Warrior nodded.

"Great. I once heard the Elf Queen mention an occupation called the Shadow Warrior. It's powerful and interesting. You can choose to change your occupation to a Shadow Warrior when you reach the required level, and it will be much more exciting than being a monster," Fennec suggested.

Fennec could no longer back down from the contract since it was already signed, so she ought to figure out a way to make this unreliable loli Warrior better and stronger!

"A Shadow Warrior? Sounds interesting! Okay, Shadow Warrior, it is!" The loli Warrior's eyes sparkled when she heard the name Shadow Warrior as her interest was immediately piqued.

'Yes! She fell for it!'

Fennec realized that it was not that difficult to make the loli Warrior move accordingly if she could capture her curiosity appropriately.

In the past 24 hours, Fennec experienced firsthand how energetic the loli Warrior was. The other Adventurers had to rest after leveling, but this loli Warrior showed no signs or intention of resting.

However, it must be because of how lazy she was. The reason she came out leveling was that she had been bored out of her mind and was forced to do it.

As for how powerful the Shadow Warrior was? Or how interesting it was?

The great Elf Queen would surely forgive her lies in order to save a lost soul. It was more of a white lie anyway.

Fennec was praying deeply in her heart. She had heard of the Shadow Warrior, but she was truly clueless about the requirements for the change.

Beside Maple Forest was the Black Witch Forest. Mohai's first target was the Black Bear Spirit in Maple Forest.

The Black Bear Spirit's skin was thick and it did not possess any other specialty. However, when its HP dropped to below 30%, it would enter Enraged mode. Its attack would be terrifying then, and if the players at their current level were not prepared enough, a single swipe from the bear would kill them.

Mohai had fought countless Bosses before, so the Black Bear Spirit's ability was nothing to be afraid of since he could easily kill the bear.

As expected, after killing the bear, which was not one of his own kind, he was able to collect the soul of the Black Bear Spirit.

Mohai spent nearly two hours killing four Black Bear Spirits. He kept one of the souls in the Template Manager and three in his bag as spares for later.

After that, he snuck into the Black Witch Forest and searched for the Black-robed Ritualists around the forest edge.

Black-robed Ritualists were Level 15 Elite monsters. They could summon Death Servants and cast [Curse]. 

The Death Servants that they summoned had high defense and high HP while the [Curse] spell could also inflict high damage. When combined together, they could be quite a problem to deal with.

Black-robed Ritualists were immune to spells like [Silence] and had high Magical Defense. Therefore, Sorcerer's [Silence] would not work on them. They were a much tougher kill than a bandit leader.

However, if a party had skills that could [Stun], the fight would be much easier.

Mohai had [Heavy Bash], so killing the first Black-robed Ritualist was almost effortless for him.

The Black Witch Forest was the territory of the Black Witch. All the Bosses in Origin were highly skilled and smart, thus Mohai dared not venture too deep. He searched for two more Black-robed Ritualists at the edge of the forest and left the place after collecting three Elite souls.

He put one of them into the Template Manager while he planned to use the other two as experiment materials for the recruitment.

If the outcome was good, it was still not too late to come back for another round of collection.

"It's almost time."

After a glance at the sky, Mohai headed back to the Monolith Stronghold.

During his journey back, he intentionally exposed himself to the members of both The Richest and the Fortune Alliance as an act to deepen the conflict. However, after he realized that it was not as effective, he did not linger and headed back to his hideout at the Monolith Stronghold.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the Monolith Stronghold.

The moment he was summoned by WhiteNightFirefly, Mohai told the 14 bandit goons to hide deep in the Monolith Stronghold.

Mohai met up with his goons and realized that one of them was missing. It was the one who had increased [Loyalty] to him.

The rest of the bandit goons claimed that that goon had been killed by Adventurers, thus Mohai could do nothing about it except shake his head in regret.

[Loyalty] was not something that could be increased easily, but he did not linger on that topic. He would just have to recruit another one and increase that goon's [Loyalty].

WhiteNightFirefly should be waiting for him when he returned to the hideout.

Given The Richest's methods, even if he was just a monster, they would not come to him without any preparation, so if he simply headed back to the hideout, his efforts might fall short in the end.

To get the Deep Dark Originite, he must give the El Staff to WhiteNightFirefly.

If WhiteNightFirefly was not prepared for the trade, Mohai could easily snatch it back with a [Heavy Bash].

However, after a series of unexpected events, if WhiteNightFirefly did not come prepared, it would be unusual. 

Therefore, Mohai had to be fully prepared before meeting WhiteNightFirefly. He actually had a plan in mind, but if he carried it out, he would surely attract strong suspicion from The Richest and invite their hostility.

Being targeted by a super guild at an early stage might not be a good thing. Given the super guild's overwhelming number, if they swore to kill him, Mohai would be in big trouble. Therefore, he must come up with a better way.

As Mohai looked at the four bandit goons who had leveled up from level 5 to 8, a new thought popped up in his mind.

Two hours later, Mohai returned to the hideout where he usually carried out his activities.

A while after he came back, a group of players came closer and stopped around a hundred meters away. However, only WhiteNightFirefly walked out from the group and approached him.

WhiteNightFirefly was cautious as she came closer. She never thought that a deal with a monster would be this complicated, especially after having the title of 'Heart Of Nature'.

DemonMarshal expected a big problem at the end of the deal, so he personally came up with an idea.

If not for DemonMarshal's plan, WhiteNightFirefly would not have dared come forth to deal with this bandit leader because he was a rascal and she was afraid that her efforts might fall short in the end.

With the Goddess Contract still in effect, the bandit goons only stared at WhiteNightFirefly as she came closer, but they did not actively attack her.

"I'm here. Give me the El Staff and the deal will be complete." WhiteNightFirefly looked scared as she stood outside the stone house.

"Be careful with your weapon. I'm heavily damaged. With a single hit from you, I will die. If I die, we might not be able to complete the trade due to the time restraint," she added a quick reminder when she saw Mohai come over.

She came forth with only 1 HP. Any attack, even if it was a touch from Mohai, could kill her!